The Winning Caption
The X-ray machine showed the grim news... Brady had swallowed The Internet.
- When you tell them you are wearing only a don't have to actually be doing it....
- Lucy told Brady that she has 680 friends. But Brady isnt so sure....
- Lucy Never Dreamed That Facebook Could Be So Interactive!!!
- Don't be jealous because my Facebook actually has a face!!!
- Why are we not on your wall mom? This is unacceptable!
- Lucy confronts Brady when he fails to add her as a friend on facebook.
- Brady is Lucy's Doppelganger on Facebook!
- Whaddya mean I got poked?!
- The ultimate pop up.
- Look Brady...Bergomot and Emrys friend requested us!!!
- Darn! A computer bug, again.
- Despite Lucy's best efforts, Brady was still hesitant to "friend" her on Facebook.
- Lucy&Brady " Mom Its only facebook...Geez"
- Funny, Brady looks nothing like his profile picture.
- Social Media killed the video star.
- "Hey, can you check on my farm and feed my goats while you're on Facebook?"
- Who needs Facebook when you have Facecute?
- Im teaching him to use a computer. but he really doesnt want to learn...
- Can we use the computer now?
- Lucy listed Brady on ebay.
- Facebook- So easy, a Boston Terrier can do it.
- Princess Leia and Luke ponder the unusual transformation of R2-D2...
- Lucy!
It's an addiction, Brady....I need help!
- Lucy and Brady plan their summer vacation to Boston.
- Hey it is my turn on the computer!!!
- "Oh no, I'm busted!" Lucy baby, I promise we're just friends."
- I promise we were only chatting honey; there's no monkey business going on here!
- Mooooooom - we're FB'ing - go away!
- A day without Facebook is a day without sunshine.
- Is it my turn yet?!... How 'bout now?!... Now?! *sigh*
- Lucy & Brady decide to kill a little time posting on Facebark.
- I bet we have more friends than you.
- "Lucy...I'm here with the 'Intervention' team. You've been spending 23 hours a day on Facebook!"
- Are Lucy and Brady Facebook Friends?
- Will you be my friend?
- What? Bergamot and Emrys are coming to visit?
- Have you accepted my Farmville request yet?
- Whatcha doin', whatcha doin'? Hey, look at me! Hey, let's play!
- Why can't we have our OWN FB pages? We're tired of reading yours!
- Come on, Lucy! Let me see what you are reading!
- Check out my state-of-the-art webcam.
- Brady is always interrupting Lucy when she's on facebook.
- Brady notices that when Lucy uses Facebook for long periods of time she begins to look more like a screen shot of herself.
- Friend Me! Friend Me!
- Dude look shes got more friends than you
- WOW! 200 new friends in 5 seconds!
- We never talk anymore - should I should you a message?
- Yes Master Brady - tab "enter" and you can buy whatever you like in the puter.
- Hurry up and log off, I have to harvest my crops before I go to bed.
- this will teach dad to go to bed and leave the computer on.
- Lucy and I love Facebook. It's just hard to type with no thumbs.
- What`s goin` on online??!! ;]
- Quick - erase it - he won't know!!
- My Facebook is acting up again!!!!
- Howl-a-gram Bosties!
- Pretty Pleeeeeeeease, can I have a Facebook account too?
- Are you done on Facebook yet, I got work to do.
- "My little brother is sooo annoying!"
- i prefer
- Facebook makes it easy to keep in touch with our puppy school class mates
- Whats up with your download dad? Said the cuties of the week.
- caught "creeping" on facebook
- "Seriously, unfriended me on facebook?"
"Well, all of your updates from Dogville were getting old. "
- Wow, these pop up ads for boston terriers are so realistic !
- puulleeeezzzeeee tell me you are NOT going on farmville again!!!!????!!!!!
- Look who friended me...
- Okay son, what's this I see on FB about a Chewapalooza last Friday night?!
- now what?
- who are you talking to on facebook?
- wonder where the Yoda dog got a laptop with a boston on the top?
- HAHAHA, Lucy. I have 3 more facebook friends than you have.
- Mom said if you sit too close to the computer your vision would get blurry!!!
- He said WHAT?!
- Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Now?
- You did not just "unfriend" me!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Lucy and Brady are unsure if they want to confirm Beanie and his "hand" as a friend on FB...
- I wonder if Beanie posted where she hid the rest of the body.
- Brady has a crush on Beanie...would you please type in again?
- Brady is a complete doll baby!!!!
- They are the cutest babies! Little Brady is to die for. Lucky mom.
- i lovveee. <3
- My Lola does the same EVERYTIME I go on the computer...she wont stop winning until I pick her up...Kinda hard typing with her licking my face off!! aahaha :)