boston terrier photo of the week
Special Guest Star:
boston terrier photo Zachary
Rated: Funny

Winning Caption: Zachary waits anxiously for the Rescue Danes to pull him out of the quicksand.

Outstanding Submissions:

  • Come on in, the dirt is wonderful!
  • Zachary's latest escape attempt was foiled by an untrustworthy lookout.
  • I did it. I finally did it. I dug to the other side of the world! Who knew it would look like someones underside?
  • Yep, just as I thought, you're definately going to need new shocks! And when was the last time you changed the oil????
  • Look!! I dug to China. I can smell fried rice.
  • Zachary's first attempt to tunnel his way out of prison ends in disappointment.
  • I'm Zachary Duke and this is my beautiful wife, Marma.
  • Ahh. So THIS is a "Pup Tent."
  • Zachary is photographed by paparazzo as he practices for his upcoming audition on Meerkat Manor.
  • "You say WHAT is behind me? Right - like I'm falling for that one!"
  • Marmaduke, my good man, are you SPF 15 or 45?
  • (sings) spider dog, spider dog, does whatever a spider dog does! laps up water any size, itches fleas till they die... watch out for spider dog!
  • Zachary's just trying to get some shade, and ends up in the middle of War of the Worlds!
  • Am I in the Land of the Giants?!
  • I'm glad I got here early..this is the best spot!
  • Finally! The big oaf does something useful! I guess I'll let him stay.
  • I'm soooo thankful for BIG Dogs!
  • Zachary now knows how Jack the Giant Killer felt.
  • Yes, just as I suspected.You are a quart down on oil.
  • Excuse me! You make a better door than a window. You are blocking my sun.
  • Hide me until after they realize all the food is gone
  • Alright, looks like you're about a quart low, and it's about time for a new set of brake pads.
  • You better not pee on me!
  • One deep cool hole in the ground, Cost: fighting off that yappy poodle. Great-dane umbrella, Priceless.
  • I couldn't find the shade of a tree, so I settled for the shade of my BFF.
  • Zachary takes to the foxhole for the Great Dane Reconnaissance Mission.
  • Heh heh...they'll never find me here...
  • don't move! he can't see you if you don't move!
  • thanks for the shade buddy
  • Uh-oh.
  • The original Sphinx.
  • Hey Pongo! Thanks for the shade!
  • Inspired by shark week, Zachary does his best Jaws impersonation
  • Soon the tunnel will be finished, and we shall escape under the fence!
  • Don't move!! Whoever you are, just don't move!
  • Anything you can do, I can do lower.
  • If I stay still, they can't see me.
  • I am going to China ....So there!
  • Hey it's not raining where is that driping comming from??? UhOh!!
  • This hole is mine back off buddy!!!!
  • I can SOOO see all of her boobs from this angle...
  • "I'll play Luke, you play the AT AT!"
  • Ahh dude....thanks for the shade. I was melting here!
  • You wanna give me a hand here! China is a long way!
  • Is that rain?
  • Like a York Peppermint Patty...the cool dirt under my clean white belly feels soooooooooo wonderful!
  • Just a little more to the left and its perfect. I will have all the shade I need...
  • Shade!!! Thanks!!!
  • It's much cooler down here.
  • These playdates in the AZ heat are rought! Thankfully, I found some shade.
  • I promise if I keep digging we will have some egg rolls and lo mein in no time!!!
  • Say Hello to my little friend...
  • My shade Is being provided by and unlikely source, but hes not doing a very good job..a little to the left buddy!
  • Dude...I'm going to China. I'd invite you, but I dont think you'll fit!
  • hurry help me dig to china!
  • Tah Dah!!
  • Wow..these Chinese dogs are really big! I should have stopped digging hours ago!
  • WHAT??? I'm getting all the weeds.
  • Is this deep enough, boss? I can dig deeper if you want, boss. Just tell me how deep you want it.
  • Awww... don't let it step on u Zachary!
  • Zachary just remembered why he loves his big friends on a really hot day!
  • If you pee, I'll bite.
  • Thanks for the shade, dude!
  • Standing in ones shadow has it perks.
  • bet you can't do this
  • oh no not again!
  • "How much further boss?"
