The Winning Caption
- Have a good day at work, SUCKAS!!
- Plummie shows her opinion regarding the pressing issue of
- Plummie shows how she really feels about urban sprawl.
- Plumm provides this photo as evidence that the sun does shine
out of her butt.
- Underpants? I don't need no stinkin' underpants!
- Like a plant, the boston also gravitates toward the sun...
- Sunshine on my keister...makes me happy...sunshine on my behind
makes me smile...
- Beautiful View...for me to POOP ON!
- I fart in your general direction!
- I'm getting my vitamin D for the day!
- I fart on your shopping center.
- After twenty minutes, cover rump with aluminum foil to prevent
- After one to many milk bones, Plumm moons the neighbors who
complained of all the loud all night barking.
- Like the old song, How Much Is That Booty In The Window Woof
- AKC, you think Labradors are more cuddly than me?! Ha, you
can kiss it.
- Plumm executes the "Boston Moon" exquisitely
- ahhhh...sunbutt therapy is soo relaxing
- Hey! Stanford Shopping Center! Guess what kind of moon theres
gonna be tonight.
- Yeah well that's what I think of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day
- Plumm brings a whole new meaning to the term "rump roast"
- call me Seymore. Seymore butts.
- Mooning takes on a whole new meaning with Bostons!
- Plumm sunns the bumm.
- Do stripes make my butt look big??
- My butt likes a view
- Life is good and I am the Queen!!! All will obey me and bring
me food!!!
- That office across the street will close their blinds now!
- Let's see if this glass is really crack resistant.
- Plumm loves toasted buns!
- Moon, who's mooning, just airing out.
- ah toasty buns.
- I give a whole new meaning to "Sunning your buns!"
- Baked Boston butt.
- Stinkin' jaywalkers! I'll show you!
- The Boston version of BUN WARMER. OOOOHHHH That feels so good.
- Wow, the window is a very good bun warmer!
- Nothing like a pair of warm boston buns!
- It's a rudder AND a motor! PUTT PUTT PUTT PUTT....
- Plumm "moons" the sun... Ah, BLISS!
- People of New York! Hear me roar!!
- Do these stripes make my butt look big?
- ~~ Kiss This~~
- A Full Moon over the City
- Plumm is trying to even his suntan
- Plumm defines "butt warmer" her own way.
- Sunning her butt may have looked odd to others but it always
brought a smile to Plumm's face
- "Sunshine on my butt is the best !"
- Plumm couldn't take it any longer, that stuck up attitude
so he mooned the cat across the street!
- Plumm enjoys mooning humans in the afternoon.
- Plumm enjoys warm toasty buns of all kinds.
- I need to flip soon so I can tan my face for even tan...
- Hello World!
- Does this make my butt look bigger?
- Plumm bum in da sun
- Does this bed make my butt look big?
- Full Moon Fever!!!!
- Come and take a ride with me, little girl, on a magic carpet
- A Boston Full Moon!
- Boston Baked Buns!
- The Plumm, sunning her BUM...
- Aaahhh....bum bathing......
- City, I fart in your general direction!
- Nothing butt sunshine...
- This is what I think of the WORLD!
- Thats always the hardest place to tan!
- I fart in your general direction!! Your mother was a hampster
and your father smelt of elderberries!! Plumm practices her
audition for Monty Pythons Flying Circus.
- Who dares disturb my slumber!
- Plumm warms her little brown bumm
- Just what I needed, some sun light on my booty !!
- Plumm changes the verse to John Denver's Sunshine on My Shoulders
makes me happy.
- Let's see what they have to say about that!
- Is this what they mean by "tanning your hide"?
- Plumm moons the passing shoppers across the street.
- "Does this doggie bed make my butt look big?"
- Yeah, there, now the tan is even.
- Plumm was smug, but was a little butt hang
- more bed, less butt
- plumm tuckered out
- MMMMMM nothing like a sunshine where I need it more!!!
- My best face to show starting the day!!!
- Plumm knew she had a problme when she woke up in a strange
bed with a big hangover.
- A full moon in midday outta cheer up those working class types,
thinks Plumm.
- sunny butt, big pillow, happy girl
- Hearing that Flashdash was the next movie-to-Broadway phenom
Plumm rips her sweat shirt and lets her booty hang out.
- we're mooning!!! everyone's doing it...uh-everyone?
- Does this shirt make my butt look big?
- What do mean I got too much "junk in my trunk?"
- Air to the throne.
- Here's a moon for you, Sun!
- Ugghhh... remind me never to mix liquor and beer.
- I love laying in the sun...but don't you think my butt needs
to be a little darker?
