The Winning Caption
Rumors of Boston Terriers on Mars are highly exaggerated... |
- During the dry season on the African Plain, even the elusive
giant mud puppy stakes a claim on a shrinking water hole - here,
we catch the rarely seen "warning roll", which we quickly heeded
and moved away...
- As busy as Pepito gets he always remembers to take time out
for himself at the spa.
- dat cloud looks like bacon...dat cloud looks like a cuz...
& dat cloud looks like my sweet Opalito!
- So I had a few beers at the beach...this better not end up
on !!!
- It's good to be the King.
- yes, the bath is good when taken in a dinasour footprint !
- Good thing, I didn't do the cannnnnonballl...this pool is
not as deep as it looked.
- Just another afternoon at the nude beach
- Soup with a side of Boston.
- Watch me mom! I can blow bubbles! *f--a--r--t*
- Mission: retrieve chew toy from the bottomless mud puddle...
Status: FAIL
- Am I getting bigger, or is my lake drying up?
- world domination tomorrow...uninhibited mud bathing today...
- "what!!??? i'm drowning a flea!!"
- After purveying his empire, the Emperor rejoiced!
- as soon as I disguise my white parts with dark mud I'll
sneak up on them and push them over that cliff- payback for
the pink
coat will be mine!!!
- week's lodging for 3: $1000 + $100 pet deposit; state park
gate fee: $15; unabashed joy while communing with nature: priceless
- Ahh sweet bliss. Thy name is mud!
- Godzirra boston takes a moment from destroying citys to roll
in da muck
- Watering hole takes on a whole new meaning for Pepito!
- Pepito knows how to claim the day spa all for himself!
- Come get the leash.. I DARE you! *grin*
- If Mom thinks my stink eye is bad, wait till she sees this!
- Ahhhh:) No more itchy butt!
- When Pepito said that heights scared the piss out of him,
he wasn't kidding....
- Gotta stop drinking like this.
- Stop! Drop! Roll!
- Muddy Pigpito sez, "It just doesn't get any better than this!"
- Pig for a day!
- The spa's mud bath was a little less "no frills" than Pepito
- The Pepito Sponge.
- Dare me! Dare me!
- You know mama, there is no reason to pay for a mud pac. We
can have on for free!!! And it does wonders for the skin
- Sorry, Momo. I just couldn't hold it any longer!
- What?!? You said not to go IN the puddle and I'm not in it...I'm
just outside of it.
- Is it a Pig or is it a Boston Terrier? Hmm...
- Hey Girls, don't worry I'll be wearing brown.
- I told you last time I checked, Porky is my cousin!!
- After a long day of negotiations with Prince Fione... the
Emperor excuses himself and takes some time to relax in his
royal bath
- "Testing the poison waters" was the end for Pepito.
- Mudholes were made for men like me!
- Do you understand me? I rule the WORLD!!
- Oh Cabana boy - bring me a hot towel and a cold bone!
- The famous mud bath hole of the USA!
- Pepito knows the benefits of a good mud bath in keeping a
youthful appearance.
- Nothing like a good mud bath
- This is totally worth being put in the bath when I get home.
- Sunbathing in a puddle is the best!
- You call me a pig, I'll act like one
- Pepito decides to indulge in the famous spa mud bath cure.
- OH BRUDDAH!!!! You are going to be in SOOOOOO much trouble!
- I hope old faithful does not go off
- Pepito scared all the piggies away from the mud hole and kept
it all to himself.
- Pepito dreams of being Augustus Gloop in Willy Wonka's 'Chocolate
- Oink!
- Dis is da life!
- Pepito getting his weekly mud bath.
- That'll do pig... that'll do...
- This is better than the Dead Sea salt!
- Ahh, mud baths are heaven!
- I learned this one from a pork friend of mine. First you roll,
then you yeah!!!
- Missed it by that much!
- Here piggy piggy piggy!
- Happier than a pig in s*&t!
- You were right it was worth the hike up here for... THIS LOVELY
- Ahhh...! Who says hot springs are only for humans!
- Ahhh hahaha Mom is going to think I pooped all over myself,
so I won't have to go to Grandma's!
- Hakuna Matata, baby. . .
- mud wrestling lessons can sure wear you out!!
- Is this what you mean when you say "bath?"
- Ahhhhhh......Nothing like a personal spa mud treatment by
the shore.
- "Happy as a pig in WHAT did you say, Mom???"
- After Pepito rubs his back in the mud, he'll rub the front
in the sand to make sure his colors last another year.
- With the rising cost of fuel more and more are forced to use
"Do it yourself" Spa treatments
- I feel yummy all over!
- It was so worth splurging on the mud bath treatment!
- Nothin' like a Mud bath for the Complexion.
- I'm going to make a run for the bed...
- Oh man, life just doesn't get any better than this!
