The Winning Caption
I'm tired of swimming. Fetch me my floaty. That's right, I told you to fetch!
- You can lead me to water . . . but you're nuts if you think I'm swimming
- Lab, I ain't no stinkin' lab! You get it yourself!
- I am the Terr-pedo
- Did you just say there is fish poop in lake water? EEEEEWW GROOOOOOSSSS!
- Charlie thought to himself "Gee, it looked like alot more fun when Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer did it!"
- I don't care if you did put a life jacket on me this giant cranium is going to make me sink!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Standby to repel boarders! Standby to repel boarders! General Quarters! General Quarters! Arf!
- HEY! This is kinda like a bath- you cheated!!
- Truth or Dare sucks.
- Mighty Dog of the Deep
- Charlie waits for his scores from the Olympic judges
- Row, row, row your boat...
- Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirate's life for me!
- Hey Skipper! Room for one more?
- Unlike "Charlie the Tuna"; could this Charlie be the "chicken of the sea" ??
- "ooohhhh...its a pirate's life for me..."
- sittin on the dock of the bay...whatchin the tide roll away....
- Hey Woman, grab me a beer too while you're in the cooler.
- Here's Chrlie auditioning for a part in the new Titanic movie!
- The rain in Spain fell mainly in the plains.
- Charlie was not enjoying the end of his 3 hour tour.
- just another day on the water
- am I posing right?
- Dad I don't need this silly life jacket!!
- Charlie auditions for "Titanic 2: the Staff's Story" and hopes to win a role as a maitre d'.
- Sinbad the salty dog welcomes you aboard.
- Old salt Sinbad waits to be piped aboard, while the band strikes up 'ruff-les and flourishes'
- Admiral Charlie waits for the sideboys to assemble prior to boarding his flagship, USS 'Ruff - n - Ready.
- Charlie awaits Gilligan's return from his three-hour tour.
- Do you really promise it's only ankle deep?
- I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
- You want me to jump how far? BRING THE BOAT TO THE DOCK!!!
- OOOOH, that's what you do with a drunken Boston er-lay in the morning
- "I wanna be a pirate!, ARRRRHHH!"
- Uhhh,can we go swiming now please?
- Oooooooooh, it's a pritae's life for me! Arh!
- Help! I am stranded!!
- Charlie,Charlie,Charlie don't you remember that old song? Hang your clothes on the hickory limb but don't go near the water!!!!!!!!!!!
- Charlie decides no one is going to save him and he needs to find a way to get back to civilization.
- Oh No! The theme song from JAWS!
- Are you sure this life jacket is rated for a porker like me?
- OMG did you see what was DOWN there????
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)