boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Star:
boston terrier photo Dixie

The Winning Caption is: Mapquest directions to the closest 7-11.

Outstanding Submissions:
The competition for Dixie's captions was intense. We applaud all you talented captioners!!! There are so many unique & hysterical captions displayed here - go grab some coffee and enjoy!
-LittleBeasts Crew

  • The perp was eventually apprehended with the cunning use of FBI nipple print technology.
  • Ok, Ok. I admit it I am the Hamburgler!!
  • Not only is it warm but there's room at the top for a sandwich!
  • The kissing bandit patiently waits for the next victim...
  • stink eye through a ski mask
  • Dixie was last seen eating a bowl of chili -- she is considered silent, but violent.
  • I'm regifting this!
  • This thermostat war is getting out of hand.
  • thats it, I hate school pictures..
  • In Dixie's search for the perfect Clyde to her Bonnie, she posted this on her eharmony profile.
  • Dixie's stink eye was so intense it bored holes right through what used to be a very nice hat.
  • ohhh mommm, i can't lick my butt with this on !!!
  • You know Halen the Mofia? Well, I'm his MAMA!
  • Dixie attempts a disguise, but her ta-tas give her away.
  • Dixie's resemblance to an ancient tiki god was uncanny.
  • frito bandito senor!
  • My demands? A bag of Beggin Strips, 4 squeeky toys, and no more questions about the stain on the carpet!
  • Now I just need someone to drive the getaway car!
  • I thought being a cat burglar had something to do with getting cats ...
  • Dixie's cashmere sweater came with a severe neck opening!
  • You eeediots! Do you not see that it is my *tummy* that needs a sweater?!
  • Boston Terrorist School of Mayhem Rule #67: Hide in plain sight.
  • Dixie's new snow suit comes up a little short.
  • The return of the Boston Strangler.
  • Dixie couldn't understand how the clerk at the convenience store identified her so quickly since she didn't even register on the height bar next to the door!
  • REWARD: Up to $10,000 for information related to the arrest and conviction of the masked biscuit bandit.
  • In breaking news, the boston who let the stinky fart ascended to the top of the FBI's Most Wanted list--preceding Osama Bin Laden and several Colombian druglords.
  • i said my ears were cold, but this is ridiculous!
  • Uh, the purpose of a mug shot is supposed to be without the ski mask!!!
  • But mom, Emrys said everybody's wearin them.
  • be verwy verwy qwiet, we're huntin beasties !!!
  • When Dixie realized her tummy was all-too-recognizable, she gave up her ambitions to be a jihadist.
  • Ask a Ninja says I look forward to killing you!
  • Stick 'm up Give me all your loving hugs and kisses too.
  • I'll steal your heart!
  • Booga, booga, booga....
  • HELP!!! I can't breath!!!!
  • just do what i say and nobody gets hurt
  • Dixie thought for sure that this headshot would get her in the movie Gremlins.
  • you WILL do as i say & gib me all yer tweets
  • The infamous "Boston Terrorist" in her most recent photo
  • Give me all the milkbones, and now one will get hurt
  • Gimme the hotdogs and nobody gets hurt!
  • Gimme all your treats and nobody gets hurt!
  • Terrorist Terrier!!!
  • "Boston Bin Laden"!!!
  • "I noz where Bin Laden iz"
  • When Boston's join the religious right..
  • My next film features Dixie, the Boston Terriorist...
  • Gimmee all the treats...NOW!
  • One minute you're the queen but pass a little gas and BOOM! You're masked in shame!
  • Just gimme the good stuff and nobody gets hurt
  • hand over the cookies and nobady gets hurt
  • Hand over all the cookies and no one gets hurt!!!!!
  • Put all of your cheese in the bag and no one gets hurt!
  • Hand over the cheese and nobody will get hurt!
  • gimmie all the greenies, and no one gets hurt!
  • "Our demands include the capture of all cats and free liver treats for all!"
  • is there a "towely ban?"
  • who's driving the get-a-way car?
