The Winning Caption
What Right Guard DOESN'T guard against.
- This new deoderant is like a chic magnet!
- This is the last time I play truth or dare with you!
- Emrys demonstrates her "worst job in the world", deodorant tester, by licking Bergamot's pits!
- What happens on the dogbed stays on the dogbed.
- I will never bet with you on the game again.
- Not enough salt...
- They say it's impossible to lick your own elbow, but Emrys doesn't think she's missing anything.
- "Emrys? Peel me a grape, will you?"
- And yet again, Emrys saves Bergamot from the heartbreak of 'Beeeeeeee OOOOOOO'
- The secret lives of Bostons, caught on tape.
-'s whats for dinner!
- "How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Boston Terrier pup? (The world may never know!)
- I double dog dare you to stick your tongue onto this......
- "When did you switch to sausage flavored deoderent?"
- I dunno, Bergers, your toes smell like fritos, but your elbow tastes like guacamole.
- darn paparazzi!
- Two more minutes and the blackmail is over so Bergamot doesn't squeal on me for eating the guest appetizers.
- Don't forget where the sun don't shine!
- Hey ! it`s OUR website, who cares what THEY think !
- this does not taste like chicken
- Bergamont's pit has a flavour!
- WHAT?! this new spa treatment is all the rage!
- And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare." "I TRIPLE-dog-dare ya!"
- Ralphie, Narrator and Schwartz in A Christmas Story
- Tickle me, Emrys.
- Finally Bergamont got that new milkbone deoderant.
- sharing the sunny spot has its price.
- Yep, that's it, I'll scratch your eyebrow and you wash my elbow !!
- You're right. It does taste like chicken!!
- Aaaahhhh! Little to the left no the right Emrys your other right. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh that is the spot.
- Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,Armpit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Emrys decided to try bathing Bergamont the way the "cats" do it. While Emrys is still unsure about it, Bergamont is considering trying this "cat" lifestyle.
- Typical woman, always trying to groom her man.
- If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right.
- Lick-a-dub-dub, Bergamot gets a scrub!
- ah, thanks thats the spot right there!
- Wake up Bergamot,Christmas is here and Santa brought presents.
- Hmmm . . .tastes like chicken!
- wait! let me get that last spot!
- oooooooooooh, you smell maaaaaahvelous!
- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tastes like chicken!
- eau de boston perfume?
- Ahhh, yes...that's it, right there.
- your rite is does taste like chicken
- "Just a little to the left..."
- As Momma used to say, "I'll kiss it to make it better".
- "It's frozen stuck!"
- yep you definatly got into the cookies
- I'll just get the peanut from under here and they'll never know, mmwwwahhhaaaaha
- It's lonley in this cell... can I call you Bergie?
- Bergamot- AAH! The sun! It kills me, for I am a vampire Boston with very cold, freezing skin!
Emrys- Huh... it reawy doeth work, thicking your tung to thomething cold! Oh, I'll closth the blinds in a minute, I have to geth my tung off you firsth!
- This does not smell like teen spirit!!!
- Hey you missed a sopt!!!
- The Emrys toung is connected to the Bergamont elbow?? That's not how the song goes...
- We have all ferd of knock me over with a feather but Emrys perfers to use her toung
- Oh you shouldn't have!!!!!
- Tomorrow, I'd prefer the Old Spice deodorant over the Gillette!
- BO testing!
- Tastes like chicken
- A little to the right please...awww...thanks so much!!!
- hehehe....that tickles
- Aww yes right there. Wait a little more to the left please.
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- How is it possible they keep getting cuter and cuter and cuter? Love Bergamot's precious gray face.
- That is cute
- This picture of the dynamic duo is adorable!
~Thanks for all the captions & the nice comments everyone!!!
We would like to lick you all!
Love, Bergamot & Emrys