The Winning Caption
- We're guarding your cookies, Santa!
- Duck! Duck! GAGE!!!!!!!
- Gage: You guys see any Crips? Lola: Crips? I thougth we were
looking for Crisps!
- Terrier Nesting Dolls- Christmas Edition 2008
- DO................NOT.................WANT
- Dear Santa, We've been very good this year. Except for Cody
who peed on the floor once, but otherwise we were good!
- Is this the line to sit on Santa's lap?
- Don't make us go gangsta on you!
- Looks like someone forgot to say cheese!
- Gage felt a little embaressed after accidentaly wandering
into the Little Red Riding Hood audition.
- As Gage and Lola stared bleakly into the camera, grimly resigned
to their fate, Cody proactively looked for exactly the perfect
piece of upholstery to disembowel.
- What would you do for a Klondike bar???
- Dogz in da Hood!
- Hey, whatever happened to SMELL no evil?!?!
- after being BUSTED,the imposter "SANTAS elves" pose for their
- "Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's..."
"Do you think she'll give us a cuz?"
- Christmas in da Hood is gonna be good!
- Psst - don't look over, Cody but that's NOT one of our Little
Red Riding Hood look alike contestants...sure he said 'pitbull'
but that's a wolf in Red's clothing if ever I saw one!
- Hey guys! Only girls allowed in the 'Little Red Riding Hood
look alike' contest!
- The lawn gnome collection outgrew the garden, outgrew the
patio and spilled over into the family room.
- Will somebody light the fire? These things just keep our ears
- Little Red Riding Hood gone amuck.
- This is the last time we let Lola pick out our holiday outfits....
- We three kings of Orient are; Bearing gifts we traverse afar,
- Ok I was prommised treats if I let you take this picture,
now fork it over!!!
- "On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me .....
three Boston Terrors."
- Who let Mommy go shopping???
- we look cute now, but pee on your bed later...muhahaha!
- Three 'lumps' in your stocking oughta teach you a lesson for
making us wear these.
- Mooommmm! Gage is ruining our photo!
- Is the Christmas picture over yet?
- We are NOT the Bobbsey triplets- no matter how she dresses
- what?
- Happy friggin' Holidays! ;)
- Cody: Do I smell food??
- If our friends see us like this...
- Seriously?
- And now for something completely different.
- One of these things is not like the other, one of these things
just isn't the same...
- The sign said 'Mall Santa Tryouts Begin Today!'.........right?
- Gramma overdid it....Again
- Is it X-mas yet?
- this the picture for the christmas card!?!?! oh
thats ok, just wait until the tree gets put up hehehe
- Wow! One size does fit all!
- ~~Hey There Little Red Riding Hood~~
- Cody "I can't believe this!"
- Will the REAL Red Riding Hood please stand up?
- Tryout lineup for the parts of the Von Trapp kids in 'Sound
of Music' was a little longer this year.
- Screw the candy canes, Dad, you're getting poop in your Christmas
- Lola says to Gage and Cody "There can only be one little red
riding hood in this production and it's me!" Cody responds "you
are such an artist!"
- Oh, great, we've been in this position so long I gotta poop.
- Okay guys, this is how we are going to slowly torture him
and then kill him for this.
- Santa' Elves were on strike so the Three Muskateers stepped
in. Ho Ho Ho
- Once upon a time there were three little red riding hoods
and they all kicked the wolfs butt before he ate granma.
- Cingular Comercial Moment!
- Gage:See I told you,their parents did this stuff to them,now
they want to make us suffer. Lola: Its not that bad,mabey now
Milk-bone will see what they've been missing out on! Cody: Ug,this
is ruining my reputation with the boys.
- Boyz in Da Hood N one Lady
- One of these things is not like the other... One of these
things ust does not belong...
- Cody is jealous of Gage and Lola's hoodies!
- Mom... I don't wanna wear this... it is gonna give me hoodie
- If we sit very very quietly, he will go away.
- Gage, we don't look silly do we??
- If our hoodies were green, we would look like a forest.
- We better get a good treat out of this.
- Ok,Dad, quit laughing and take the picture already.
- C'mon guys! If you two would just look in the camera, she'll
take off these sweaters and we can go play!!!
- Why is Daddy dressing in the same red hoody and saying "Ho
Ho HO"? (Cody reminds himself to hold the LOL.)
- this is definitely NOT what "being in the hood" means!!!!
- Are you serious? It better be a REALLY good treat, then!
- One of these things is not like the other- one of these things
does not belong...
