The Winning Caption
If only I had a laserbeam attached to my head.
- Many people don't realize that the stink eye is a long tradition that dates back to the Egyptians.
- No matter how hard you try you are never gonna wash away my stink eye!
- ...before he settled on the traditional black, Darth Ivan tried an Earth Tone look on the recommendation of his stylist.
- and thats why you don't play with skunks...
- Ivan always believed he was Mother Teresa reincarnated.
- Ivan ponders his revenge.
- Matchmaker,matchmaker. Make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch.
- I KNEW IT!..Soap and water DOES remove ears!
- Ivan says (in Queen Elizabehan voice) We Are Not Amused!!!
- Stick out your hand, and I will tell you your fortune.
- Does she really think this will stop me from rolling in that stuff again tomorrow?
- Luke, I am your father.
- What do you mean Whistler's Mother???
- Shalom. I am Ivan of the Royal Order of the Towel Gods.
- Quaker dog does not approve.
- Oh! The humanity.
- "I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me,
He's just a poor boy from a poor family, Spare him his life from this monstrosity"
- shave and a haircut, two bits!!
- Ivan, the most recent nominee to the British Parliament. Hear ye hear ye.
- "Why do so many people search for the meaning of life. Just live one squeeky toy at a time"
- Ivan, the construction "expediter," is best bargained with in the steam rooms of his social club.
- Do you have a dog bathing license, lady??
- O.K. Now tell them what else you did with the wash cloth !!!
- The steam room was too steamy.
- "Vee haf vays of making you talk! They don't call me Ivan the Terrible for nothing!"
- "Yes, Mom... I'll be sure to remember to wash behind my ears."
- Rubber Ducky, your the one! You make bathtime lots of fun! Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.. ;)
- You mean by this i can shrink my big ears?
- Mother Teresa reincarnated
- Meshuggah! This water better be Kosher!
(אידיוט! האם מים זה כשר )
- Ivan, a cold shower and cold washrag on the head do nothing to help the hangover!
- (King Tut) how'dja get so funky? (Funky Tut) They say you do the monkey. (Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia... King Tut)
- I think this qualifies as bath time stink eye.
- Oh MY! I need the hair of the dog...
- "Yes...I am the reincarnation of Yassir Arafat...what's it to ya?!"
- I am the Sheik of Araby, you love belongs to me !
- ...Ivan's headshot as a Sphinx 2.0 candidate...
- My dear Ivan Theresa, please pray for us!
- Come with me my children, I shall take you to the promised land.
- we spend most our lives livin' in an omish paradise.
- I'll get you for this!
- Ivan always play STAR WARS Storm trooper while in the tub
- Oy! Gevalt!
- "If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?"
- Ivan's imitation of King Tut
- go ahead, laugh....I dare you!
- I hate you!!!
- The Pharaoh Ivan contemplates letting Moses' people go.
- Ivan topped off his King Tut impersonization by singing "Walk Like an Egyptian . . . "
- Ivan had clearly been watching WItness too many times this summer
- So, you've never a Boston take a shpritz?
- What? A guy can't color his hair?
- Spreek je Deutsch ?
- Ivan's bathtime musings:"Does this washcloth make me look like an Amish lady?"
- Bath time is bad enough without it being a photo op for Mom.
- What a gorgeous Boston pout, I wanna kiss it!
- The ancient spirits of Cairo are on their way. Be scared!
- Mark & Chelsea's first born
- I can't watch Animal Planet because of our Amish traditions.
- Mr. Arafat was kind enough to lend me his head covering..
- So, after we thoroughly wet the scalp, we apply the conditioner.....
- Ivan was preparing for his Bath-mitz-vah.
- You tell me to walk like an Egyptian, and I'm gonna poop in your shoe.
- So by the time I got to the theatre the only part left was the little Dutch girl...
- Ivan's thinking now that eating that soap maybe wasn't such a good idea.
- Of course you know, this means war...
- You think this is funny now wait til you look in the mirrow tomorrow morning....
- I vant to be alone...
- I definitely feel some kvetching coming on.