  • Thanks for the shade Dude!!
  • Haha! My hole! STAY OUT!
  • Zachary is a very rare kind of Boston.....Hes half naked mole rat....
  • Thanx mate
  • A little to the right, Marmaduke. Ahh, perfect. You're the best sunscreen I've ever had.
  • Hey, man, this gig as Marmaduke's new bodyguard is fantastic!
  • Yes, darling, I'm adopted. The Danes took me in when I was just a pup. They're great, those Danes.
  • Marmaduke, dear, you are simply the best sunscreen I've ever had.
  • Criss Angel & David Blaine have nothing on Zachary re-creating the buried alive trick!
  • I swear, that had better be rain I just felt!
  • Hey Mom! I think I found where they hid Jimmy Hoffa!
  • What the??? Really, I don't know how this got here!!!!
  • Don't sit, Don't sit, DON'T SIT!
  • Hey,give me a paw up I need help out of here Please give me your paw.
  • What hole?
  • Ok, now move a little bit more to your right...
  • he only looks bigger than me because im in an 8 foot hole!
  • How do I get myself into these situations?
  • Do you think we'll make it do China by dinner time?
  • hi
  • Oh god, I hope he's not going to do what I think he's going to do.
  • Is there water in here
  • if i dig a hole maybye ill have a better chance of not getting run over!!
  • Zachary hates his boss; always on top of him at work.
  • A little to the right, a little more...come on, there's still a little sun on my chest, I'll burn!
  • Hey, I found some shade at the dog park!
  • A little to the left Larry.
  • I love it when girls go commando.
  • Shade and a view. Sweeeet.
  • Really, Mom, I heard a squeak down here- just a few more feet, please!!!
  • Zachary always hid his bones under the big dog statue.
  • why big dogs come in handy evey so often....
  • C'mon guys - I think I see China.
  • A little to the left big guy...
  • Okay. Now, move a little bit to the right..
  • its a boston pee party
  • quick sand, save me!
  • Mom was right--if you dig far enough, you'll end up in China--where they have HUGE people like me.
  • Zachary tries to tunnel his way out of the "Land of Giant Legs"
  • shade is cool, pee is not.... so don't even think about it!
  • using his new landscaoing skills zachary had found a new way to hide from the other dogs
  • Hey, that's not lemonade!
  • Boss! The great dane! the great dane!
  • Zachary orders shade and then supersizes it.
  • Look! Look! I bet you cant do that!
  • A digging Boston is a happy Boston.
  • "I going to prove that it's not just an old wives tail by digging my way to China. By the way what's China?"
  • Oh wait...right there...yep stay right there...I always knew big dogs were good for something.
  • (sings in opera voice) Do Re Me Fa So La De Do!
  • Zachary is trying to explain to "The Boss" why he went to the cops...hoping that he won't be buried alive.
  • Just as little deeper and we'll make it to China!
  • I have a rough life.
  • yeah, can I get some water over here? the shade just isn't cutting it for keeping me cool
  • GAWD!! at last, China. . . no, wait. . . it's, it's Legopolis !! ACK !
  • Oh No That's Not Rain Drops!!!!
  • Hey Buddy you snooze you loose!!!
  • Ohhh what long legs you have!
  • "Can you move a little more to your right, there is still some sun in my eyes." - Zachary gets what Zachary wants! After he convinced the cat to dig him a hole to lay in, he managed to convince the neighbors dog to be his shade canopy!!
  • Just another few feet and we're FREE!
  • yeah i'm pretty sure this is where i buried it.......i really didn't know you needed it
  • Hey! Hows the weather up there?!
  • Dig in big dog! We'll tunnel to the secret vault of cookies and toys. Muahahahahahaa
  • "The weather's fine down here !
  • "Those stinky dog pits above make me want to dig a hole to China."

Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)

  • Man, Kyla wasn't kidding when she said she'd bury me for tearing up her yellow doggy toy!


  • LOVE Zachary's tongue! No one can pant like a Boston...
  • so cute
  • funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • what a cutie!!!!!!!
  • What a smartie!


Great captions everyone!
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