The Winning Caption
Anita's attempts at making a Boston Cream Pie were unsuccessful to say the least.
- Try as she might, Anita could not convince the authorities that she did not eat the ice cream.
- How can you tell I've been up to my eyeballs in mischief?
- This is why you should never stand under a cow.
- I was just looking at the container of yogurt and it EXPLODED!!!!
- Why didn't you tell me not to push that button!
- What? Someone had to check and make sure that milk was still good.
- don't cry over spilt milk - i have it under control....
- bowl of ice cream? nope, haven't seen it, why?
- Anita wash cloth!
- after weathering an ice cream storm, anita turns on the wipers
- Yeah, I know, I'm saving it for later
- Anita didn't take the cake....just the frosting.....
- Yogurt is not only good for the figure but makes a great facial.
- i thought it was something good but it's snot.
- Anita napkin... Anita wet wipe
- don't ever sneeze when opening a tub of Cool Whip!
- yogurt - 1 ..... anita - 0
- I taste grate!
- ******HEADLINE******
Anita's new commercial airs on "Boston TV today! "Don't cry over spilled milk! Try our new SHAM WOW tongue-to-go set! Only $19.95!"
- It fell all by itself, I promise...
- "I bet you can't do this"
- May I have somemore please
- Eeewww! I think the milk bath I got at the spa got some milk up my nose!
- It's still there? I thought I got it all...
- Do I have something on my face?
- Got Milk?
- I've got what, where? Oh, right there? Did I get it?
- Look Ma-no hankie necessary!
- did I get it? no? how 'bout now?
- Fun fact: Only one in ten million people can touch their nose with their tonge!
- Got Milk?
- Got Milk? Yes, I Do!!!
- Anita comes prepared with her own party favors!
- Wut birfday cake?
- No, I didn't put my face in the wedding cake. Why'd you ask?
- Icing? What icing?! I didn't see any icing!
- Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Cold cream isn't what it used to be!
- It's nose lickin' good!
- I didn't do it! I promise, it was the kitty.....
- Yummmmmmmm....milk does a body good!
- Sorry, I sneezed.
- Vanilla is my favorite ice cream!
- Anita LOVES her some yogurt. Mmmmmkaaayy?
- The Cat's lying, I don't know anything about any saucer of milk!
- A little to the left? There? Did I get it?
- Love your whip cream flavored camera lens. Can I lick it again?
- Mmmh Good to the last drop...
- Got milk?
- Anita models the lastest fashion of ice cream make-up.
- A healthy dog has a cold, wet nose.
- I wish I had fingers!
- This would be a lot easier with a finger...
- "I like pieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"
- whadda you mean? i wasen't anywhere near the whipped cream.
- I got "you know what" in my "you know where"!
- What ice cream cone???
- Anita figures out how to operate the can of whipped cream.
- Are you actually expecting me to tell you the truth?
- Milk really does a body good!
- I am not "picking" my nose!
- How's about a "kiss on the lips" now, mom?
- That bucket of ice cream was SOOOOOO good!
- Anita was convinced that her weekly cream facials were working. She now has less wrinkles due to her weight gain...Sweet!
- Milk=$2.00, Boston=$Alot, That Expression=Priceless!!
- Come to mama!
- I knew I shouldn't have stuck my face in my birthday cake.
- NO! This is NOT what they meant when they said "don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes!"
- How many licks does it take to get this off my eyeballs??
- The cool whip? Was not me.
- Now I know why Mommo told me never to stick treats up my nose!
- Okay, see dis what happened. I was only lookin and den, for nothing I did, it ESPLODED EVERYWHERE!.... yup... dats what happen... my mouf tried to catch it.
- Got Milk?
- What ice cream? There's no ice cream around here!!! * licks mouth*
- Yes. Ice cream is definitley better than low-fat frozen yogurt. Ice cream all the way!
- Did I get it all Ma????
- Boston Bluff: what pie?
- marshmallows in the microwave and delicious
- I have food on my face? There. Did I get it?
- I didn't eat the cake. I'm technically impersonating a giraffe.
- Yummy...that was worth getting in trouble for!
- anita tests the new all natural edible facial mask....
- It wasn't me eating your bowl of icecream!
- OK, did I get the thing that you said was hanging from my nose?
- Anita heard that the yogurt facial would get rid of her laugh lines and then cure her touchy tummy.
- Anita found out that mom was right when her face "stayed that way"!
- "We're out of milk!"
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Baxter knows how to really cook a chicken!
- beautiful anita !
- very funny !!!!
- very funny !!!!!!!!! HAHHAHAHAHHA
- this is soooooooo cute and funny and adorable!!!GIVE ME MORE BEASTIES!!!!And more cuteness,LOTS AND LOTS more cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!