boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Star: boston terrier photo Kaylee

Rated: Cute

The Winning Caption is:

Hand wash warm water. Lay flat to dry.

Outstanding Submissions:

  • It's the siren! Quick, everybody, Tornado Position!!
  • wood heat warms you all the way to the bone... or to the mean kitty, whichever the case may be!
  • DOWN and spread'em. Kaylee and friends are charged with blankie crimes.
  • Kaylee's audition for the newest Febreeze commercial.
  • Honestly, officer! We're innocent! Is this really necessary?
  • so, this is hearth surfing!
  • rug, hmmmf....wood, nahhh.....stone? Oh yeh!!
  • Kaylee: 100% Boneless Boston
  • Kaylee offers up sacrificial toys and prostrates herself in worship before the great god of heat, the wood stove.
  • Kaylee takes the gold in the 12 inch floor leap event beating the world champion stuffed cat for the first time in history.
  • I'm Super Frogdog, here to save the world! I've already saved the Golden Carrot, and the Cat on LSD, and's so nice and warm here...maybe the world can wait...zzzzzzz
  • "We're not worthy!"
  • Kaylee and friends demonstrate their mastery of the peaceful protest.
  • You dumb cat. I said "Give me a 'Y' not an 'X'! You can't spell Kaylee with an 'X'."
  • Thanksgiving leftovers take their toll on Kaylee and her friends. Zzzzzzzzz
  • Introducing the newest "Swiffer" floor cleaning cloths....
  • This yoga downward dog is pretty easy, don't you think?
  • Iz not flat out by the cat, Iz twipped.
  • Nap time at the zoo.
  • Kaylee, it's time to turn over and bake on your back for a while
  • there is room for 1 more
  • Now we will all get into the downward dog position.
  • Maybe they won't notice me when it comes time to go back in the pen!
  • Did I hear somebody say bath? Maybe if I disguise myself, they won't find me!
  • If I had a long tail, I could be just like "Splatted Kitty".
  • Prison Break! Now when they go looking for me, I'll slip out in the laundry truck.
  • If I lay here really still than maybe they will think I'm a toy and not put me back in that cage!!!
  • Kaylee wins by a stretch!
  • I'm playing! I'm playing! I'm...supe.... r... man....zzzzzz
  • It took everything I could do and had but, look Mom I finaly pinned him.
  • Oh! this feels so good!
  • Kaylee, blender is working perfectly well.
  • "Maybe if I lay real still, they will think I'm a toy and I won't have to get in that stupid cage."
  • Now stretch.
  • I am one with the floor...uhmmmm
  • They were right. Yoga makes me feel the burn!!!
  • Let's transition into the next position...downward dog
  • Kaylee, that's the sleeping dog not the jumping jack cat.
  • If you need me I'm in a coma
  • ~~Where Did It Go, Do Ya'll See My Ball~~
  • Ahhh!! This is the life.
  • I've saved them all from drowning on the floor mama.
  • Kaylee practicing with carrot and bad kitty the superman move from Soulja Boy.
  • Somebody please turn me over! I'm done!
  • Kaylee makes sure she faces the stove during her daily prayers
  • Kaylee offers her cat-carrot sacrifice to the stove-gods
  • Kaylee dreams of flying with her magical carrot and her super Kitty!
  • Aaaaaah, it's good being home. What more do I need,my toys, a warm hearth, and the never empty food dish.
  • Little Kaylee was so tired from her party that she just crashed on the floor
  • This is what over-stimulation looks like!
  • Ahh, that was some Thanksgiving meal! Huh guys?
  • I won the nappy stretching contest!
  • "One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is not the same."
  • Faster than a speeding slug...More powerful than a a bag of feathers....Able to leap over area rugs in a single waddel...
  • Life is Good!
  • "sigh ....nothing like a nice nap with 'bad kitty' and 'fuzzy carrot'."
  • suddenly Kaylee was DOG TIRED!
  • When the end came - it came suddenly.
  • doggie wouldn't understand.
  • ahhh I gotta take A break guys.
  • look mom cherades!!
  • Cat, I told you we'd be in trouble for blankie crime.
  • I'm a toy...I'm a toy...I'm a toy...don't put me back in that cage!
  • If I lie here really still maybe they won't realize that I'm not a toy and they won't put me back in that cage...
  • Bad kitty, I said do the DOWNWARD facing dog!
  • who says dogs can't sun themselves!?!
  • Who ever thought I would be the one to reenact a car at the monster truck rally???
  • Oh Fire, We worship your warmth!
  • Kaylee disguises herself as a toy in order to avoid being put in her crate.
  • Do you think they are gone yet?
  • Its rough being me.
  • Did I hear BATH? Maybe if I hold real still...
  • Acting like a toy-Acting like a toy... They wont find me when they see the mess i made
  • Everyone down on the ground or the cat gets it...!!
