The Winning Caption
The mailman comes in 5 minutes... pass it on.
- I can taste your brain from here.
- Let's hotwire that Saturn and head for Mexico!
- PSST! Who did you say would pick us up?
- psssst... i TOLD you we would get caught!
- listen only to the sound of my voice... when you wake up,
you will give all of your snacks to winston.....
- I don't see a squeaker in there
- Psst...Do you hear a candy wrapper being opened too?
- this is why I sleep with one eye open.
- Pssst, the cheese is in that white car back there; pass it
- you're brain smells funny
- Your ear smells like fritos. That is sooooo weird!
- Winston whispers sweet nothings to Roxi
- I have a secret for you: you're cute.
- sweet nothings sweet nothings sweet nothings....
- Wet Willie!!
- Not tonight, Winston, I have a headache
- Are you asleep yet?
- Don't tell Mom, but I'm sending my resume to the Obama's.
- That's right... you better sleep with one eye open!
- psst, listen to this...
- Let me whisper sweet nothings in your ear!!!
- Roxi, did you hear Obama is looking for a dog for the White
- So this is where you hide your snacks.
- PSSST, I know were mom hid the treats this time.
- Sweet nothing, sweet nothing, sweet nothing!
- Don't bother me, BUSTER! I am trying to nap!
- Can you hear me now? Good.
- AWWWW!!! Winston whispers "sweet nothings" to Roxi!
- (Singing) Listen...Do you want to know a secret? Whoa-a-Whoa-Whoa.
Closer...Let me whisper in your ear, and say those words you
long to heee-ear. I'm in love with you. Woo-woo-woo-woo!
- Hey Big Sis- I Love You!
- Come on get up Lets Play!
- I've got a secret, and don't you dare tell! psssss. . .
- Are you ever quite. Buzz off
- My big sister is the best!
- I gots ta tell ya how bootiful you are!
- The odor is coming from within your ears.....and it smells
like Lindburger cheese!
- Hello, is anybody home!
- Love at first site.
- " Don't tell anyone! It's a secret!!"
- I hear you, Winston, but, tell me later- I need my beauty
- WAKE UP!!! I is trying to tell yous a secret.
- SHHHHHH!!! I've got a secret!!!
- muahh...
- Awww......I didn't need to hear that! TMI!
- Fret not my love, I'm your Hucklberry!
- Ymm, what's that sent you are using? Is it O'DE Stinky Ear?
- Let me whisper sweet nothings into your ear.
- I think you need a bath.
- Hmmm . . . there's nuttin' there!!
- here let me lick you
- Psst Roxi, Are you asleep?
- Would a pedicure cheer you up?
- Winston hired a new ear cleaning servic after he realized
he couldn't hear his master calling him for dinner
- Go ahead and sniff it kid...again.
- and then the kitty said, "I can't run away... I think my foot
is broken."
- A lick in da ear will make it all better, Roxi.
- i can't hear the ocean....but i can sure smell it!!
- Pssst, I've got a secret to tell you...
- Sugar-coated zeros, baby.
- Who loves ya, baby?!
- EEEWWWWW!!!! Your ears stink....
- I know what you're getting for your birthday!
- I know you're blue wight now. But, evewyting is gonna be okay
my fwend.
- Did you hear that? She said T-R-E-A-T!
- if you only had a brain
- I'm sorry Roxi! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. If I
clean your ears will you chear up?
- ...don't worry Roxi, he'll call!
- can you hear me now?
- Like that, Winston? You can get as much sugar as you want..Just
vote Obama.
- Can I tell you a secret?
- Roxi gives Winston a half-hearted stink eye as he wakes her
up yet again whispering sweet nothings in her ear.
- Winston whispers while Roxi pretends to listen.
- u haz a bad day? here, i fix it.
- I'm not supposed to be telling you this, you know it's a secret,
but anyway...
- Pssst...I hear it's all down hill from here.
- "Okay, on the count of three...we toot!"
- you think Mom will find out?
- You'd think that eventually he'd get tired of talking. He's
literally talking my ear off.
- pssst - you are my very best friend...
- Winston snorts sweet nothings in Roxi's ear.
