The Winning Caption
SSSSHHHHH! I'm the show and tell!
- I'm just waiting for the lunchbox.
- Homework? What Homework?
- Real life Yoda not included.
- I'm gunna go to skool and lurn to read gud!
- Show and tell is going to be great today!!
- My homework ate my dog!
- Actual proof to back up "The dog ate my homework" excuse.
- Go with you to school to bring the force, I will.
- The force is strong in that one
- Smarter than Mary's little lamb, Opal finds a way to sneak
to school one day.
- They do allow dogs at school. I have special note from your
- Hey! The Dark Side's got Twinkies!
- Opal is determined to get an education.
- My dog ate my homework!...and everything else in my backpack!
- "This is not the boston terrier you're looking for."
- The latest in back-to-school supply must-haves...the "Opal
Backpack Security System"!
- I smelled cheese.
- Evidence that dogs really do eat homework.
- You forgot to pack me, so I fix it. ...You need another lunch,
- “When you said a traveling device from the future, I expectedly
had something completely different in mind!”
- Wherever my man Yoda goes, I goes!
- I looked and looked Mrs. Smith... I swear, the dog ate my
homework...want to check for yourself???
- I can haz star warz?
- I didn't think a Boston Terrier was on the back to school
- Hiding, I am. Yes.
- School lunch, you will give me, yes. (Jedi mind trick)
- A Tisket, A Tasket, Opal in A BackPack...
- Shhhhhhhhh! Max and I are playing hide and seek.
- I wil luse my Boston mind trick and bring the force with me
to your school
- I want to be a storm trooper in the Clone Wars, please.
- sneak me in! no one will know!
- SSSHHH, mom doesn't know I am going to school with Billy for
show and tell.
- Me and my toys is goin' places.
- I miss my little human sooooo much!
- I'm ready for my Jedi traning now!!!
- The clone wars was true Opal was cloned from Yoda.
- What?!?! You know the first day of school always scares me!!!
- Opal had heard what happened to the lamb that followed her
child to school, so she hoped she would have better luck!!!!
- They will never know I am here until this opened at school!
I will be the smartest girl there!!!!
- May the "force be with me"
- I cannot let my best buddy go to school without me!
- I got to get to school!
- boston in a backpack I am - yoda opal
- Is this the bus for bowling or school?
- First day of school, and Opal wants to go too!
- take me with you, Ill eat your homework before you get it
- Opal's hiding spot when it's bath time
- Piggy back pup!
- Opal the protector...may the force be with you.
- Why is everyone calling me "Little Bo Peep"?
- Opal, like all kids, is not all that anxious for the first
day of School !
- I goin' to school, no matta what!
- Please... I promise to behave if you only let me go to school
with you. I can hide right in here...No one will ever know!
- Yoda is my hero. He was modeled after a Boston just like me!
- Opal's first day of School
- He can't go to school without me!
- i herd they had beef!
- If I can't control the force, at least I can travel around
with it.
- See me you do not, for I am the real Jedi Master.
- What you mean I can't go to "Show and Tell?"
- now i can get in the movie!
- This is not the Boston you're looking for. You can go about
your business. Move along.
- Act Now, and not only will you receive free shipping, but
we will also include your very own live yoda clone with your
Clone Wars backpack!
- Opal soon realized that eating Timmy's homework would have
- "what do you mean ...i can't go to school?"
- "are you saying "opal" wasn't on the list?"
- opal's attempt at pretending to be a 3-ring binder....
- an opal in the bookbag is worth .....
- the plan is to meet peppito in the cloak room.....
- Don't worry Princess Opal, we pledged to protect you forever.
- Please take me to school with you, I want the special at the
- Having successfully penetrated the enemies Headquarters, the
young Jedi Boston prepares to grab their plans.
- "Man, I am so awesome inside my new 'back-to-school Clone
Wars' back pack!"
- I thought I heard Darth Vader....
- Mama, what's a hurricane?
- Opal just wanted to ensure she was evacuated, too!
- I'm sorry- was this YOUR lunch?
- could we play hide and go seek?
- All packed up and no place to go!
- I'm not going unless I get to ride in here.
- Opal couldn't stand the thought of her little man going off
to his first day of school all alone!
- Opal's misguided attempt to clone her mighty cute badunk.
- "pay no attention to the stow-away in the Clone Wars back-pack."
- Beam me up Scottie - oops blonde moment, wrong movie:)
- I weigh about the same as that math book... He'll never know!
- My Uncle Yoda will protect me.
- Coming soon to a backpack near you!
- won't the kid be suprised when he tries to grab his lunch
- Those darn schools make kids carry so much in their backpacks.
- but I don't want to learn!
- What?! I'm show and tell.
- "Either do or not do, there is no try"
- Hey Mom, I am ready for school!
- Jedi Opal is ready to learn the ways of the force at puppy
- I hear they have lunchtime at school. Maybe if I act like
a book....
- Pliz tak mee to skoool, Iz wanto lern howto rite to myz love
- Pleeze don't go back to school, life is so boring when the
kids are gone.
- Take me with you! I like cafeteria food!
- Sleep overs are the best!
- peekabo- I see you.
- "No! The puppy REALLY did eat my homework and then he took
a nap in my backpack!"
- saaaai
- Every where her Master went, Opal was sure to go!
- it sounded like a good idea when i thought of it....
- Jedi Knight Student Opal prepares to learn from Master Obi-Wan
- I'm ready for my first day of school. I'm all packed and ready
to go
- "i asked for a Pencil! not a Puppy!"
- I said PAPER not PUPPY
- I don't know where he came from! did you put him there?
- No crate for me!!
- i AM coming to school!
- They will have to have the power of the Jedi mind to find
- What do you mean I can't go? I thought it was show and tell
this week at school
- Do or do not do!!!!! There is no try!
- The "no pets at school" rule forced Opal to take desperate
- i AM coming to school! they have gravy!
- Shhh...maybe the kid won't notice me and I can eat his lunch
before we get to school.
- Opal fulfills her dream of going to school- Jedi knight school...
- If I hide in here, I can go to school too!
- opal says "if da force cant be wit you, i will!"
- Yoda Scares me!
- Use the force and take me with you!
- "The sith will never find me in here... DOH! Darn that merchandising
- not even if i look sweet and innocent???
- Yoda is my clone, HMMM?
- "shh, don't tell her that I am hiding here" while playing
hide & seek with mom.
- I'm hiding from the bath...SHHHH!
- I am NOT eating the homework! *munch munch*
- One way or the other, Opal is getting a ride.
- As all good Bostons do, I'm ready to go have my dna taken
so you can clone me later!
- The force made me do it.
- I'm dont see me
- Can i go to school too PLEEEEEEEEEESE please please
- SHhhhh...dont tell where i am i dont want to go to the vet
- I'm packed and ready to go
- See? I DO have Yoda ears!
- how to get rid of the carrot sticks mom puts in your lunch!
- But I just want to come with.
- I don't like Ike!
- Forget about not letting the cat out of the bag; who let the
dog out?
- Yeah, I'm ready to school!!!
- Opal, Yoda's secret weapon!!!
- WHO let the cat out of my bag?
- aren't i smart enuff to getz a edgikashun?
- And they said dogs arent smart enough go to school...
- It's ok Opal. Back to school time scares me too!
- The terrier is strong in this one. . .
- "I am running away to a galaxy far, far, away!"
- All ready for my first day of school!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- its good to see Opal again!! Do they have a new website address??
I missed the Gem sisters!!
- Opal is cute enough to eat!
- toooooo cute!
- Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww