*First time ever*
- the Winning Caption is a PPP!!!
This should protect me from the Brain Eating Gooch!
- It all started with this Beginner's Knitting class at the
community college...
- Where is a People Whisperer when you really need one?
- Do I qualify for BT rescue?
- She kept saying she was making it for the baby. Then I realized
they don't have a baby.
- Kaycee wonders what she did to deserve the evil-stripped-sweater-time-out.
- I am the great Cornholio!
- Am I wearing a sock?
- Wool is murder!
- I HATE hand-me-downs!
- I knew when she signed up for that knitting class that there
was going to be trouble.
- Would someone PLEASE turn the heat on!!!!!
- You don't expect me to wear this in public do you?
- Mom when you take this off my ears will go back up, Right?
... Mom?... My ears!
- Hello I am Kaycee,Santa's Little Helper and I know if you
have been good or bad.
- TV's "WHAT NOT TO WEAR" is knocking on Kaycee's door!
- ~~ Does This Sweater Make My Eyes Look Bigger?~~
- "Okay, but I'm only wearing this when Grandma comes to visit."
- Kaycee gave up trying to win the Battle of the A/C Thermostat.
- How far did you have to chase that chihuahua to get that getup?
- When will I ever turn into a butterfly?
- Why would someone do this to me?
- I'm ready for dis winter momma!
- it's a little chilly in here
- Where did my ears go...???
- Oh, you are SOOOO gonna get it when this sweater comes off!
- he doesnt look convinced!
- this is my best "brad pitt traveling through the airport"
- Sosososo Cocococold!!!
- I have to wear it....Grandma made it for me.
- I'm too sexy for my sweater,too sexy for my sweater.....
- America's Next Top Model - Kaycee
- humiliated!!!!
- They made me put this sweater on! It's not even cold out!
- Don't forget my sunglasses, Mom, I don't want my friends to
see me like this!
- Whatcha you lookin at, if you didn't have much hair you'd
be wearing this thing too.........
- Americas next top model!
- Help! Martha Stewart is after me!
- I am still in my pupa stage. Soon I will be a beautiful butterfly.
- Knit one, purl two.
- Winter woolies!
- Mom says I'm supposed to be a Glow Worm for Halloween.
- I represent the lollipop guild
- Don't laugh your mother might knit you one of these too!
- How many People does it take to get a Boston in a cheesy "grandma
made" sweater? Don't matter. As long as there's a treat in it
for me!!!!
- Mommy do I have to wear the sweater grandma made my?
- You better go ahead and call Cesar Millan now because you
are not going to believe what I am going to do to this outfit!!!
- I don't think this is my color!
- B.T. phone home
- This isn't working. My snout is still cold.
- 'Grandmother! What big teeth you have!'
- I told you that I DID NOT want to be Pippy Longstocking for
- This is SO better than Camo!
- I will tolerate this, but NO matching booties!
- All I did was shiver a little, and look what happens!
- Someone Please help me get this off!!!
- You know this pattern really clashes with my fur!!!
- its cowd in hee!
- What's happening to me?
- You Know I'm Cute
- BOO! you scared?
- Mom, why did you tell Grandma that my ears get cold?
- Kaycee will be joining the cast of America's Next Top Boston.
- Kaycee, a "fierce" up and coming model, struts the runway
in a multi-colored knit parka with red decorative braid and
arm bands.
- Kaycee shows that retro knits are back in high fashion.
- Hey, does this make me look fat? Really, does it? I don't
want the other kids to make fun of me.
- I make this hoodie look good!
- My EARS . . .my EARS.. . you could have knitted this with
ear holes!!
- "Oh the weather outside is frightful, and my sweater is so
- You all must die.
- is it cold in here or is it just me?
- We represent the lollipop guild...
- yay snuggles!!!the aroma
- My Mommy made this sweater for me!
- This thing is SQUEEZING my eye balls OUT!
- How in the world did they get me in a EXTRA-small sweater?
- I did NOT volunteer to be a Santa elf this year. YOU did!
- The last boy who tried to kiss her. He died a life of embarresment.
Or is this the boy who was never seen again, he tried to kiss
her to soon.
- May I help you?
- Yo Brother
- Good grief!
- This sure beats that knitted pink bunny suit I got for Halloween
last year!
- (in e.t. voice) Kay. Cee. Phone Home.
- But I don't waaaannnaaa be a CANDY CANE for Halloween!
- I knew mom's crochet class was going to be trouble
- Ralph Lauren hones his knitting skills on the family dog as
a child.
- Wanna rub noses?
- If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater,
suggest that he wear a tail. Fran Lebowitz US writer and humorist
(1950 - )
- "We represent the lollipop kids..."
- And that's when Kaycee snapped...
- Little red riding hood wnet into the forest.....
- Through the woods to grandma's house we go
- What!? I think it is quite slimming...
- Why dogs bite people!!
- (Song in the background)What would you do for a Klondike bar?
- Note the slight milk mustache.
- What... your mama never dressed you funny?
- could it BE any colder?
- All I got for Xmas was this?! And now I gotta wear it?! Aww!
- It's time to suit up for the cold weather! Everybody put your
sweaters on!
- Try stretching it more!!!! I know I am a size 2!
- You know you want me!
- can i take it off now???? its not even cold out side
- who's who in whosvill
- I feel like an idiot...
- Mommy has a new hobby. Couldn't she take up scrap-booking?
- It's sooooooooooooooo hot in here but don't I look too cute.
Now enough I want out of the outfit! Mom come quick before I
- Mommm, pa-leeze don't make me wear this outside! All the other
dogs will bark fun at me!
- please sir, may i have some more?
- "I see rainbow, I see IT, right around me...MAMA what did
I eat today?"
- I gess it is cold out side but that little hottie is not
- I only have to wear this until Grandma leaves.
- I said I DONT do stripes...polk-a-dots are is more my style..how
many times do I have to tell you!!??!!
- What do you mean there's no snow yet?
- Kaycee will be the first Boston to brave Mt. Everest
- There's another one?!
- There are matching booties?
- Uh oh, she forgot to leave the back open.
- My ear itches and I can't scratch it!
- Can i go play in the leaves now? PRETTY PLEASE!
- Mom, this is not a tella tubbies costume!
- Kaycee in th' hood
- Does my head look big in this?
- Elf? What Elf?
- my granny knitted it a likkul bit too tight, mummy! help me,
mummy! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
- The fashion must-have of the season is the rainbow striped
sweater hoodie worn by that famous fashiondogdiva--Kaycee!!
- Kaycee phone home.
- "Do you wike my wittle stwiped Widing Hood?"
- What kind of maniac do you think i am that i would want to
wear this??
- I wear this hat to keep my ears down.
- We're going out in the snow? What's snow?
- All I get is dizzy trying to grab that tassle.
- I asked her to knit me a tug toy and I got this!
- Dont laugh - Nanna knitted it!!!
- I'm too sexy for my sweater, too sexy for my sweater....
- You do realize I'll get beaten up at the dog park for wearing
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Mom, I told you this sweater was pinching my head. Gooch got
my brain!
- so cute!
- hip little beast eh!
- Very cute....Love the outfit!!
- Comment: This is a cute picture!! :)
- I looove that i want one for my Boston Noodles!
- awwwwwwww how cute
- Awwwwwwwwwww!
- awwww ur lucky that ur dog will wear a hat mine would eat
- I wish I had a Kaycee doll that I could call my own...