- Oh yeah, I loooove getting my ears steamed.
- All the components were in place, but try as he might, Ivan just couldn't perfect that Mona Lisa smile.
- "Why you no call grandma anymore?"
- I haven't decided if I'm going to poop in your shoes or eat your shoes... It's a surprise :)
- The Bachelor Party was fun...until the morning after.
- Just wait, you ain't seen nothin yet!!
- So I like a nice bath once in a while. What's it to you?
- I warned you about what I would do the next time you gave me a bath...
- You just think you are so funny. I'll show you funny...
- You know this means trouble.
- The only thing missing here it the church bells...
- I think my new job as a Nun has gone way too far...
- Who knew being baptised would be so wet?
- At least now You have to clean the tub.
- Hey, this is gonna ruin my dirty rep.
- The Sphinx thinks tub time stinks!
- shalom
- You notice... I'm not smiling!
- Just because I'm clean NOW, doesn't mean i still can't give you the stinky eye!!
- I hope the A/C gets fixed soon.
- oi vey....
- Time to start the applesauce, Mable
- Quilts not finished yet.
- Ivan tries out for the Old Dutch cleanser commercial
- Hey! what are you lookin at im just tryin to take my bath in peace!! GOSH LEAVE ME ALONE! :)
- Oy! You call dis a mikvah? Dis ain't fit for DOGS!
- I'm gonna tell Pharaoh on you!
- I have traveled many miles,across the scorching desert to tell's time for my bath.
- Dose anybody know the meaning of privacy these days?
- Rabbi Ivan, gives you the evil eye.
- Ivan was underfoot again when mommy was doing the dishes.
- I was just touching up the gray...
- Like his hero, Mother Teresa, Ivan has the patience of a saint.
- Why dogs bite people.
- This shower cap is so girlie.
- say 3 hail Mary's and an our father my child.
- mozel!!
- Boston Babuska
- Boston, steeped to a "tea".
- I am NOT an Amish woman!!
- There's nothing like a long snooze after a great bath...can I go now?
- Thats "Honerable Judge Ivan" thank you.
- If this picture gets out, say goodbye to your pillows!!! dont test me woman.
- boy howdy..ivan's got some stink eye going on!!! lol
- That Amish woman sure looks like a Boston Terrier.
- Ummmmm...a day at the spa. Life doesn't get much better than this!
- It has been a really, really hot summer
- Why do you do this to me?
- Yente does not approve of this match! (Fiddler on the roof)
- Don't you think am much better looking than Jasser Arrafat with a cloth on my head.....? Uh?
- yes grasshopper, what knowledge do you seek
- There may be bugs on some of you mugs / But there ain't no bugs on me.
- It means the bath is OVER!
- First Doggie Day Care...Now Dog Spas!
- Proving that Mother Theresa loved everyone, they even let Boston's join the order.
- Let my people go!
- Rabbi Ivan is not amused.
- No matte how hard i/you try the stink will never go away....
- King tut lives
- All hail Pharoh! Emperor of Egypt!
- What yu mean "rinse an' repeat?"
- Ivan: You better have a good reason why you washed me.
- Agh, I got soap in my eye!
- Ugh, why won't this black stuff scrub off my nose?
- How do I use this thing to scrub my body?
- Do ya dig the wig?
- These stripes really seem to slim my figure.
- ...Is it just me.. or are my ears missing?
- --evil eye--
- Eh. I'm gunna need a mustache to go with this wig
- Whatchu' lookin at, doc? Ain't neva seen a naked dog before?
- What's so bad about a man gettin in touch with his feminine side?
- Mazel Tov Rabbi Ivan
- Honey, Rabbi Ivan is here for the bris.
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Aha! Ivan's apparent hangover explains why Lucy Amena Marie was so "down" in last week's picture. You know what they say, "Dogs of a feather..."
- Like the Gooch before him, no amount of scrubbing would wash away Ivan's stink eye. [PPP]
- What an expression! Priceless...
- From the look on Ivan's face, you should probably be sure to pick up all shoes for the next 24 hours!
- adorable and funny!
- awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats
so funny lol