The Winning Caption
The one who falls asleep with the most toys wins. |
- Violet, doing her best impersonation of "noodling" for fish!
- Alas, Violet dreamed once again of riding Shamu and being the star of the show.
- Leather...not just for chewing.
- Violet likes to know where her toys are, at ALL times.
- Roses are red, Violet is sleepy, hugging her ball she dreams of green fishy!
- In Violet's dreams it's raining squeaky toys.
- Roses are Red, Violet is wishin', her heads on a ball and her toes have gone fishin'!
- This was much better than being stuck between a rock and a hard place...zzzzzzzz!
- Violet isn't aware that her back paw is being used as bait for the sofafish.
- ...As she sunk deeper into the dream,it seemed as if to her she was floating on black clouds where rubber balls snoozed and fishies nipped toes...
- Violet is having nerf ball wishes and rainbow trout dreams!
- Boy, does Violet have a Fish Story to tell!
- I've got to get this ball....
I've ball........
get ball....get.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- After a rough morning of treats and play, Violet gets her nap for the day!
- Just taken a little catnap.
- Playing is such hard work, break time!
- Violet had one helluva day!
- Cat Nip = Cat Nap!
- jus' me an' me toys, we be sleepin'.
- Violet is dreaming she's on a float trip in Plastic World....
- Wake up Violet before that fish is the one that gets away!!!
- And this toy was given to me by, snooooorrrrr......
- Next time I'm gonna get that fish and that ball is MINE!
- Sometimes you've just gotta leave sleeping dogs lie.
- boy these big balls are comfy....I think I'll just rest for a minute
- Nobody lays a paw on Violet's toys except Violet.
- Gone fishin'.
- 10 min. ago, She was wide wake
15 min. later, Shes asleep
5 min. after that,Shes wide awake
2 min.later, The toys are tore up
- the last thing I remember is the fish!!!!
- You always go with me wherever I go, oh little ballie I love you so!
- Help! I am sinking into the tar couch! By Gloria age 8
- Violet waiting for her bait to sang a fool.
- I'm just resting my eyes, don't even think about touching my toys!!
- Not sleeping, just recharging!!
- Sleepin' wit da fishes.
- Violet "Luca" Brasi -- Sleepin' wit da fishes.
- zzzzz... mine... zzzzzz... grrr... all mine... zzzzzzzzzz
- this is what "play till you drop" looks like!
- Violet practices her ninja moves, sleeping Boston!
- Dear Lord,
Please do not let de fishy eat my paw.
- Shut down all the Trash Compactors on the Detention Level! Shut down all the Trash Compactors on the Detention Level!!!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)