The Winning Caption
Charlie reveals his trick for building a snowman perfectly round
every time.
- Why can't we just use a carrot like everyone else?
- After watching A Christmas Story, Charlie decides to re-enact
the flagpole scene.
- a Boston's tongue stuck to a frozen basketball- footage at
- Introducing Charlie, the new starting forward for the lesser
known Alaskan Globe Trotters.
- Charlie's version of a snowball fight.
- these 'two-a-days' are murder in winter
- Hey Rudolf... beat THIS red nose!!!
- Known for cheating in snowball fights, Charlie prepares his
atomic snowball to throw at those cats next door....
- 100. Toungue stuck on frozen things... 100th reason why your
Boston belongs indoors!
- Look I found a SNOW ball!
- Is this your idea of a snowball?
- It'th THtuck! It'th THtuck! I yicked da baww and dow it'th
- Charlie Bark-ley takes up the sport of his namesake!
- This isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to have a snow
ball fight!
- Time to beat this ball up!
- He's got a basketball jones!
- All I did was try to lick it and now it's frozen to me.
- I thought basketball was a winter sport?
- Your NOT supposed to use a basket ball in curling!
- Mommy's boy loves to play in the snow!
- new basket ball player right here!!!
- I believe I can fly!
- Big, orange, bouncy, hey! This thing doesn't work as well
in the snow!
- Boston's know how to make the best of it!
- For Charlie it's never too early for March Madness!
- Ever time i try to pop it ... it just wont pop!!! i wounder
why ???
- I may be from Boston, but do the Celtics have to put up with
- Snowball...
- oh he must be having a ball!!!!
- Forget about Micheal Jordan 'cause I'm gonna dunk it!
- Planet ball has landed, I must save the earth!
- I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it...where is it I'm going?!
- I guess I'm the only one who thought "snow basketball" would
be a good idea.
- Charlie believes that B-Ball is a year-round sport.
- DAMN.... BIG.... TENNIS.... BALL!
- Too short and no court. Charlie faces steep challenges in
his dream to become and b-ball player.
- it's cold, i'm have frozen but i got it master!
- ...if i could be like mike...
- Come rain, come sleet, come snow; the Ball must go on!
- I wanna be like Mike!
- I'm getting visions of every cartoon I've ever watched where
characters end up in the center of a big snowball & bouncing
down the hill to collide with a house.
- Tired of all the "hot dogging" that's ruined professional
basketball, Charlie decides to try "cold dogging".
- I wish they'd quit putting the oranges in my Christmas stocking
- They are so darn hard to catch!
- *rocky theme "Da na naaaaaaa, Da na naaaaaaa!"
- Charlie is practicing for the Harlem Globe Trotters' scout.
- Only sissies need an indoor court. Give Charlie his ball and
a foot of snow and life is good.
- A Boston Celtic
- I was suppose to play Air Bud. Butt I had the sniffles so
I gave it to the golden retriever. If I wouldn't have gotten
sick I would have won an emmy!!!
- This snow aint slowin' down my game!
- Keep your eye on the ball
- Look! Look what I found! I lost this last spring!
- Look Mom no hands !!!
- Shortly after starting a game of basketball with himself ..Charlie
realized it was impossible to play it in the snow
- I'll get. I'll get it. I'll get it.
- I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
- Oh how Charlie longs to be a "Boston" Celtic!
- Gimmie that Ball!!!!!!!!!
- Move over, Michael Jordan!
- Gnarles "Charlie" Barkley will ice you in some snow basketball!
- Do I get paid for this?
- See i told you i could dribble it in the snow!!!!
- I wonder if there is a way to make me fit this thing in my
mouth! It looks pretty tasty to me!
- Now if I can just get this ball to the YMCA before it snows
- Charlie says: "I'll show you how to play with a snow ball!"
- I don't know if you guys are confused or what, but this ball
is definitely NOT chewable!
- Watch me - one on one!
- Who let da dogs out...woof woof woof woof woof
- "Alright it's my turn" says Charlie...the name of the game
is Horse...
- Jordan Micheal in training !!
- he makes the shot... and the crowd goes wild!!!!
- I will help you. Wait for me. Wait.
- Charlie gets the ball and moves it down court, he's going
for it ladies and gentleman
- What Happens when you stick your tongue to a frozen basketball
-Stuck, stuck!!! Stuck!!! My Tongue is stuck!!
- Snow puppy ready for action
- Ill get it! ill get it!
- "Mom Mom ,my lip is thtuck !"
- and he won't stop, even in the snow!!! Go Charlie Go!!
- its time to attack
- Orange ya glad its not a snowball!!!
- Daddy told me to put up my toys when I'm through but nooooo,
I wouldn't listen!
- A Basketball Case
- They say my mouth is big enough for this so I try...and I
- Mmmmmm, wow what a delicacy, I don't see this everyday.
- Charlie loves to practice his extreme layup.
- "Sure Boston's can jump. Just not in the snow."
- boston globe trotters
- Get outta my way! Basketball coming through!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- While Lola rests from her harrowing ordeal Charlie, our bravest
and most courageous Boston hero, faces the raging snow storm
once again and rescues his faithful friend Wilson.
- Aww, how cute!
- WHILD & CRAZZZZZZZY !!!!!!!!!!
- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!lol
- This is hysterical! If you have an open area...try a bowling Oliver loves bowling balls...he can't kill them and
he plays with them until he simply can't play anymore!
- this is so cute i tryed it with my dog and i never saw the
ball agin!!!!!!!!!!
- I vote "Wild & Crazy" because my Boston isn't
too fond of the cold, let alone the snow! Go Charlie!
- how cute is this snowdog terrier!