- Cody, I'm confused- are we supposed to be embarrassed by this
or is Gage?
- Merry Christmas from the hood, y'all!
- ho, ho, ho
- At the auditions for Little Red Riding Hood...
- Though eventually cast as the wolf, Gage originally auditioned
for the role of Little Red Riding Hood.
- In unison- we're gonna get you, grandma!
- Sorry guys- this is not what is meant by being "well read".
- When daddy goes to bed, let's pee on the couch!
- I am so glad that Christmas comes but once a year.
- You know Gage, people expect this of cute little terriers,
but you are going to be a laughing stock.
- Gage: " You ever feel like the whole world is full of Bostons
and you're a brown dog?"
- Gage thinks to himself, "What's wrong with this picture?"
- "Be verwy, verwy quite...we're hunting wabbits!"
- Lola was embarrassed when two others showed up at the family
Christmas party wearing the same "one of a kind" hoodie.
- Ok, we was nice to grandma, can we get out of these now?
- Why did you two drag me into this
- We're too sexy for our shirts!
- Emotions run high at the Little Red Riding Hood tryouts.
- 3 new hip hop stars unleashed
- said in a sarcastic tone,"Oh yea, don't we looked thrillllled."
- This is my gang, these are our colors, mess with us i will
let the big guy off his leash
- Couldn't you just like the fireplace instead?
- Yo, yo, yo. Happy Holidays, dawg!
- We represent the lollipop guild, the lollipop guild, the lollipop
- The Little Red Riding Hood auditions were intense... but Lola
was convinced she had a leg up on the competition.
- We Three Kings....ahhh who are we fooling?
- ...And they say, this is how Little Red Riding-Hood became
famous.I don't think so!!!!!!
- Lola "you know these two might like this, but any time now
I would like to get out of this!"
- Behold Cerebus, the three headed guardian hound to the gates
of....That Place.
- "Hey Lola did the elves turn gangsta too?"
- We'll wait until he's older to tell him he's adopted.
- HEY,Looks like I got me some mini- me!!
- umm,mom we aren't triplets!!
- What's goin' down in the hood?!
- now we know what it feels like to be little red riding hood.
- "I hate when grandma sends us matching outfits"
- "One of these things is not like the other"
- Lola- Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
- Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave. Says Lola. Hey,
I think that door is open over there, we could run across the
room and escape, then chew these stupid things off! Says Cody.
- lola : Well this is the season ... Dress up madness is here
once again. Cody : Look everyone Dad is ready to post this ON
THE WEB. Gage: Cool off everyone i am planning something for
revenge ...
- Alright!! Only one of us can be Little Red Riding Hood!!!
- yo yo yo yo, what up the up in the red boston hood?
- Man, it's warm in here. Don't people think Bostons get hot?
- Nightmare before Christmas
- "Is it just me, or is there an echo in the room?"
- It's Christmas in the 'hood.
- Dogz in tha Hood.
- and that was the christmas that gage realized that he might
be adopted...
- Bad to the bone.
- Gage- "I thought I was playing the part of little Red Riding
Hood this time. Do I always have to be the Big Bad Wolf??"
- Bud--weis--er
- tise the season to be jolly bark bark
- You' GOT to be kidding, RIGHT?!!
- What are you trying to do! Make santa think were elves!
- Lola quietly plots their revenge while Gage & Cody stand guard.
- We come in peace. Take us to your leader.
- Ok everyone, no paw prints...let's take the gifts and run.
Gage, you got our backs?
- One of these things is not like the other.........
- We Are Santa's Elves
- Every Christmas it's the same damn thing. We have to line
up in front of this stupid fireplace in humiliating outfits
for some dumb photo. Happy *@#$*% Holidays...
- I Kill You
- if we all put on our sweatshirts and sit here will the humans
realize we want a cozy fire...
- If we sit really still, Santa Paws won't notice us when he
comes down the chimney !!
- Red Dog is much better than Red Bull!
- sound the gong... and begin the "ritual"
- I have to pee....oops, I wet 'em!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Ok, we admit- we laughed at Kaycee and Kipper when you dressed
them up. But now it's gone TOO FAR!
- I bet Kaycee & Kipper can tell us how to get to Grandma's
- I can't believe you would dress them like that with white
carpet!!! L OL!
- Dogs always get that look when you put them in clothes. It's
like they know it's for our entertainment.
- this is so cute i would like it even better if it was 3 boston
- The most adorable and funiest picture of the week!!! :]
- wild & crazy!!!