- While most people pay good money for mud treatments, Pepito
demonstrates his frugal side.
- I'll have my drink by the pool.
- If it snorts like a pig, rolls in the mud like a pig it must
be a Boston!
- Sunshine makes me high.
- Eau de Pepito.
- Hey Chucko- that doesn't smell like mud to me
- Aaaaaahhhhh!
- Oh Bliss! Momo you should join!
- Ahhhhh...happy as a pig in...wait! I'm not a pig!
- The Bog of Eternal Stench brought to mind Pepito's early days
spent with his mother and his litter mates as the smell of their
farts mingled to make that aroma that would always make him
feel at home.
- The Dog Days of Summer!
- nothing like enjoying a mud bath at my favorite spa
- who said this was chocolate
- Pepito says "I have a curly tail. I must be a pig. I must
roll around in this mud puddle!"
- ~~Ah!!!! Relief~~
- Now if only Pepito had some girls to share his canine spa
treatment with...
- some sun and a mud bath ahh...this is the life
- Pepito decides to test the theory of mud baths reducing wrinkles...
- "low maintenance, self-heating, the perfect puppy pool...just
be glad you let go of the leash when you DID, or you'd have
gone for a dip too.."
- HELP I've fallen and can't get up
- Nothin’ happier than a Pig... er... a Pup in mud!!!
- Pepito knows that mud baths are best for the body and mind.
- Seriously, it's not what it looks like.
- Ajua!!! Pepito just wanna have fun!!!
- hahahaha! Mom, you are going to love me in this picture...
- Pepito's life philosophy: Dont' worry, be happy!!!
- With global Warming we'll have to keep a close eye out for
the natural watering holes for the Boston's or there'll be a
good chance of extinction
- Pepito finally found the perfect location for his dream doggie
- A day at the local mud hole.
- (Steve Urkel voice) "Did I do that?"
- look ma I can bath myself.
- "Oh this is heaven!"
- Pepito's personal spa is open!
- I hope this is mud....if isn't who CARES!!!!
- scenery, schmenery! I gots me a med puddle to roll in! WOOOOOOOOOO
- yeah, they'll be mad I'm muddy but wait until they try to
grab my puddle soaked leash and it slips right through their
- Heaven, I'm in Heaven
- Look, Mommy, I'm a pig!
- Oink, oink!
- Rollin on the floor laughing my @## off! (auctally laughing
my sweet little knubby tail off)
- OH my gosh - I am in Heaven!!!!!!!
- I love a day at the spa!
- living the good life! nothing like rolling around in mud naked!
- Life is a beach!
- What??? it's hot... and mud is sooo good when it's soooo hot.
Ummmmm mud.
- Pepito demonstrating exactly how he keeps his whites white,
and his darks dark.
- The spa said the mud bath would be good for my complextion.
- I hope my shoot opens
- "This recently released crime scene photo..."
- Pepito finally surrenders to the evil green mud snake!
- Who can pass up a free mud bath?!!
- Yes, it truely is a “dogs life”!
- I don't need to pay for any stinkn' mud bath at the spa, I
can have one right in my backyard...Ooooh baby, this feels good!
- ahhhh..... the mud roll spa treatment - keeps the coat smooth
and silky
- pigmalia
- Can we come here every day? Pleeease?
- These European mud bath treatments do wonders for my coat
and skin!
- just being a bull-type dog!!
- Yea! I found it, I found it, black gold!!!
- Pepito enjoys his Spa Mud Bath
- boston muddier
- Just like being at the spa!
- Rolling, rolling rolling! Keep those Bostons rolling!!
- Ahh . . .nothing like a mud bath to cleanse the pores!
- If only I could reach that spot ...just...right...there...ahhhh
- Rub a Dub Dub- !!Me in the Mud!!!
- Who needs the pricey salon? I've got the mud bath right here!
- drown! you blasted leash! i am KING i need no leash!
- you show me in this condition on WOOF! you die!
- woman! do NOT take that picture...i'll have BJ put a pox on
- What an interesting new smell! Won't Mom be pleased!
- Dude, where's my car?
- Dude, I think I sharted!
- That is the last time I drink till I pass out!
- Mud rolling is fun
- Mud rolling is more fun than sleeping!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Pepito says, "Ally and Lily's outfits are so five minutes
ago...Mud is the new pink!!"
- Ally and Lily can dress up... But I am a true Boston at heart!
- Pepito has found his Nirvana...a muddy puddle, belly up, big
grimace, lovin' life!
- Awww look he's taking a bath his way
- Looks like he had a BIIIIIG accident! =P
- joy, bliss, happiness, euphoria- no matter how you spell it
this boy is ESCSTATIC
- Too Cute!
- Awwwwww!
- ha ha thats funny
- scary!
- bwahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!