The Winning Caption
Shh! Don't wake the bear, he doesn't like it when I sleep
on him. |
- So this is what a flea feels like .....
- hey! pssst! hey.... tell me the truth, is there a large, furry
monster behind me? oh boy, that's what i thought....
- Here, a Wyatt emerges from the primordial ooze curious as
to how he came to be wearing this strange neckerchief.
- "I can't believe how far that Bull knocked me," cried Three-White-Paws
the American Indian Boston Terrier Rodeo Clown.
- Upon closer inspection of the buffalo hide, we find the BT
heat parasite, which often hitch rides on these large gentle
- The rare boston terrier flea is a very hard one to remove
becasue of its ability to imbed itself into the victim's fur.
- OMG!! Look what I found in my wig!
- Camouflage activation, failed.
- Did I just hear a can being opened?
- i love snufalufagus.
- I'm so glad this new carpet is brown....
- If I blend in with the carpeting, they'll never know I broke
the vase.
- Mom said the 60,s were crazy but this wig she wore is the
- How do ticks stay on ????
- Snug... as Boston in a rug
- Winner of the carpet sidestroke.
- Ain't I just too cute for words?
- Meet me at "High Noon" cowboy
- I luv this blankie!
- Maybe no one will sees mees in dis Wooly Mammoth carpet...
- If I hold really still maybe they won't notice...dang it,
I've been spotted!
- They love it when I give them my "cute" face.
- I'm trying to blend in....think they can see me?
- Ha, ha. Static electricity. Very funny. Now get me down!
- Pinned to the carpet by static electricity, Wyatt tries to
catch someone's eye.
- It even smells like the 70s!
- Like his father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather
before him, Wyatt reclines on the once-white 1970s shag rug.
- Do you think they see me here...nah, it's safe.
- dog pretends he is not afraid of sparklers
- Wyatt becomes a permanent part of the carpet!
- I keep trying to hide but this kerchief makes me stick out
like a sore thumb!
- "I'm soo cute, even my farts are cute!"
- Don't get any closer! I'm too young to vote and I'm not discussing
my political views. Go America!
- um mom? what is this thing on my neck?
- I requested the Presidential suite not the Woodstock Dirt
- Quote from Wyatt Earp in the movie Tombstone: "I spent my
whole life not knowing what I want out of it, just chasing my
tail." Wait, I don’t have a tail! “Now for the first time I
know exactly what I want,” a tail, “that's the damnable misery
of it."
- Is this how you play dead?
- "Help i'm being swollowed by this big cozy thing...i might
take a nap!"
- I think I here something
- If I look sweet and snuggly maybe Mr. Bear won't eat me
- Behold a more recent artifact while digging for fossils
- What the........?
- Please don't eat me!
- It wasn't me, I didn't dood it
- America's Next Top Model, ahem... Boston Terrier
- Look i swear this is not what it looks like!
- I just ate 2 of them, I saved you 1
- I wish I had this kind of hair!!
- hims sooo tiny!
- If I hide in this afro, maybe no one will see me.
- Perfectly camouflauged! They'll never find me here!
- when are they gonna stop with those fireworks !!!!
- don't..... move..... or they'll notice i'm american!!
- Can you knock before you wake me up?!
- "PLEASE....please...please...don't make me dance to Yankee
Doodle Dandy ONE MORE TIME!!!"
- What are YOU lookin' at?
- i got my eye on youuu.
- wyatt, after peepeeing the rug, lays perfectly still...because
the humans cant see you if you lay perfectly still.
- This rug is even cozier than the womb!
- I always wanted to be a brunette.
- Umm...Mommy? The carpet is eating me.
- The ultimate warm and fuzzy.
- Warm and fuzzy, Boston style.
- This kinda feels like my Mommy, but there aren't any milk-spouts!
- I tell you, I didn't do it
- This is the best 'Where's Wally?' ever! If I stay still enough,
they'll never find me.
- Jason and the Argonauts have been looking for where they mis-laid
the golden fleece for days now....shhhh.....
- Honest, your honor, I am Innocent
- my eyes are not bigger than my belly
- This muppet is the softest thing I've ever laid on!
- Why is that hand following me?!
- this is soo soft but not soft enoghf
- snug as a Bostie in a rug
- I hope no one can see me... let me take a peek
- help me get un-stuck from this velcrow -will ya ?
- OK Mommy, I'll be good now, just don't spank me
- I may be little, but I'm still a Boston Patriot!
- I'm tired of people saying I look like a wittle bunny wabbit.
- Cover of Boston Weekly: Our Exclusive- Is He or Isn't He-
SuperHeartThrob Wyatt Answers The Dreaded "Nootered" Question
- Guess what I just did? Tee Hee
- I didnt mind them glueing velcro on my side but cmon !!!!
- Oh no... where's my gun?
- I ate the whole thing! Sorry! It was so good!
- SHHHH Snuffy, Big Bird is coming!
- "Do you really expect me to get up from here?"
- I only look sweet and innocent
- Papa bear's bed was too hard. Mama bear's bed was too soft.
Baby's bear's bed was just right!!
- Emerging from the dark earth, Wyatt spies his new human parents.
- So, how do you like my Marilyn Monroe Pose?
- They wont find me here!
- Come any closer and I will feed you to this Saber-toothed
Wolly Mammoth that I am riding on!
- Boston bas-relief
- This bandana ruined my chameleon trick
- Do you think she notices how cute I'm being? Surely this will
get me a treat!!!
- Wyatt was stuck to the brown sheep after it sat on him
- once Wyatt realizes this carpet used to be white he try's
to cover up the evidence.
- Where is that food!
- this is fwuffy.....i wike it!
- Mulch Madness!
- Are you my mummy?
- Hilary, back off, woman, and get your own flag bandanna...
- Sorry ladies, but this is as close as we can get to Kevin
Costner on a bear skin rug...
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Pepito, he like the mud, but me, I likes the fuzz.
- Wyatt isn't quite ready for the "big boy" mud puddle.
- Pepito swims in the mud puddle - I swims in the carpet!
- If Pepito can play in mud puddles, then so can I!
- I'm practicing to swim in my own mud puddle one day!
- Wyatt tries to look like he's in mud, so as to be accepted
into the more rebellious Boston gang, led by the notorious Pepito.
His attempt, however, ultimately fails. His cuteness was just
too overwhelming.
- Whew rolling in a mud puddle sure takes alot out of you.......hey
wait didn't this carpet used to be white?
- I recognize this mush-pie anywhere!!! CUTIE-PATOOTIE - Love
his bandana!!!
- One handsome little dude
- OMG!!!! Wyatt is adorable! I love his little Buddah Belly!
- What a yankee doodle angel boy!!!!!!
- AWWWWW,just too cute!
- I just love his little baby pot belly!
- that is so cute i wish i had i had a dog like that.
- Oh my goodnesses!
- very cute!
- Where is the Totally Precious button? This baby makes my heart
open and I want to lie down beside Wyatt and share kisses!
- awww.. i just love this breed so much! i would love to get
one of my own. (trying to persuide parents (: )