The Winning Caption
"Yes, I'd like a cat burger with fries and a large diet coke.
Hold the onions please."
- Day 936 of captivity: They let the dog outside again and for
some reason he wants back in.
- Hey! You weren't supposed to lock the doggie door! That wasn't
part of the plan!!
- ~~Just Open The Door, I Wont Chase You Again~~
- Lucky goes outside to safely watch Lily ponder the mysteries
of reflections.
- Kitteh - Under Glass
- "Okay Lily the neighbor's dog IS bigger than me now come on
this isn't funny!"
- I hear you knocking, but you cant come in.
- Here is a lawn doggy observing a window kitty and a window
kitty observing a lawn doggy.
- Geez, they're making garden gnomes uglier and uglier!
- After a long, hard search, Lucky has finally found his fraternal
twin Lily.
- Hmm, that's odd, my reflection in the Magic Mirror appears
to be a Boston Terror.
-'s my spot...
- Here's Lucky!!!!
- Once again Batman and the Joker face off with only a thin
pane of glass to seperate them! To the Batcave!
- Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight.....
- Go unlock the door Lily! It's hot out here!
- Lily: "Lucky! Get out of the way, you're blocking my sun!"
- Yin and Yang.
- They say everybody has a twin out there.
- Hi.. Can you hear me now!!!
- How did i get the name Lucky, if the CAT gets to stay in the
- Candygram!
- trick or treat
- ding shark
- you know you want to come outside for some of this action!
- You know what they say about paybacks....
- Lucky, A.K.A. The Joker
- Lily continues to taunt Lucky from the warm comfort of the
window sill.
- lily: egads! its my long lost mutated twin!
- Maybe, I'll get Lucky one more time...
- How much is that kitty in the window?
- Trick or treat
- The return of Micheal Myers> in other years}
- and they call you "lucky"? pffft--look who's outside...
- heeeeeeeere kitty kitty kitty kitty
- "I hear you knocking but you can't come in!"
- Lily: Oh no! Here comes that skunk again!
- Come on out and play!!
- Lily I'll bet your afraid to come out here and say that to
my face.
- If you suck up, you get to come outside!! Ha Ha
- Lucky Oh Lucky where for art thou? What Light breaks? Tis
Lily and she is the is the sun.
- Here Kitty Kitty Kitty Lucky's not gonna hurt ya
- The Joker strikes again!
- Hey Lily, open the window and I will show you how Bostons
- VERY FUNNY! Now Let Me In!!!
- Peek-a-boo, I see you!
- wanna come out and play?
- I'll get you, my pretty!
- Here kitty, kitty!!!
- Hey let me in I forgot my key!!!
- Lily: Oh, you're back. Have you brought me my catnip? Lucky:
No, but I got you some lilies.
- You tricked me, mean cat!
- Lucky: Come outside Lily! It's really fun! Lily: I'm an indoor
cat! I prefer climbing up the curtains, not trees, and there
are all different kinds of things that will get me dirty!
- Seriously, I've never even thought of eating a cat. Come out
and play!
- Dare ya' to come out!
- Hey, I found my dinner!
- She gets to be inside and I don't!
- mmmmm, fresh cat.
- i see you!!!!!!!! now let me in. no really let me in. like
- Here Kitty, Kitty!
- No...seriously the key is not under rock!
- Hi, Juliet! It's me, Romeo!
- Romeo, Romeo, Where for art thou Romeo?....ACKKK!!
- I'm outside and you're not!
- "I'm Going To Eat You and Your Little Collar Too!! Muahahahaha
- *Insert "Jaws" theme here*
- Nana Nana Boo Boo!
- Can you see me now?
- Come ON kitty! Just a tiny bit farther and I can play with
you!- YES!! ~BANG~ Outch,I gess not.
- Gosh Lily, I just want to talk to you (sort of),so why do
you have to hide behined the glass?
- Brick, Smick! I don't need to huff and puff cause I'll just
come in through this %$#@ window!
- Yes, yes I am the cat burgler!
- Lily says, "It's like looking in the mirror...Only better!"
- "How you doin? Ya know why they call me Lucky, don't ya Lily?"
Lily,"Why don't you pick up on your own species?"