  • Gimme all your Beggin Strips and no one gets hurt!
  • who's driving the get-a-way car?
  • Slowly step away from the bully stick and nobody will get hurt.
  • Gemme da bully stick.....and no won getz hurt!!!
  • Gimme all the bones, or else!
  • Hand over the bully sticks and NO one gets hurt
  • Nobody move, nobody gets hurt!
  • Luke, I am your Father!!!
  • Boston Terror
  • Gimme the candy!
  • I am the mighty Bin Boston!
  • Give me all your treats and no one will get hurt!
  • I am a terrifying terriorst!
  • the boston terrorist - especially dangerous and known for licking and pawing it's victims without regard.
  • I use play the character Mushmouth on Fat Albert
  • Dixie practiced her Darth Vader voice over and over again... "Luke, I am your father!"
  • Pass the treats or you'll never see the cat again.
  • This is a hold up!!! Give me all your doggie treats!
  • ~~ Do You Think They Will Know It's ME?~~
  • Gimme all the no one will get hurt.
  • look ma!!! what happened when i stuck my head in the clothes basket!!!!!
  • It would have been a great disguise if Dixie hadn't left paw prints all over the evidence!
  • Our "subcomandante Dixie"...
  • "How soon can we return this Christmas present?"
  • Dixie tries for the Michael Jackson look.
  • That's perfect! Now they will never know who too the cookies!
  • Gimmie all your treats, and no one gets hurt!
  • I am from Shirka Dirka Stan! Shirka, Shirka, Dirka!
  • If these nude photos get on the internet, I'll bite your toes off.
  • This is a hold up! I want all your squeeky toys and dog biscuits PRONTO!
  • I've got a gas bomb!! Hand over the Scooby Snacks or I'll let her blow!
  • Hand over the treats, or the place gets gassed.
  • Your bacon or your Life.
  • "Its simple really, I raid the house for treats first, and take any pretty collars if I see them. Mostly, I'm just out to prove that cats don't have the monopoly on burglary"
  • This is a stick-up. Give me all your sausage!
  • Hand over all the snackies and noone gets hurt.
  • shhh... i'm hiding
  • Gimme all your snacks NOW.
  • I demand.....where are the toys?
  • You can't see me!
  • we have way of making you talk!
  • really! momo it isn't THAT cold....
  • Stick 'em up!
  • Gimme' all your kibble in a small bag!
  • Gimme all your bacon and nobody gets hurt!!
  • You can't see me, can you?
  • When I said I wanted a costume of my own I definitely had something more alluring in mind!
  • Your mission should you choose to accept it- unmask the fearsome Ninja Boston!
  • Hand over the cheese and no one gets hurt!
  • "Mom ... do i really look scary to you? I don't think ANYONE is going to buy this!!!"
  • okay i know what your thinking... I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!!
  • Be very afraid!
  • Do I look like I'm kidding? Give me all your kibble!!
  • Don't look at my face or i'll have to kill you.
  • here is my list of demands... i want a new kong, a lifetime supply of snacks, and a chopper!
  • Gimmie the Omaha Steaks and no one gets peed on.
  • Ok jst hand over the dog biscuts and noone gets hurt!!!
  • Everybody be cool, I'm sitting on a loaded weapon and I'm not scared to use it!!!
  • Dead Presidents got nothing on Dixie-
  • Iba dontba knowba Fat Albert, yourba friendba mushmouth
  • ...but it sure was nice of Glamour Shots to help with the work-release program from the local jail...
  • Dixie went on strike to get plastic surgery for her tummy: no more cute photos!!
  • Gimme all your cuz...
  • Muslim terrorist terrior.....
  • I'll be taking all the Milk Bones and I do mean NOW!
  • If anyone sees the above "Masked Biscuit Bandit" please notify your local police department immediately.
  • Dixie does her impression of a sock puppet.
  • Febreeze-its a breath of fresh air!
  • Give me the cookies and no one gets hurt!!!
  • I am....Darth Vader.
  • Bad hair day, ok?
  • Give me all your treats, or else...
