The Winning Caption
My chiropractor says it might be the way I'm sleeping.
- It's slinky! It's slinky, for fun it's a wonderful's fun for a girl and a boy...
- "Pillow and Sofa with Soft Boston" by Salvador Dali
- micro-suede really is the perfect fabric!
- Whaaaat? The vet told me to keep my feet up.
- George put valuable nap time to good use, ballet practice anyone ?
- After weeks of yoga practice, George can even do "downward dog" in his sleep.
- George's couch dive was unsuccessful. Or was it?
- The Boneless Boston Ranch.
- George was determined to watch the entire "Lassie" marathon on Animal Planet.
- Always keep your butt elevated so everyone can smell your farts better.
- With his people out, George takes full advantage of the sofa's forbidden pleasures.
- you guys, i think the heat is up a little too high.... george melted!
- I don't know why but my chiropracter loves me.
- You just never end up where you started when you nap on micro-suede!
- "Melting Boston" by Salvadore Dali
- no bones about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- "Dis is MY couch."
- Once again, George is sand surfing in his dreams.
- The cat's right; this is comfortable...Zzzzzzzz
- This yoga pose was so relaxing, I couldn't help but fall asleep.
- Look Ma! No arms!
- Oops, fell out of bed again - Gloria age 7
- George's mom DID say for him to get his butt off the couch.
- George has trouble staying awake during his Yoga practice.
- George has trouble staying awake
Maintain a positive ourlook on life.
Do kittens disturb your naps by jumping off the back of the couch. Turn the other cheek. Make a slide for them.
- George does his best impersonation of the "rubber chicken" toy.
- Boneless Boston Butt
- George masters the downward facing dog pose for yoga class.
- George has been following the recommendations of his chiropractor!
- George's imitation of an unstuffed loofah toy was perfect.
- George decided in mid flight to stop and take a rest to conserve energy for the last leg of the race. To be continued....
- George was now ready for the sausage wrapping.
- "...So I thought it would be funny (huff) to nip the cat's tail, but he (puff) just went CRAZY! He was chasing me around the house (huff) meowing, so I jumped up here... on the couch... and I'm just so tired, so I'll just... close my eyes for a second... Zzzzzzzzz..."
- I'm melting! Melting!
- Put a fork in me Im done!
- Look Mom! No Hands!
- George playing the part of a harbor seal beaches himself on the sofa!
- I got the warm spot!!! It's mine, all mine!!
- I can do my yoga while sleeping.
- George passed him first yoga class with flying colors.
- George's owners paid extra for the boneless version, but it was worth it.
- As you can see, George fell asleep mid jump while playing chase!
- The Ooze Snooze...
- exhausted
- Yoga for Dogs-Downward Facing Dog
- "Finally, some time to put my feet up!"
- George was following Dr's instructions to keep his feet elevated to help the swelling in his legs
- Yes, I AM comfortable. Thanks for asking.
- Narcolepsy strikes again!
- George's mother was a boneless chicken
- NO no I know I cant go to sleep I think I'll just minu...zzzz zzzz zzzz
- spine: optional
- I am so pooped that I didn't even make myself comfortable by NOT curling up!
- This is why we love George at Camp Bow Wow!!
- Born a Sofa-Spud...grew into a Couch Potato!
- George demonstrates the hazards of becoming a Watch Dog.
- Friends made fun of George because he had no backbone.
- Evidently we confused the Flea Medication with the Sleeping Pills.
- After flying through the air with the greatest of ease,George finally came to rest!!!!But I'm sure not for long!!
- George was just to tired to finish his yoga class!
- George had discovered a great way to to air out an exceptionally gas filled bottom!!!!!!!!
- Doggie Yoga aka Downward Dog!
- What happened last night?
- somebody let the air outta that dog!
- After learning zen yoga, George reaches total relaxation to become one with the couch.
- Caught sleep-slithering again.
- George is good at the "Doggie down" pose.
- George, the bat, tucked his wings and took a nap after a long night of flying and biting.
- What's your sleep number?
- one tee moony martinis.....
- suggested post BT 500 unwind position....
- When i open my eyes the ride will be over right?
- George always slept better in full-camo mode.
- George had mastered the "Downward Facing Dog" yoga position.
- Well... He did say yoga wasn't his thing.
- Only George's ears hinted at his fine-tuned watchdog abilities.
- George's baby seal impression was masterful.
- Night shift on guard dog duty left George limp with exhaustion.
- See I really do take up the whole couch!
- Unfortunately, this couch didn't come with an owner's manual.
- George, the world's first boneless Boston, naps
- I can make it...I...can...make...zzzzz.
- Yoga is so much easier on the couch!
- This would explain George's recent back problems.
- Ahhh,finaly rest from the cats!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- George fetched the floaty, and now he's tired.
- OMG I am soo worn out from "fetching".
- Well George looks pretty comfy!!! lol
- lol thats is funny