- Come and warm your bum with me!
- If I'm not awake in 15, somebody flip me?!
- Behold the setting of the new full moon.
- I just need to tan that one last spot!
- Hey!! Who opened the blinds?? I was TRYING to take a nap!
- Just kiss me where the sun don't shine! um. . .
- My dad told me we were having Boston Butt for dinner, i sure
hope he doesnt think im cookin mine!
- Lets see how YOU like shmelling farts!
- Butt Tanning... It's the latest craze.
- This how to give a proper "moon"
- Sunnin my buns! This is the life.
- Kiss my Plumm Bum!!!!
- When my derriere is heated up, I feel warm and fuzzy all over.
- MizzPlumm Sunnin' Da BUM
- What?? My butt is cold....
- I feel like I'm back in high school.
- Plumm warms her bum!
- Wow! I am just Plumm tuckered out...
- The newest model of Boston Terrier hs the solar recharge panel
located in the rear.
- plumm gets relaxed while charging her solar batteries.
- moon bathing....
- I'm too sexy for this bed!
- Plum is warming her buns.
- Hey, you don't like it, you can just kiss my patootie!
- Butt not too big. Bed too small.
- Sunnin my buns ahhhh
- Paris Hilton's dog Tinkerbell ain't got nothin on me!
- up town girl, living in a up town world
- Making sure there are no tan lines on your butt....Priceless.
- Happiness is a toasty bum!
- what did the unbreakable safety glass say after it's first
Boston fart? "crack"
- Saturday morning hangover.
- think we need a bigger couch.
- Thought to be a true redhead, we have just discovered Plumm's
secret ~ sun bleaching!!
- Designer Doggy Bed: $40 Shirt: $12 Pink Blankie: $19 Toasty
Buns: Priceless
- Nothing soothes the soul like warm sunshine on the heinie.
- Natures "Cinnamin buns"
- Sunning AND mooning--the laziest multi-tasking ever!
- Plummie gives new meaning to the phrase...a bun in the oven.
- Plummie realized too late that she should have taken her ski
mask off before working on her tan.
- i like my buns nice and toasty
- Bun warmer!!
- Little in the middle but she got much back!
- AAHHHH, nothing like baking buns!!!
- Hopefully this angle will eliminate my tan lines...
- I don't want any tan lines!
- Does this bed make my butt look big?
- Fanny sunny can be such a difficult task.
- Sunny loft with beautiful views, includes garbage disposal
and vacuum cleaner.
- I'm sure my backside will get a great tan at this angle!
- The Boston-New York rivalry heats up as Plumm moons the Yankees
on home turf!
- Next week, I start my diet.
- "Yulp thats right i got the angry!
- I dont know what "lettin' it all hang out" means, but it sure
does feel good!
- im living the life and there's no doubt about it!
- No wonder my owner is a couch potatoe!
- Blast that neighbor......mmmmmm, sunshine
- If it's by the window they won't smell it...
- A room with a view.
- I feel sunny in dis position...
- I fart in your general direction!
- Don't you think it's a good thing that my master got me fixed?
- Ahhhhh! Nothing like sun on the bun!
- This butt's for you!
- Plumm is not going green, in fact she has just been caught
not doing her part to stave off air pollution!
- To moon or not to moon... that is the question.
- How's THIS for a billboard?
- ok...i know i have a big butt but i never knew it was this
- Does this window make my butt look big?
- Look at my butt...nana nana boo boo!
- This is what a Boston looks like that has had too much sun...her
hair is bleached out.
- Mooning the neighbors!
- Life is good and I am KING! LONG LIVE THE KING!!!
- Shooting the Moon for all to see.
- Honey, does this make my butt look too big??
- does anyone else feel a draft?
- Scratch my butt right therrrrrre... Pweeezzz...
- zippidy doo daa,zippidy aay,plenty of sunshine heading my
- Boston Seat Warmer!!
- Ahhhh .. I like to get a little sun on my asprin bottle
- Now that's a tan!
- With what Wall Street's done to the country this week, I'm
in a mood to moon the world.
- "does my butt look big in this bed? "
- Hey boss! I think i need a longer bed! And get some tanning
oil while your at it!
- Pugnacious at BOTH ends.
- Plumm can not see you now; she is working on her tan.
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Come on, Winston! Tickle my butt with that feather!
- Beyond precious!!!
- ahhhhhhhhhh Fruit Face is warming up her little cinnamon colored
buns :)
- i love plummmmmm! i wish she were my dog!
- she is to cute
- Plumm is such a pretty Bostie. She looks very content sleeping
in the sun.