  • I come to you with a message...please listen to me one will get hurt if you do as I say.
  • "Put all the milkbones in the bag!!!"
  • Dixie was done with being told no, she was going to have to get street....Dixie was off to rob the nearest Denny's of all of their bacon.
  • Hand over the cuz and no one will get hurt.
  • (Flash) i didnt do nothin!!!
  • Dixie pauses as she ponders how in the world this sock got on her head.
  • Why do I rob PetMart? Because that's where the kibble is!
  • Sorry, Dix- I don't think your momo's gonna buy the 'a burglar did it' line...
  • Dixie prepares to raid her favorite Doggie Cookie store...
  • Luke, I am your father...
  • Operation Treat Jar is almost underway...
  • Dixie comtemplates revenge on her humans for such a humiliating photo.
  • elephant boston terrier
  • Okay... stick em' up!!!
  • Put 'em down Mutha Sticker,,,, this is a screw up
  • Darn straight I'm hiding my face. You embarrass me when you wear that pink outfit!
  • Just having a bad ear day.
  • Even with this photo the Boston Strangler's identity remanins a mystery
  • The family never suspected the robbery was a inside job till this photo surfaced.
  • Hand over the cuz, and no one gets hurt.
  • Gimme all your doggie treats and no one gets hurt!
  • bad hair day.
  • you said head first!!
  • i don't care; it matches my butt and makes it look smaller!!
  • These Boston Terrorists have been led to believe that if they lose their life by diving into a crowded plate of cookies in broad daylight that they will receive 72 brand new, easily shred-able toys in heaven.
  • Hand over the Bizkit and no one gets hurted!
  • Now they'll NEVER know who left that yellow stain on the rug!
  • Terrier...terrorist...similarity? I think not...
  • Put your paws up and no one gets hurt!
  • Mrs. Snuffalupagus
  • Gimme all of you chicken jerky and no one gets licked!
  • Little did Dixie know, not only did everyone at the bank recognize her, but the cops were on their way...
  • When Mommy isn't looking I am gonna rob the treat cupboard...she will never know who it was..hahaha
  • You may call me Zorro!
  • ok, now hand over all the treats
  • alright now here is what we do rob them of their treats and or bones.
  • Give me all your dog food in small unmarked kibbles!
  • Does this sweater make me look fat?
  • okay, hand over all the dog treats and no one gets hurt!
  • Security camera photo of the pet store bandit.
  • Stick um up! I want all the money and the treats in the jar!
  • Maskd bandit! Close down all the banks!
  • Dixie is now ready to rob Petco. . .
  • This is a stickup! gimme da treats, or I pee in U bed!
  • Gimme the Bonz!
  • ***I would say Thif isth a thickup but I can't moove my mouff***
  • i didnt know they had boston terrierists in iraq
  • Who are you calling 'Bunhead'?!
  • Oh least it's not a baby bonnet....
  • Now see here. There will be no more denta-bones passed off as treats. Break out the good stuff or I'll cut loose the greenhouse gas.
  • "Hand over all the treats- now"
  • Give me all your squeaky toys and nobody gets hurt!
  • You better watch out - the Boston Terrier Ninja is loose
  • Do what I tell you to do and no one will get hurt!!! (said in a sinister type voice)
  • Get rid of the cat and nobody will get hurt!
  • I demand all of your money at once!
  • "I'm not a terrorist...I'm a Terrier" !
  • Those dang Bostons!!! We've gotta install a stronger safe...
  • Gimme the treats and no one gets hurt!
  • Stick em up!
  • Dixie says yes to a centerfold in playpuppy under the condition... her true identity be kept a secret....
  • ...then Darth Dixie let the evil truth be known.."Search your feelings Bergamot and Emery..YESI AM YOUR FATHER!"
  • Luke! I am your father!
  • GIVE ME all of your cheese and NO ONE gets hurt.....
  • Dixie was hoping the pigs would not mistake her for a giant truffle..
  • gimmie all the cookies in your drawer and don't give me any lip!
