The Winning Caption
Trust don't want to know whats on the other end of this stick! |
- Listen tree, it's not negotiable, I am taking this branch.
- yard work sucks!!!!!!
- He who lives by the stick, dies by the stick!
- We've secretly replaced Jake's bully stick with a regular twig. Let's see if he notices.
- My wand is 8 inches of backyard stick, with a boston terrier heartsting core; bring it Voldemort.
- Jake says... Don't poke the bear son!
- Jake demonstrates how to get a fire started at the Boy-Scout camp out.
- Do I need to draw you a picture?
- Oh no, look at my tongue! IT'S WOODEN!
- Got a light?
- Give me the stick or else....and I know where you live!
- I dare you to step over this line!
- Let go of the prrrreeecious!!! It's MINE!
- Don't bite off more than you can chew!
- Sticks and Stones may break your bones but I will never let THIS stick hurt you!
- See Jake rake.
- My impression of winston churchill!
- "Nice to be here? At my age it's nice to be anywhere."
- Anyone got a light for Groucho Marx?
- This is Jake the BT, on a steeck!
- Yea, it's my stick ya see, Yea, Yea
- Boston terrier on a steeck!!
- Goodnight Gracie. Wherever you are.
- I told you don't poke the bear buddy!!!
- This my stick!!! You get your own!!!
- I hate sour sticks!!!
- Abra cadabra -- you are now a bully stick! No??? Darn I wish I could remember the right spell!
- No! It's MY stick!
- Grrrrr..... Gimmie my stick!
- The "ayes" have it!
- RRRR .... RRRR ....RRRR .... you will give up the stick.
- Gime da stick!
- Need...(crunch, crunch) get..(crunch, crunch)..the tartar off!
- I don't share well with others!! MIIINNE!!!
- "Today, the stick. Tomorrow...THE WORLD!"
- Wow this jerky is really...what was that?
- Jake does his James Cagney impression for the family...
- This is a very nice flavor... Is it maple?
- Nothing's better than a good cuban after Thanksgiving dinner.
- Don't make me go boston on ya'. I told you I WANT TURKEY!!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- I won't be kissing the sky if you don't let go of my stick!