The Winning Caption
AHHHH, it's quick-snow! I'm going down!!
- I am NOT a Malamute! Inside. Now!
- Snow angels are for poodles. Snow devil is how I roll.
- Brave ditches his snowmobile just in time.
- I have one thing to say. RUN!!!AVALANCHE!!!!!!!!
- Did you just throw that snowball at me? It's on now!
- brain freeze, brain freeze!!!
- I totally wiped out, where did my board go???
- that's the last time i ride a snow blower.
- ooops.....fell off the sled
- I have to remind Mom to have my brakes checked out!!!
- Brave soon realized where he had gone wrong. While attempting to perform a low-rear-end stop, the reality that he wasn't wearing pants set in.
- Get your motor runnin'...
head out in the back yard...
looking for adventure!
- Even having 4-paw drive, Brave felt his rear paw traction start to slide!!!
- Sliding into home looks tough but once you get the hang of it ....
- And in the final lap of the BT 500, which w
- ~~I Should Have Put On My Chains~~
- Dog to Camera in 0.02 seconds
- I don't need no stinkin' snowmobile!
- Boston Brave saw his shadow (and wasn't happy)...six more weeks of WINTER!
- This is some real frost bite!!
- Back off...I'm training for the Iditarod!
- That's IT... if you won't go peacefully I'll just keep eating until I see green!
- You have to be "brave" to snow body surf with your mouth open!
- *sigh* Lassie would've run for help- my human runs for the camera...
- Punxsutawney Brave sees his shadow....Six more weeks of Stink Eye!
- Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
- I may be "Brave", but this snow wigs me out!
- a rare photo of the elusive snow puppy
- The abominable snow Boston Brave nobley clears a path for his humans.
- bleh! yellow snow! bleh bleh bleh!
- The Abominable Snow Boston emerges!!!
- I'm not a snowman and I do have a nose. So do not, do not put that carrot on me.
- Trying to clean up all the snow with one small boston nose; Brave snapped.
- And here comes Brave, slidding and he is safe at second!
- Eew, eew, yellow snow, I just ate yellow snow!!
- Do you feel lucky? Do ya, punk?
- mmmmmmmmmm good snow
- oh thats cold
- Brake!!
- Somethings wrong with this snowman!
- MMM taste like chicken.
- My brakes! My brakes! I think my brakes just went out!
- Big BRAVE buster bouncing about thebilloughing banks of bright white snow!
- oh thit.
- Call 911! I ate the yellow snow!
- Oh snap! I ate the yellow snow! Blah!
- i hope its not yellow snow
- as almost canceled due to snow & freezing temperatures, Brave nearly skids of the track!
- Aww man! Snowed in again? Wish I were in Arizona!
- Look ma, no brakes!
- i have white stuff all ova
- What do you mean, dont eat the yellow snow???
- Thank goodness for my special "anti-freeze"!
- "Whoa! I thought I said hold the yellow snow!?!"
- hmmmmmfffff mmmfff mmmf hhhhmmmf!!
- Braving the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- when snow fights back
- yuuuk!!! This is not icing!!!
- You did what in this snow?
- Desperate to win the snow eating contest, Brave endured the painful "Brain Freeze"!
- When the Beast sees his shadow, there will be 365 days of fun!
- is this snow cone heaven
- The brakes, The Brakes, THE BRAKES!!!!!!
- The yellow snow does NOT taste the same!
- Thank goodness, i can see grass again!
- am I the only penguin with a brain?
- What do you mean the yellow snow is not lemon flavored?!?!?
- When you said I was on thin ice if i didn't come back to you, I didn't think you meant it!
- And It's too lat for brave when he hears the ice beginning to crack....
- ish cuse me, I have no in my mouf;an I geting fost bite!
- OH SNAP!!!!!!
- Emergency Brakes- FAIL!
- oh tasty
- There is never a dull moment with Bostons
- Either you let me on that sleigh with you or this big snow ball in my mouth is comin at ya!
- Is this what they consider "Brain Freeze" ??
- Whew, just a fraction of a second and I would have beat my old time.
- Brave was very afraid of the snowman after he took a bite out of him.
- These stuffies is cold!
- I've heard about that yellow snow.
- Wow! That was a close one! Getting run over in real life is NOT like in cartoons!
- Brain Freeze!! Brain Freeze!!
- I really hope that lake is still frozen!
- Mom always said if you got slapped on your back your face would freeze like this!
- The Abominable Snow Boston
- Delicous Snow! NOM NOM NOM!!!
- I think there's something growing in my ear. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
- Brave: note to self, time to have the anti lock brakes inspected, man, that snowmans gettin bigger and bigger !
- Somebody get me snow tires now!
- Who says you need a sled??!
- Me not feel so Brave, actually.....
- Oh man I shouldn't have done that!
- Oh No I Think I Ate Some Yellow Snow!!!!
- I knew I should have worn my longjohns!!
- Cocaine's a powerful drug...
- Breaks! Where are the breaks?!!
- wah! help me! i simply cannot bring myself to resist the snowy wonder that is now looming on my face and paws!
- Step 1: Roll in snow
Step 2: Get nice and low to the ground
Step 3: Be camouflaged to the snow covered ground
*** Also works in mud
- I ate-ed the snow and it tastes like yellow!
- I will kill this snow and eat it all!
- I got brain freeze!
- Where is my sled? You said close my eyes and hold on.
- Brave just learned the hard way that he does NOT like the taste of yellow snow!
- Darn! Should've put on those snow tires!
- That'll teach that snowman to come in MY yard!!!
- What do you mean don't eat the yellow snow?!
- That last snowball I swallowed was a terrible mistake!
- Brave's attempt to become the Abominable SnowBoston was almost complete...
- brainnnnnnnnnnn frezzeeeeeee
- ohhh this is so gross i think it ate yellow snow!
- i can't belive ate yellow snow but i really want that meaty bone!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Lucy get's a cookie to the face, yet I get a cold snowball?!
- very cute little boston terrier
- Brave looks AMAZING! True to Boston form...he looks completely wild and outta control :)
- this thing is over adorible and funny LITTLE BEASTS R #1 O.R I LUV BT:)
- this is awesome =]
- Great Photo!!!
- OH MY GOSH!!!that is freakin' crazy!!