  • Kaylee, future ski instructor at Vail, demonstrates her perfect form to the stuffed students, Cat and Carrot.
  • I won!!!
  • I told you to stop tring to copy me or I will rip out all your fluff!!
  • Nap time with some of my best friends
  • It is so not easy being this cute!!
  • And the Little one said "Roll over."
  • Shhhh! We must be careful as we approach the rare Tired Boston Terrier! This is a rare specimen!
  • wow, its a new boston stuffed toy
  • Hsil the mighty & powerful treat bearer!...You don't have any?! GOOD-BYE!!!!
  • Purple cat...$5, Stuffed Carrot...$7, Puppies first hangover...Priceless!
  • Kaylee simontanously demonstrates her acting abiltiy and love for the movie ET
  • If I had a big sisten Boston, SHE'D know what to do with these guys!
  • I love doing the Superman with friends.
  • Puppy Pilates…c'mon, stretch it out!
  • Can you spot the Boston in this photo?
  • Let your spine relax into the floor...soft belly...even breaths. Feel the stress of the day melt away.
  • Kaylee figured if she lay down with her toys, she would be camouflaged and Momo could not find her to give her a bath!
  • Whew! That turkey dinner got the best of all of us!
  • All hail Lord Heat.
  • streeeeech
  • BE the toy
  • No stupid stuffed cat is going to lay flatter than me.
  • Mr. Carrot, you are doing it wrong. Like thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssss.....
  • Ommmmmmm... Now butts in the air for Downward Dog!
  • varryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Steamrollered Again!
  • I'm not here, nothing to see, keep walking!
  • I'm stuffed!
  • Dog tired...
  • In her job as a yoga instructor, Kaylee found she had to work with all kinds.
  • Look mom...I can fly!!!
  • To avoid sleeping in her cage, Kaylee pulled an E.T. and blended herslef in with the stuffed animals.
  • All hail the Fire King!
  • Was it good for you, too?
  • Don't shoot!
  • "hiccup" I think I drank "hiccup" too much carrot juice ."hiccup"
  • If we stay still, maybe they won't notice us.
  • After reviewing the photo finish, Kaylee beats the speedy carrot and pink panther in a 100 meter sprint.
  • AHHHHH, nothin' like gettin' my little tootsies toasty on a cold winter day!
  • And STRETCH!!
  • If I hide here with my toys, maybe they won't put me in my crate.
  • The Big Mean Kitty vanquished,exhaustion sets in.
  • I didn't know cats liked carrets
  • Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Light as a feather, stiff as a board.
  • This is you boston...this is your boston on catnip....any questions?
  • How many more days til Christmas Mom?
  • "The Best part of daycare is naptime with friends"
  • So a Boston Terrier pup... or was it a Rabei... ok ok... I got it... a Boston Terrier pup a carrot toy and a mean Kitty walk in to a bar...
  • If I lie here like a toy maybe they won't find me when they see my little "accident."
  • Relax Kitty, I am doing downward dog, and I'm so relaxed!
  • Shhhhh.....this is the only way I can get in the toy box!
  • Fake cat.....fake carrot.....NOT FAIR!!
  • Is anyone in this place real???
  • Kaylee, where are you....Kaylee....where are you?
  • maybe if i pretend to be a stuffed animal, i won't have to go to the kennel...
  • "Please dont shoot!"
  • I Don't Know About Them ,But That Was Some Party Last Night!!!
  • Faster than a speeding bullet, it's SUPERGIRL!
  • Kaylee and her sidekick, Purple Cat, train for the upcoming "Super Pup" movie.
  • Advice: Always let a sleeping boston terrier sleep... for you never know when they will sleep again.
  • No matter how hard she tried Kaylee never quite fit in..
  • Maybe they won't see me and I can avoid the Crate!
  • Oh man! I am soo hung over. You guys are bad influences!
  • mmmmm, soft...
  • tryptophan crash
  • i will just lay here with my buds and maybe they will not see me so they will not make me take a bath!
  • One too many! I should have never listened to cat.
  • God Bless mommy and daddy and miss kitty and mister carrot . . . .
  • Not only Kaylee had enough!!! The cat and carrot were whooped as well!

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • The bodies continue to pile up, in the aftermath of Jenny pushing the powerful red button.
  • ok guys, if we just lay like this right here.. grandma jenny will leave us be. don't move!


  • There is nopthing cuter than a Boston Terrier Puppy. Or a full grown Boston for that matter.
  • that is the most adorable!!!!
  • very cute my dog lays like that too:D
  • Just precious!
  • soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute i love it
  • M i cute
  • Awwww!!!
  • it is ever so cute and funny i can hardly type i'm laughing so much
Great captions everyone!
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