The Winning Caption
My arm rest is still here...but my foot rest doesn't
look too happy.
- Gomez demonstrates the Heimlich method to dislodge furballs
- Dis mah kitteh. Get your own!
- Oh quit yer bellyachin', I can only give one massage at a
- These new 'Mean Kitties' are really life-like!
- A Kitteh in the hands is worth two in the bush.
- Gomez soon realized that the idiom about "herding cats" was
so true.
- Episode 42: The Trouble With Tribbles
- Cat sitting is such a thankless profession.
- Gomez says "Come on, quit complaining, Pie Rat, you can get
a big hug, too!"
- You got a squeaker in there? I'll get it out!
- Two paw TOUCH! No tackling, Gomez!
- You do realize that your NOT scaring me right?
- Gomez is studying the behavior of the brown hairball.
- and here is Gomez on Meer-ly-Cat manor
- So, this one's breakfast, that one's lunch...
- Wow it is true Hearding cats is hard to do!!!!
- a kitten in the paw is worth how many in the grass? oh never
mind !
- "No Mini Me, we don't gnaw on our kitty. We pet them."
- What do you mean "Argh Matey"?
- I will never babysit the Double Trouble Twins again....
- Gomez is my name .... catching kitties is my game..
- Gomez says What you laughing at.. Your next!!!
- Eenie, meenie, miney, moo. Catch a kitteh by the toe. If he
hollahs, let him go, eenie, meenie, miney, moh.
- MOM!!! Knock it off Gomez or I'm tellin. MOM!!!
- I'll love him and squeeze him and call him George.
- And the lamb will lay down with the lion
- I will hold him and love him and pet him and squeeze him...
- No, no, Gomez! It's like this--MEOWWWW! Try again.
- I know you caught him fair and square, but I'm telling you--he's
not a toy!
- Heehee Mew! Road Rash is a teddy bear! Road Rash is a teddy
- I'll hold her back, make a run for the cheeseburger!!
- Cool your jets, Rat, I'm just checkin' Rash's pulse.
- I named them myself.
- Inny minny minny moe.......
- Gomez soon realized that a kit in the paw is worth two in
the grass.
- Pie rat: I am a beast! Gomez: Hey wait whoa I'M the ONLY beast
- Leave a snackie or this one gets it!
- You try to start nursing and this Mr. Nice Guy is history!
- Yeah, go ahead and call your mom. This one will be history
by the time she gets here.
- Normaly I would be chasing these cats around but there to
cute to be harmed.
- I caught one. Now what to do about the other?
- you should be ashamed picking on your brother--it's time out
for you!
- Mommy, can I keep 'em?
- Do exactly as I say and I'll release the kitteh! Bring me
my stuffie!
- road rash road rash calm down why aren't you more lik pie
- This one's mine....
- Gomez's kitten babysitting serice olny $10!!!!!!
- hiss went the littie cat!
- Im watchin you to kitty
- "and you shall be my new pet...."
- I told you Pie Rat, you dont need A Halloween costume !!
- "Here's the plan. We get the warhead, and we hold the world
ransomed for.....One MILLION DOLLARS!!"
- No i am NOT going to eat him!
- what do i do now?
- I like the silky soft kitties, they are good for snuggling.
- Gomez ponders "going for two"
- Finders keepers loosers weepers. I found him and I'm eating
- MINE!!!
- I knew I should have asked for a goldfish.
- dis ones mine, git yer own!
- Was told one kitty in paws is better than none.
- Ya know, I really wonder if I was adopted? I am just not buying
the whole "triplet" thing anymore...
- A kitten in paw is worth more than...
- Tackle the Cat--my favorite game!!!
- Get your filthy paws off my woman!!!
- (cat) "your my mommy!aaaaaaaaahhhhhh protect me from that
evil cat!" (dog) "Hey you other kitty no clawing your sister!"
- You talkin to me?
- mmmmm! Pie for dessert! My favorite!
- I'm doing this because I have too
- Here Kitty Kitty! Come over here and see Uncle Gomez......hehehe
- ok, now that i have this one... how am I going to get him???
- All right, you two! Play nice or they'll be no catnip mouse!
- No Road Rash can't come and play.. he's in a time out!
- The ingredients of my kitten pie are trying to escape
- Calm down, DO NOT make me come over there!
- note to self: You need more paws...
- A kitten in the paw is worth two on the lawn...
- Collecting commemerative plates wasn't Gomez's style but fuzzy,
little kitties were another matter entirely.
- It... squeaks..... How interesting...
- Pie Rat carefully sneaks up on the wild BT
- Gomez hadn't appreciated "It's like herding cats" until now.
- i am the kitten whisperer!
- I don't get it....I think I just horked up a couple hairballs........
- ~~Ok babies, Uncle Gomez will protect you~~
- guys i am treing to sleep!
- Darn it, can't you see I'm busy!
- What were their parents thinking of?!?
- These cats are crazy!
- Gomez is his own personal kitty trap!
- Get your own, this one is mine.
- What's a guy gotta do around here to get some rest? Hey Kittehs,
I said SIESTA, not FIESTA!
- Im commin to get you to you little hair ball!
- pie rat's means of distraction have no affect on gomez's hold
of his fuzzy toy....
- You can run little kitty but i will be back for you
- Why do my new toys keep running away?
- and now for my last move the hug of death,any last words?
- Who says herding cats is tough?
- This one's mine!
- You're right ROad Rash, Pie Rat does look like a short nosed
- whoa thanks for holdin' him gomez...that mouse is mine!
- that's NOT a stuffie ...that's my sis!
- I knew this wrestling business was easy...
- no no no...gomez...jabba the hutt does not EAT the ewoks!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Why do these beannies bite too!
- Gomez decided to imitate Lola - only to discover that two
beanie babies can become rather jealous of each other.
- You heard about Piepurr, right? I'm telling you, we're next!!!
- Thought This Was Cute!!!Love U !!
- "WOW!"
- cute!
- hahahahahaa!