The Winning Caption
George found out the hard way about the birds and the bees. And the bees were yet to come.
- 'Hey, Mommmmmmmm? Do we have a cat?'
- Suddenly George regretted sitting on that egg for so long.
- "Mockingbird, Schmockingbird! I want it to quit barking at me!"
- George discovers his overworked Angels
- George has had enough of early morning song birds.
- George's favorite movie has always been the matrix
- By George, he's mastered the Levitation Spell!
- Who says Bostons aren't good bird dogs?
- Hush little Georgie, don't say a word, Mama went and got you 3 mockingbirds...
- 'I'm flapping, I'm flapping, but my ears won't lift me up!'
- George decided maybe bird watching is best left to cats.
- George makes his acting debut in a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's classic "The Birds".
- Those are the biggest mosquitos I've ever seen!
- "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...mocking-birds flying and attacking my mittens...these are a few of my favorite things!"
- George's attempts to join the flock were met with resistance
- Crazy birds to the left of me and birds to the I am stuck in the middle with you!
- Let me it wind up or does it run on batteries?
- George is learning to do the bird mating dance.
- George learns the valuable lesson that there is strength in numbers.
- That ball hit me harder than I thought ... there are little birdies flying around my head!
- Don’t worry little birdie, we’ll get him from the rear......
- So you think you can dance?
- A lone hunter searches for dinner. Pheasant under glass, anyone?
- ...don't worry...about a thing...'cause every little thing's gonna be alright....
- "george" doing his impersonation of bob marley & the 3 little birds...
- I wonder if they taste like chicken?
- A bird in the paw is worth three in the grass??!!
- Abort! Abort!
- Yah, right. My little chikadee.....I wonder if you taste like chicken...
- Kung Fu Boston V.S. The Three Winged ninja's
Score : KFB= 3 & TTWN=lets just not mention that k?
"I dont no dout you but i sink dat we win" says the TTWN
- Dis bird is really good at telekinesis
- Here birdie, birdie, birdie...
- oh noes! it's like that book, that bird book! they've come to attack!!!
- Tag! You're it!!
- I never said I was interested in Menage a trois!
- oh man, I think I'm in an Alfred Hitchcock movie
- You can fly over that fence?! TEACH ME!
- Are you like.....little turkey dinners?
- out numbered 3 to one George desides to charge
- george says i'm gona getcha i'm gona getcha getcha getcha getcha one way or another
- These mockingbirds can sing but George really would rather have that diamond ring at this point.
- How am I supposed to tell if they taste like chicken if theywon't stay still?
- I've seen that Alfred Hickcock movie and I don't like the way it ended.
- George. what a bird brain!
- George was hoping for Fairy Dust, but the birds poo-pooed that idea.
- Mommy! My new toy won't stay!!
- Move again and I will kill you.
- hush little baby,don't say a word. daddy's gona catch you a baby Mocking bird
- Come here birdie birdie birdie I promise I dont bite.
- Bird says waaaaaa!!!!!!!!BT SAYS:prepare to die!!!!!!!
- George channels Tippi Hedren as he dodges attacking birds
- George didn't believe until he tried it for himself: herding birds *is* harder than herding cats.
- George quickly realized that the new landscaping contractor really wasn't up to the task.
- After the 'incident', George could never watch Woody Woodpecker again.
- George found out that bird herding was a little more difficult than he thought.
- While sneaking up behind the first bird George had no idea he was about to be goosed a second feathered fiend
- I pooped what?
- Wow the mosquitos are BIG this year!
- Tag! You're it!
- Hey Ma! It's raining birds!
- Coming soon to a theater near you, "Crouching Boston, Molting Feathers"
- A faithful heart makes wishes come true.
(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon")
- What's the problem, I just wanna be friends.
- WOW! A BIRD! I wonder what these thingamajigs do all day. Are they jumping or are they just trying to make a fool out of themselves?
- Just... a liiitle closer....
- i'm gonna tell you guys ONE more time...i do not have any wings..therefore i cannot fly....
- what feather on my lip!!!
- It was a quiet day of birdwatching until George showed up.
- Mighty hunter spies baby bird!
- the sky is falling........ THE SKY IS FALLINGGGGGGG
- Help!!! I'm surrouded!
- I'm warning you, I have a black belt in dograty!
- Try something, I dares ya!
- Hidden Boston, crouching bird
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- OMG this is sooooo wild. looks like a friskey lil one!
boston lover
- I hope he didnt hurt the little baby bird!