boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Stars:
boston terrier photo Chester & boston terrier photoPiepurr the Burmese kitten
Rated: Cute & Funny

The Winning Caption is:
So is burmese a type of seasoning?

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Is it gone yet? No Chester, its to the left! Still there? No, my left Chester!
  • Look closely. Can you see it? This side of my tongue is the slimy side.
  • Piepurr ponders if he, too, could pick his nose with his tongue.
  • If I had a tongue like Chester's I could cut my grooming time in half and spend more time sunning myself.....
  • Chester's mouth waters just thinking about Piepurr tasting like chicken.
  • Last known photograph of Piepurr the Burmese kitten. Detectives still baffled over sudden dissapearance!
  • Like Jessica Simpson I can't tell...chicken or fish ?
  • Chester was here on a misson but his cat disgusie failed
  • Piepurr was not fooled by Chester's lame attempts to be a cat
  • Why come I can't do that?
  • No no Chester, we we don't lick our Mr. Bigglesworth, we pet him.
  • Nope, you still didn't get it...
  • Ok, Ok, your cute but can you do this????
  • "The better to eat you with, my dear.."
  • What-chu talkin' 'bout, Chester?
  • And as always Piepurr had to keep count of how many times Chester could touch his tongue to his nose.And as he counted he thought to himself,Chester really needed a new hobby!
  • So Burmese for dinner tonight? I love exotic food!
  • See, all you gotta do is stick your toungue out real far and curl it up. That's how to get leftover kibbles off your nose, a between meals snack.
  • chester, how do you fit that in your mouth.
  • I don't care about catching flies.
  • Not on the first date!!!!
  • Okay, so you stick it out as far as you can ~ and "wahlah!" you can touch your nose! Not everyone can do it, ya know!
  • Sure I can stick my tongue up my nose, but why would I want to?
  • by golly Chester you can touch your tongue to your nose
  • You don't taste like chicken!
  • Somebody says kitties taste like chicken, but I think you taste like fur!
  • Ok this is how it works kid, I lick you and then you lick me
  • MMMM...tastes like chicken!
  • Where's your squeaker?
  • Piepurr: my, what a big tounge you have.... Chester: All the better to lick you with my dear!
  • Kitty smell NICE!
  • Cat.....the other white meat!
  • See? I CAN touch my nose with my tongue, can you?
  • Chester's tounge got his cat.
  • EXCUSE ME?!?! I do not taste like chicken!!!!
  • Wow you weren't kidding! You do have an extraordinary long tongue!
  • Thbis izs wats you look like kitty
  • Fasinating what you canines can do with your tongues!
  • And now...for the creamy center!
  • "Tastes like chicken!"
  • Chester- You wanna play that game that's called chase the chew toy; I mean cat. Piepurr- Or how bout the game swat the dummy; I mean dog?
  • Chester! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!
  • Piepurr, can I get a little help here? My tongue is stuck up my nose. Again.
  • Tastes like chicken.
  • "Look! I can pick my nose with my tongue!"
  • Must....resist...yummy...kitty
  • "You missed a spot"
  • Chester: That Arm Looks Really Good...Right...Now! Piepurr: Those Eyes Loook Really...Good...Right...Now!
  • Mmm. Tastes like kitten.
  • look piepurr!! no hands!!
  • watch carefully as i skillfully dig for gold........JACKPOT!!!
  • See! I told you I can touch my nose with my tongue!
  • you liking your lips at me? huh?
  • ... and where, exactly, did my catnip go Chester?
  • Tastes like chicken.
  • MMMMM,they say you taste like chicken; I love chicken!!!
  • That's funny, you don't taste like Chinese food.
  • Mmmmm, kitty taste nice.....
  • Did you get it?
  • Can I help you get that buggie?
  • Yeah, but can you do this?
  • See, I can touch my tongue to my nose, now you try it.
  • Chester and Piepurr discover who can actually touch their tongue to their nose.
  • Piepurr still cannot believe that Chester can touch the top of his nose with his tongue.
  • How do you do that?
  • ...and Chester, the good dog again resists Piepurr even though he thinks: "Cat! It's what's for dinner!"
  • Do I LOOK like a scooby snack?
  • Wow, this is amazing! Can you touch your chin with your tongue too???