  • One last time, give me your Wubba Kong or it's curtains....
  • Ha - They'll never recognize me in this - It's time to knock over the treat store!
  • Even in uniform Dixie's terrorist buddies didn't take her seriously.
  • This is a stick up! Now put all the dog biscuits in the bag...SLOWLY!
  • Dixie takes her yearbook photo for the Boston Terrier Cookie Terrorist Training School.
  • inki,blinki,and stinky.
  • slowly hand over the camera and no one gets hurt.
  • Bad hair day!
  • yes, I am a ninja. Now just give me all the treats.
  • Keep quiet and hand over your pig ear....
  • Whaatt?! I've got my pants on my head??!
  • Does she or doesn't she?
  • The ninja of farts, you must give up the treats now!
  • They say vertical stripes are slimming, but I'm not sure...
  • Black Is The New Brindle
  • put your hands up and give me all of the treats!!
  • "I'm Coming To Get You Muahahaha"
  • Just gimme the bone & no one gets hurt.
  • Ugh! This is so embarrassing! I told my manager that "I wouldn't get out of BED for less than $20,000"...not "I would rob a BANK for less than $20,000!!!"
  • Just hand over the kibble & no one will get hurt...!
  • Pay no attention to the cute puppy belly below my mask!
  • You said this was my sweater!
  • I CAN NOT rob the cupboard Cat, they will still totally recognize me!
  • Dixie's embarrasment at her gas problem drives her to extremes....
  • Yes, Dixie- I'm afraid that the mask *does* make you look fat.
  • Okay, but where are you going to put your pistol?
  • Dixie gets caught at the scene of the crime!
  • Wow. You are right, my breath does stink!
  • "Put all the greenies in a bag now; or the cat gets it!"
  • These particular Boston Terrorists are taught that if they lose their life flying into a crowded plate of cookies that there will be 72 unopened chew-toys in the afterlife.
  • I'll get you my pretty.
  • :::grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:::
  • I said I wanted a ski *SWEATER* for Christmas!!!
  • You just bought yourself another *month* of house training!
  • OK, give me your dog treats or I'll, I'll, I'll....ok, just give me the treats!
  • What!!!! Did my sweater shrink?
  • Dixie knew the heist was a bad idea.
  • Gimme your cookies and no one will get hurt...
  • "O.K., so what would you like for your last meal?"
  • i will kill you ALL!!!!!!
  • bum bum buuuuuummmmmm. Dixie Myers coming to get you.
  • ok, no body move, im just here for the cheese
  • Hand over ALL the doggie biscuits and no one gets hurt!
  • gimme the biscuits or the carpet gets it!
  • They'll never let me through the airport looking like this!
  • Ocean's Boston Terrier
  • I need my doggles!
  • Watch out!! I am ninja terrier!!
  • you don't know me ...but i am your worst nightmare...grrrr.....
  • Just WAIT until I figure how to get this thing off!
  • Give me all your liv'r treats and no one gets hurt.


  • Badges! We don't need no stinkin Badges!
  • we want the money LEBOWSKI!
  • Son, you've got a panty on your head...
  • "You talkin' to me? Huhh? Are you talkin' to ME?!"
  • "Vee haff vays ov makink you talk!"

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • Operation Feline is underway to kidnap Norton, the little gray kitty.
  • ...soon as Norton goes to sleep that %*** Woody is toast!
  • Norton will never recognzie me in this disguies when I come to get Woody!!!!
  • After waiting to get her cute little Boston nose back after that terrible incident with Woody, Dixie can't wait to take the bandages off and see her new look.


  • This is so hysterical, that I cannot even put a caption on this. LOLH.....
  • Hillarious!!!
  • I love her little belly boobs! :)
  • OMG My boston's name is Dixie too!!!
  • Can we please see Dixie's whole face ????!!!!
  • This photo is so cute and funny! Lol
  • So very cute!
  • This is a stitch! Dixie must be SO patient!
  • I can't even think of a caption, I'm laughing too hard! Hahahah!!!!!
Great captions everyone!
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