The Winning Caption
Oh, No!! The Matrix! It's LEAKING!!
- Apple Blossom tries to catch a "Texas Snowflake".
- This week on SurviorBoston, Apple Blossum shows us how to catch dew on the fence line for her water supply...
- "The blueberries taste like blueberries. The apples taste like apples. The snozberries taste like snozberries!"
- Apple Blossom gives new meaning to "Using water wisely".
- Just in case they forget to refill my water dish, I always lick the raindrops off the fence.
- There comin' to take me away ah-ha; there comin' to take me away ah-ho; to the funny farm...............
- apple blossom counting on her new abacus...
- i just want that one little droplet right there!
- I know why the caged boston drools...
- Wait for it, wait for it...
- The last thing Apple Blossom remembers is sticking her tongue out.
- Please don't tell me it's dog gruel again ...
- mmmmm dewwwwwww
- WATER...WATER...just one little drop!!!
- DUH! I like fence dew better than Mountain Dew!
- A little water and a lot of patience goes a long way.
- Nener nener nener, you can't get me!
- All I want is one more drop
- Testing a "super-oxygenated water" drip system for the new "Apple Blossom Hydroponic Farm".
- Apple Blossom, like Elvis, takes ingenuity to a whole different level.
- Must....get....water....
- Rain drops keep fallin' on my tongue!!!
- tjush... a... wibble... bith... furder...
- You can't get me! Neener, neener, neener!
- Apple Blossom always had a trick for winning a staring contest
- Apple Blossom decides it's time for the silly picture!
- Ok now who said I'm losing it?
- Apple Blossom discovers the double-dog dare to lick the fence is a cinch in August.
- Nah Nah you can't get me. UH water on the fence. I hope it's not an electric one, those hurt.
- Apple Blossom sticks her tongue out at all the "kitties" on the OTHER SIDE!
- Help! I'm stuck!
- Psst hey you,could you maybe bake me a liver flavored cake and maybe put a file in it so I could get outa here!
- Prison life can drive you crazy....
- Oh, come on, I didn't mean it!
- Three pieces of gum, and I still can't blow a bubble!
- Proof that, YES...your face really will stay that way.
- Must...Have...Water...
- "If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, oh what a world this would be!"
- Reading between the lines is making me crazy!
- What? There is NOT a white stripe on my forehead!
- mmm nothing better then morning dew off the fence
- I just want to have a tast to make sure that its water and I wont get a shock.
- Tiny Bubbles..Licking off the tiny bubbles.
- i will lick my self out of here!
- the water rationing was getting serious
- concentrating hard, Apple Blossom counts the drops of dew on the fence to see if we're having 6 more weeks of summer!
- Strawberry, definately strawberry.
- There is no evidence that the tongue is connected to the brain...
- No, they don't keep me here against my will!
- Raindrops keep falling on my tongue...
- What's a dog got to do to get a drink around here?
- Raindrops keep falling on my tongue
- oh! oh! Maybye if i just slighty stick my tounge to this, pole thingy, I can see if its electric.
- Ok, I can do this,tounge first then my body! I HAVE TO ESCAPE!!!!!!!
- Apple Blossom's new diet was making her a little desperate.
- and here we have the walleyedbostielickasmooshie-a-potimus
- ...100 drops of water on the lick one off, what do you have...99 drops of water on the fence....
- If I stretch just a little more I could lick it
- I've got to get a new job, drying fences doesn't pay enough to have the taste of metal in your mouth all day.
- look what i can do. i can lick a popsicle and do cross eyes at the same time!
- It's been 6 months! I thought my tongue would thaw by now!
- If Papillon can escape so can I..
- SO THIRSTYYYY!!! Must...get...every...last...drop!!
- You think I'm funny looking you should see the guy taking the picture.
- Look, ya gotta believe me! Bust me outa here, and I'll prove I'm innocent!
- ndhrhrhrrjrs...and thats how u speak squirrel
- Is this electric?
- "I love licking morning dew drops off the fence"
- Nannie, nannie, boo-boo!
- Will you let me out for a kiss?
- Oh, Mountain Dew!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Precious girl!
- Her expression is so cute!
- This one is both funny and cute.