  • Piepurr says put that tongue away i dont need a bath.
  • OMG your tongue is HUGE!!!
  • Ugghhh! I don't think you tongue belongs in your nose...
  • What did you do to my brother?! You MONSTER!!!!
  • Chester: Can you do this? Piepurr: How'd you do that??!!
  • You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but don't pick your friends noses!
  • You taste like cheese-cat!!!
  • Don't stick your toung out at me!!!!
  • I can touch the top of my nose with my toung...SEE!!!!
  • Chester ponders how PiePurr could have fallen in the laundry bleach.
  • Thanks Chester but I can lick my own fur!!!!
  • Chester's grooming skills gain the adoration of Piepurr.
  • Eww gross you don't pick your nose in public!!!!
  • You could breathe if you take your tongue out of your nose!
  • Mmm, tasty!
  • Yeah, go ahead--walk into the sunspot, get comfy, and I'll lather you with butter...I mean tanning oil.
  • you licking at me??
  • Dang Chester! Let me help you with that booger....
  • Piepurr is astounded at Chester's trick tongue!
  • Hmmmmm....come with me to the casbah....
  • what do you mean, "you smell like kibble," is that a new perfume?
  • Are you my Mommy?
  • mmm... cat food!
  • Yummm! Kitty
  • Piepurr: You've got bats in the cave Chester: YUMMMMMM!!!
  • By Golly You're Right!! It DOES taste like chicken !!
  • I didn't say Simon says.
  • Piepurr "Really?!? I never realized Boston Terriers were the only dogs that could touch their tounges to their noses!"
  • So, what flavor of fuzz are you?
  • help me! help me! i got my tounge stuck in my nose!!!! (cat: and they wonder why im the smart one!!!)
  • I can touch my nose with my tongue, can you????
  • so thats how you pick your nose without anyone knowing!
  • Mmmm. Piepurr really does taste like chicken.
  • "Chester can't you hold your licker?!?"
  • You look so tastey, but I better not. I must find something else to take the edge off.. Insert tounge into nose.
  • Chester is using the age old tongue enticing trick to lure his prey in closer for the kill
  • Dang! You have the Gene Simmons tongue.
  • wow! you can touch your nose with your tounge.
  • I tried to lick you, I missed, and got my toung stuck in my nose.
  • "Watch this, I can touch my nose with my tongue"
  • I'm hungry, how about you?
  • Piepurr: "How can you do that, touch your nose with your tounge?" Chester: "Wha? I'm doing that right now? Cool..."
  • Betcha cant touch your tongue to your nose!
  • How do you do that Chester?
  • Dude...
  • You did *WHAT?!*
  • I knew you licked other parts Chester, but your own NOSTRILS?? That's twisted!
  • Mom: yelling from Kitchen:Chester, your Lunch is ready!
  • This doesn't taste like cheese...
  • You talkin' to ME?
  • "Can you touch your nose with your tongue?"
  • and you move you tounge up here...and wella! you can taste your boogers!!
  • Yeah, I am eyeing you up for my snack if you don't behave yourself!
  • You DO taste like chicken!
  • who needs oreos?
  • I DO NOT taste like chicken!
  • Look into my eyes...
  • Chester shows Piepurr his patented blow your nose with your tongue move
  • Are you picking your nose! You are disgusting!
  • Also comes in strawberry, chocolate, and blueberry flavors.
  • Kitties are good eatin'
  • Oh no you din'nt!
  • Mmmmmm......tastes like chicken
  • Are you a chew toy?????
  • You look like a chew toy.... do you squeek like one
  • Piepurr, if you lick as hard as you can, you can taste the sunbeam. And it tastes like vanilla puddin.
  • Chester, Mom says don't pick your nose!
  • Aren't I a little young for you?
  • Piepurr wonders what kind of kitty Chester most resembles.
  • so much for kibbles and bits!!!
  • Friends for life!
  • Mmmmm, Vanilla! My favvvvvorite.
  • I kissed a girl and I liked it!
  • I told you I could touch my tongue to my nose.
  • Are you a creamsicile?

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)


  • I'm not a cat person, but Piepurr is so adorable and lovely that she makes me want to get a Burmese!!
  • Did the cuteness meter just rise around here or is it just me? Great photo.
  • Awwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! So, cute!!!!!!!
Great captions everyone!
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