- Hey...wake up...we are at the park!
- Mom likes me best..........
- Winston whispers sweet nothings into Roxi's ear.
- "Pssst... What to you get when you cross a Boston Terrier
with bread dough? Dog biscuits!"
- Houdini and Roxi relaxing in the sun!
- I Love you :)
- mmm this ear smells good...
- Yeah to the left. Ohh thats heaven.
- Okay, and then I will go around back...and then you go around
- Is that bacon?
- this wax tastes like honey!
- Brush your teeth before you whisper sweet nothings...
- I'm not one to gossip but I heard....
- Jeez here he goes again, trying to make out with my ear
- "Roxi I love you, I cannot get enouph of your ear"
- Pssst...Do you some secrets to tell me? Yes. GET YOUR LIPS
- Hellooo, do you have any brains in there?
- Can you hear me now?
- Hey I don’t know how to say this without offending you, but
you sure do smell like a dog!
- Pssst, I love you!
- When theeeee moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie dats
- theres gold in them there hills
- See you Friday....
- Echooooooooo!
- sweet nothings, sweet nothings, sweet nothings...are you tired
of this yet
- ok then we run though the dinning room into the kitchen and
spill our water it...
- I smell scorch ........
- hey, roxy... do you think we can steal that car back there
and go get us some treats? i'll steer and you work the pedals!
- oooh, i love it when you talk dirty to me!
- *sniff* Have you cleaned these lately?
- Psst! I need to tell you a secret.
- Your earwax tastes like Cheetos Roxi!
- Winston whispers into Roxi's ear: "Pssst! Did you hear that
Courteney Cox admitted to using Botox?! Can you believe it?!"
Roxi, who doesn't subscribe to US Weekly, clearly does not care!
- I can smell it, I can taste it, but I cannot see it. Are you
sure its bacon in there?
- Thanks for lending me your ear - now I won't get a sunburned
- I am going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone.
- Friends, Romans, Bostons, Lend me your ear.
- A kiss will make it all better.
- She told me her ears tasted like chicken, blech no it doesnt!
- you cant tell ANYONE!
- Wait! Were did the quarter go!?
- Hey, you got ear in my muzzle, Hey you got muzzle in my ear!
- "Gimmie a litte kiss!" Ewww! Oh God!
- Actually Roxi, I think you smell more like Frito's now than
you did an hour ago!
- Roxi, there isn't anything in your ear except my nose--
- Want to know a secret?
- Blow in my ear and I'll follow you anywhere.
- Oh! Look there, I was right! Nothing in there but marbles!
- whispering sweet nothins'
- Pssst! Your my bff & I wuv you!!!
- Psst-I love your ear
- You, had a..Big..Bug, on your ear. I, uhh..Killed it.
- Can you hear me now?!?
- Why does it whistle so when I blow in here?
- ECHO! Echo, echo, echo.
- Is anybody in there???????
- your ear smells funky....Oh no ear wax agan!
- This spot on my head is giving me a headache, kiss it and
make it better!
- Psst.. I think that guy is watching us!
- The New White House Puppies.
- Psssttt! I have secret to tell you...there are pizza crusts
behind the radiator.
- Roxxy: Winston , i have to tell you something ... Winston:
Roxxy , please i was dreaming about what we are getting for
dinner and you spring me out of it in right at the best moment
... This better be good.
- psst, hey Roxi, guess what? to eat....... pie.
- So...two Boston's walked into a bar....
- you look pitiful & when they bend down to pet you
...i'll grab the goods...
- wow ..these are big enough to hide a treat in....
- hey im gonna nibble your ear like jason mraz said to in his
song "im yours"
- smells just like ear wax.
- darling...let me whisper sweet nothings in your ear :)
- eeeeeeeeeeeewww!!!!!!!!! Got a lot of wax
- helloooo? can anyone hear me??? harooo??
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- How adorable!! I know these dogs and their personalities are
wonderful. You picked a good one!!!
- These 2 are the cutest.
- Absolutely adorable!
- my boy boston does the same thing to my girl one. Bostons
love each other so much.
- awwwwwwww so cute!!!