The Winning Caption
Introducing the new Beef Lovers Pizza.
- a rare glimpse at the elusive pizza shark
- "Every step you take... every move you make... I'll be
watchin' you!"
- For your faithful customer could you lower your counter please.
- Damn PizzaBox SpyCam!!!
- Bergamot the pizza monster lurked in the shadows, just waiting
for someone's plate to fall...
- Bergamot was able to order her combo pizza at the drive thru
but without opposable thumbs could not drag it into the car.
- Um, excuse me... I asked for no onions...
- it was a dark and stormy night...
- alone in the dark, bergamot is the solitary witness as the
infamous pizza blob crawls out of the box
- Avoid the noid!
- Keeping one eye on the prize and the other on the competition!
- With my "Black Olive" nose, I blend right in, the last piece
will be mine.
- I should have known the last slice would be under video surveillance!
- You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry
enough to eat six.
- Kilroy IS here- and your pie is HIS!
- I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a slice today.
- Anchovies? No problem!
- that a puppycam?!
- hey i can see it give me the pizza!!
- I'd like a slice of that Bergamot pizza please!
- It shall be MY pizza soon...
- I hope they left me a slice with a lot of pepperoni !
- ooooo smells gooooooooooooooooood
- Bergmot practices his Uri Geller impression by willing the
pizza to him.
- A very rare picture of the Black and White Boston Pizza Monster
hunting its prey.
- I see youz eating all the pizza up!
- Bergamot PI, on a stake-out, watching the humans, "good thing
that they can't see me."
- I smell shish-ka-bobs
- smells delish
- Is there any left for me!
- the Pizzanator
- I'll fight ya for it!
- Pizza. It's what's for dinner!
- Just a few more inches and I'll have a bite of that pizza!
- Almost got it! Just a little closer and it's mine!!!!
- Quietly, stealthly, Bergamont stalks the pizza....
- Now if only my owners will look away...
- Berga.....SHARK!!!!!
- Is she gone? Can I eat my candy yet?
- Just a couple of bits of that, and I could clear the room!!
- Mom's not looking, this baby is all mine !!
- Dude, you gonna eat that last slice?!
- be vewy vewy qwiet I'm hunting PIZZA!
- OH....uh....hi there...I was just..welll, I was um....
- Maybe they won't see me! Sneak attack on the pizza!
- Bergamot checks to see if the coast is clear before moving
in for the feast!
- Bergamont: "I sees it...I smells precious..."
- Hey! Pssst! Are you gonna finish that?!
- Mom told Dad not to feed me at the table … so I sent out for
- What? I left half for you.
- I guess they dont want it any more......Uhhhh..I didnt do
- duh-nah duh-nah duh-nah (like the Jaws theme somg.)
- Dibs on the last piece!
- There's no way they can see me, I'm hiding...
- [theme from Jaws] Da-DUM... Da-DUM... Da-DUM, Da-DUM, Da-DUM...
- Dont stop till you see the whites of their eyes!
- Here is a rare picture of a wild Bosten Terrier about to pounce
on its prey...
- Where am I? Who am I? Who is the sandwich?!
- Bergamot hungry Bergamot want eat!!!!
- Hey Dad! Where's my plate?
- Life isn't fair!!!!
- Dah Dunt. Dah dunt.Da DA DAAAA!!! (poor attempt at the theme
from Jaws)
- Rather than devour the pizza, Bergamot lays in wait for bigger
- You've tried the rest... now try the BEAST!
- so close, but yet so far..
- Bergamot is spotted posing as "Customer X"
- SO uh you gonna uh finish that???
- You don't really see me I am just a figment of your imagination...
- Did you really think I would not show up at this dinner party!!!
- What?!?!
- is that pizza i smell?
- Do I see,smell pizza????
- Get back you 4 legged freak!
- **Whispering** Get the Hotdog, Get the Hotdog, Get the Hotdog
- Are there anchovies on that?
- Shhhh Emrys, They haven't noticed me, yet. I've almost got
us a piece of pizza!
- Pizzilla!! DUM-DUM-DAH!!
- If I hold real still they will think I am just a huge mushroom.
- One little bite couldn't hurt...could it?
- I'll have extra pupperoni please
- Ummmm, I wonder if anyone will miss this slice of pizza? I
think it has my name on it...
- Don't make me come over this counter after you............
- Pizza, YUM!
- Agent 2 i found the subspect
- No one will ever find me in here!!!
- Psst, Emry's, play the Jaws music.
- I spy with my little eyes...a BIG HONKIN' slice of pizza!
- thats my brother.....hehe
- "Hey honey, you want the last slice of Bergamot?"
- When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie, that's
- I'll have a pupperoni pizza, hold the Boston.
- Bergamont attempts to use the "Force" to get a piece of pizza.
- Now if I could just convince the pizza to jump off the counter,
I'll be more than willing to catch it.
- It's's ALL mine!
- As You Can See in this photo, the skilled Boston Terrier uses
his camoflauge Skills to Suprise and Eat his Pizza Prey.
- trick or treat! just give me the treat!
- Peek-a-boo!
- I knew hanging out wth those hounds would be beneficial. My
nose found the pizza!!!
- Their prey in sight, the sleathy pair of hunters prepares
for the final pounce!
- Watch how the boston terrier stalks its prey....
- Must steal the pizza.
- arrrrrrrrrrr sloch
- "But they can bring another in 30 minutes or less!"
- dare you haunt me!!
- Trust me.I won't eat that yummy pizza.
- "If I eat that piece of pizza that will put me right over
the top for my Weight watchers points for the day."
- You know, there's not really enough to save...
- please, soooo hungry, cant help myself enough
- The boston on my left shoulder with the red cape and horns
makes a very good point: If I can see all around me while taking
the pizza and I could have it down before anyone notices...
- Two seconds to pizza heaven!
- stealth is my middle name!
- pizzaaaaaa...... gooood.
- No doggy treats tonight huh?! Foolish humans, they forget
Domino's delivers!
- If I don't move they can't see me!
- ohhhhh... levatation spell... not... working.. come to me...
- please... i have no food... i have no shelter... I HAVE NO
- The pizza is taunting me!
- I'll have the Bergamot Special with some Emrys on the side!
- Bergamot the sneaky Devil Dog keeps guard ready to nab any
& all candy thieves.
- You stand guard while I grab it then I run to the living room.
Contraband always taste better on the living room carpet!!!!
- Agent x we found the subspect
- This weeks specialty: Bergamont on a stick-$3.50
- Could I get two slices, extra cheese please, with a bowl of
- sshhhhh! I'm hiding from Jason, Freddy and Michael!!
- Damn that Monster Movie Channel anyway!!
- Who's afraid of the big bad Wolfman?
- Ooh, is that mushroom?
- Can't see me!
- After eating 23 slices, the Grand Champ Bergamot still wanted
- What???
- Feed me...Feed me NOW
- I said "NO Mushrooms!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- "Have they put the sweater away, yet?"
- Maybe if I hide back here, they won't make me dress up like
- It's no snowball, but I guess I'll take it. [PPP]
Comments: Bergamot says "thanks!" for all the nice
- How is it possible that Bergamot keeps getting cuter and
- varrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry funny
- that is pretty cute!!..that is so a boston!!
- cute puppy.
- SO cute!