The Winning Caption
Lucy could see the writing on the cookie... and it wasn't good...
- Disclaimer: BT Snuggies do not allow for sudden front paw movements in the event of a flying cookie.
- What did the cookie say to the face? SLAP!
- Living with the Swedish Chef does have it's disadvantages.
- The connection between Lucy and the Swedish Cook falters.
- If I turn the other cheek do I get another cookie?
- there something on my face?
- The thrill of victory, and the agony of the treat...
- I wasn't ready!!!
- AFTER three, not ON three!
- It's not my fault I'm a cookie magnet
- Lucy questions Phoebe, tell the truth, does my new Cindy Crawford mole kit make me look fat ?
- I will out-catch that Phoebe sister of mine. *KONK* Oh darn it!
- I hope these cookies are soft and chewy. I could get a concussion!
- Lucy's yarn about how the cookie got stuck to her cheek had to be heard to be believed.
- Lucy wouldn't know a good cookie if it was dangled in front of her nose.
- Why does the cookie ALWAYS hit icing side down?!
- Oh my gosh, they invented the Static Cookie! NEATO!
- UFC: Uncatchable Flying Cookie.
- "Hit me baby, one more time"
- Doesn't the Swedish Chef know Im allergic to cookies?!?!
- wait smell test first, you never know with Swedish chefs
- Fear me not cookie.....consume you, I must!
- Uhh...Phoebe? Is the cookie supposed to stick to your face?
- I know I'm wearing a green sweater, but oranaments? Really?
- Ninja cookie, GO!
- Phoebe discovered that the swedish meatball recipe worked miraculous wonders on her wrinkly skin! She's working out a patent contract with Emeril and AVON.
- After being practically slapped in the face after Phoebe's easy lob, Lucy is suddently filled with empathy for Venus Williams.
- close encounters with the right kind..
- But I wish his timing was better!
- Catch what???
- Why is there a biscuit growing out of my face!?!!?
- What do you mean I have something stuck on my face????
- I've heard of "pie in the face", but this is crazy!
- Lucy is stuck in the cookie Matrix.
- Lucy hear's old Ben's voice: "Use the Force, Luc"
- Finally on the stool, Lucy can see the cookie and use here incredible mental powers to float it to her mouth.
- Mine is broken. How does Phoebe make it look so easy?
- one quick snap and it's mine. Timing is everything.
- can you still see that blemish?
- This is where the statement "eyes are bigger than your stomach" came from.
- Chef does not pitch well..........
- I didn't say, hit me with it!
- Holy Cow it's a flying saucer!!!!!!
- lucy learns the meaning of the term
"animal magnetism"
- I am not the cookie monster!
- I am a cookie magnet, I just wish they stick to my mouth.
- Try as she might, Lucy just didn't have the skills to compete with sister, Phoebe, in the "Cookie-Catching Contest."
- Lucy became a victim of the dreaded Boston Terrier Cookie Torture...can't get it, can't eat it...oh, the humanity!
- Going second feels like a slap in the face!
- "Gersh gurndy morn-dee burn-dee, burn-dee, flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip," says Swedish Chef Lucy. "Bork. Bork. Bork.
- Timing is everything!
- Oh crap! I missed and now it's stuck to my FACE! Now I gotta have Phoebe come and help me take it off!
- Think fast!
- Cookie! Get in my mouf!
- Bork Bork Bork!
- Lucy lacks her sister's eye-mouth coordination.
- Now if only I can get it IN my mouth!
- Flying chicken attack!!
- Num Num Num!! I am the REAL cookie monster!
- Nuthin' up my sleeve... PRESTO!
- Right back at you sister!!
- In the nick of time, Lucy realized that she was not supposed to eat cookies. She firmly resisted temptation.
- No, you threw it the wrong way! It's supposed to go in my mouth!
- Doh! It's a veggie burger! Watch out!
- It wasn't me! I didn't do it! It was Phoebe!!!!
- I got it! I got it!
- "so this is what the fly feels like right before windshield imapct"
- Lucy is ,sadly, not quite as coordinated as Phoebe.
- Lucy thinks falling asleep with your head in the cookie jar is well worth a cookie stuck to her face!
- My shadow will never's all mine!
- Yeah!!!now it's my turn!!!!
- I TOLD you not to use the sticky peanut butter!
- Ok i take that back living with the swedish chef stinks, or should i say Sticks!
- Attack of the killer cookies!!!
- what in the world is on my cheek!!!....wait....could that be a cookie?!?!?!? MY COOKIE! MY COOKIE!
- These cookie phones smell great !!!
- phoebe got a better throw , mom!
- Do you think this makes me looks attractive??
- Oh damn.....there it goes!!!!
- "Let's see that perky Racheal Ray do THIS!"
- Maybe I should have studied harder at my catering & not have been to busy looking at whats new in the freezer !
And now this, I have this stuck to my face ! Mummy always said if the wind changed my face would stay like it! Maybe I should have to listened to that advice too !
"Dear Mummy, I have learned my lesson now !!"
- Obama announces that we will be preparing to launch the first Boston in history into outer space. Lucy the astronaut in training.
- Lucy demonstrates the cookie's all in the eyes!
- aarrgg!!!! Im gunna get you! Now, if only iknew how...
- yes! My mind control is finally working. Look out milk bones here I come.
- BT going mad
- Bat Bogie hex gone arwy.
- Ok Mr. Cookie, its you or me!
- Got it on my cheek... now how do I get it to my mouth?
- what did the cookie say to the Boston? "slap"
- C is for cookie, thats good enough for me!
- Watch how I do this!
- oh crap! not again! sis, you've gotta stop throwing your treats especially the sticky chicken flavored one!!!!
- Finally! My magnet experiment worked!
- Thats they way the cookie crumbles....I mean sticks
- It was Charlie Browns turn to get back at Lucy for that Football trick....
- What did the cookie say to the face? SMACK!
- Huh, do you see something stuck to my face that shouldn't be there?
- Cookie thief? Ha! You'll never make it stick!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Many of the above - hee hee hee ~BeastCrew
- If I Could I woud rate this photo wild , funny , and cute!!! I love the little beasts and your adorable pics love to the beasts and you, O.R
- LMAO!!!! This is the best picture ever!!!!
- that is so cute
- She is precious!
- shes like totally adorabel
i love her xoxoxo
- That is 2 funny. I waz cracking up!
- this one is so funny and crazy from brianna