- Hey, come outside and say that! No, you do not look like me
just 'cuz you are black and white. We all know that dogs rule
and cats drool.
- I'll get you my pretty
- Lily knows that the game of "Get the cat" will end in her
- Lily, Hey Lily....I promise to stop eating the litter box
treats. NOW LET ME IN!!!!!
- What's wrong with this picture? I'm out here braaaaving the
weather and you're sitting pretty?
- Lily, you're the funniest Boston Terrier I've ever
you snore too?
- You look like a fun toy to me, come on out and let's play...I
promise not to sit on you...
- "Smile, you're on Candid Camera!"
- kitty kitty coem outside me promise to be mean i mean nice
- You cant get me Lily !!
- Lucky: Lets play Lily -- I wanna play please I will be good
this time. I promise I promise. Lily the Cat: That dumb dog
I am safe and sound inside if he thinks I am going out and falling
for that one he is dumber than he looks and that sure is hard
to do! Afterall I the cat rule the house and therefore the world!
- How much for the kitty in the window?
- Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!
- Hey, how come you are in there? C'mon out and play!
- Hey, let me in. Come on, let me in!!!
- How much is that doggy in the window..
- All Lily wanted was some peace and quiet...
- "Hi Lily, Hi Lily, Hi Lo!"
- Hey! Did you happen to catch the Dominoes guy on the way out?
- is my order ready?
- Why hello thar little lady!
- "Smile...your on Candid Camera!"
- Why is that stupid kitty in my spot?!?
- Oh Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your wiskers....
- Look through any window, yeah, WHAT do you see...?
- ...and I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your house in!
- Really, Lily, I'm not still mad- now just unlock the window...
- Look, we're both furry, we're both black and white, we both
have ears which stand up (singing) Ebony & Ivory get along on
my piano's keyboard- why can't we?
- Hey! I've got a red collar, too, Lily. How cool is that?
- one day I'm gonna get ya.
- they don't call me the Joker for nothing - wait until i get
in there Ms Kitty...
- "How much is that Doggy in the window"
- Hey Kitty Kitty Kitty!!! Can you come out an play?!?!?!
- Lucky figures they keep the ugly Bostons inside so they don't
scare neighborhood children.
- I'll snort and I'll snort and I'll blow your house down!
- Lucky reminds Lily that cats in glass houses should not throw
- Hey! That looks better than apple pie!
- Good Grief, It's almost like looking into one of those weird
carnival mirrors!
- Hi, Juliet! It's me! Romeo!
- Heh, heh, heh.
- With THanksgiving just around the corner and a house full
of Bostons visiting for the weekend, Lucky decides to go with
a fresh pussycat instead of frozen....
- Is this desert?
- Wait, I thought I was Juliet!
- Oh, Lucky, you've come to save me! Now, how are you going
to get me out?
- But the third Little Cat's house was made of bricks, and as
hard as he tried, the Big Bad Boston couldn't blow it down...
- Can you hear me now?
- "Hay I know your in their, letme in!!"
- There is a lily inside, and a lucky outside.
- Together, they make a new kind of outdoor/indoor plant, Lucky
- Lily: Lucky Lawns! They will soon make your lawns free of
clovers, but you still may see this dog in our yard.
- Lily: 1...2...3... Lucky: this is the best hiding place I
have ever found! Lily will never find me!
- I swear...if you let me in you can chase me this time!
- Behold!! My grin of doom! You have been conquered, foul cat!
- that catz lookz like me!
- that catz lookz like me!geez now my looks arent that LUCKY.
- I'll clean your litter box if you let me in, OK?!
- Wanna come out and play?
- You're a very strange looking Boston Terrier....
- Catwoman -vs- the Joker.
- Well, look who we have here, a fine feline checking out my
manliness! Sweeeeet....
- I love Lilyburgers, one bite is all I ask.
- Well hello there...
- I don't know how something like that can take over the house!
- Lucky got his name for not being caught "peeping" into windows
in broad daylight...
- Wanna come out and play!!! I have a surprise for you!!!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Come on let me in, I gotta beat Freckles and Daisy to my favorite
- See.. You look for goodies in a couch on Mon, and by the end
of the week your on the outside looking in.
- sooo funny!
- What a great shot!!
- I couldn't decide between funny and cute!!!