Winning Caption: Lets
run for it, Pete is starting to turn.
- Geez, many bees were there?!
- Ahhhhhhhh! A ghost!!!!!!
- Drugs are bad, mkay?
- Looks like Pete needs a little "hair of the dog". Miley &
Kasey hope they're not it.
- Overheard at the BT olympics: Man, you think that guy's juicing?!
- Miley "Did I just hear his stomach growl?"
- I told mom too many baths would wash the color off!
- "Oh yeah, well our pit bull can kick your honor kid's ass"
- WOW! I thought Bosties passed strong gas!
- Do either one of you little things have any Visine?
- Holy cow, Pete! What'd you get into?!
- Ok whatever you do DON'T MOVE! There's a HUGE spider on you!
- I must examine your left side before I can properly capture
it in the painting.
- Miley & Kasey suffer from jowel envy
- Is pink eye contagious?
- And then what happened!?
- Oh my! Why is that monster's mouth stained all red? Are we
- Kacey, That's your baby brother!!!??
- Three's great company!
- What do you mean, I'm not the father??
- who gave him a bowl of miracle grow
- If these puppies would just let me get some sleep!!! (red
eyes on the boxer)
- My anti-drug? Bostons.
- You said they fed him already right??
- Correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think it's a Boston!
- Steriods?
- Pete, doing his best Boston Impression.
- Uhh, Mom i don't think this is a Boston!
- That's the biggest Boston Terrier I've ever seen!
- Oh man... am I the 3rd wheel?
- Whoa, what's this guy on?
- I mean do I gotta really hang out with THAM???? Thanks alot....what
do I ever do to you...sniff...sniff
- He's a biggin....Where do you think they grew him? Do you
think we'll get that big? Nah not a chance!
- Dang! You are a big guy, aren't ya?!
- yowza!! Kasey, look at those big lips!!
- Man, did you fart?
- Are you sure we have the same father?
- "Just because you're bigger, doesn't make you the boss"
- I swear Kasey, He is ADOPTED!!!!
- Is that what we look like when we grow up?
- Look, Kasey, he has the same harness as you.
- What? You like THAT guy?
- "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things
just doesn't belong..."
- So, little brother, you say you're not using any banned substances?
- This is your dog. This is your dog on steroids. Any questions?
- Holy cow, Kasey! Look at that HUGE Boston! And he's all white!!!
He could eat us!
- Whoa! Kasey, check out the head on that guy!
- Eeeekk! What a scarry halloween costume you have there.
- "Dude, you really need to lighten up on the steroids"
- One of these three dogs is on steroids. Can you guess which
- My what big teeth you!!!
- you just called me WHAT?
- Miley to Kasey EEWWW yuck check out His drool. (Kasey)like
is any worse than your snoring
- Gee whiz, I have to??? I babysat LAST weekend!
- Holy Pete! I'm not sure that's a real Boston Terrier!
- (Miley) "uh,scuze me, u have this little thing on the side
of your face." Kasey:" I was trying to ignore it!"
- Look at those lips! Is that what I am going to grow into?
- psst, Kasey! Is Pete high again?
- miley: exuse me sir, WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU'RE FACE?!
- Miley: They cut your what off?!!?! Kasey: Thanks again, Pete...
- miley: pst...kasey,what's with grandpa's face?
- kasey: ooh! busted!
- "Hey your not my brother!
- What is that Miley? I think it's an albino BT!
- "What big lips you have!" " All the better to drool with?"
- what the heck is this?
- What do you mean I remind you of an Orea Cookie?
- "Am I gonna grow up to look like Pete?" says Miley to Kasey
- whew!Man!Was that you?
- "Uhhh...are we from the same gene pool ?!?!?"
- did you see the size of his mouth
- What's he been eating??
- "My name is Pete. But the ladies here...they call me Alpo
de la Purina - The Looove Biscuit.***growwwwl!"
- Hey, Mom what have you been feeding Pete???
- Look Pete, it's not you it's me. But maybe we should see other
- "DUDE?!?!??.. it really WAS the dog this time"
- That's a DOG?
- Oh, my pete, what big lips you have
- Pete: "Are you talkn' to me? Are you talkin' to *me*?" Miley
"Uh-oh... Pete was watching Taxi Driver again!" Kasey "Oh brother...."
- Who gave that puppy miracle grow?
- WHOA, where'd that guy come from?
- hello handsome
- "These bitches is mine, yo. I'm their pimp daddy"
- Holy Moley that dog craps bigger than us!
- Ohhhhh! Who cut the cheese?!
- Sweet that what were gonna look like Kasey?
- So that's what happens when you eat too much cheese.
- We're rolling with the big dogs now!
- Miley: OHMYGOD, Kasey!!!! It ate my squeaky in just one bite!!!
Kasey: Shhh, it might be still hungry...
- I try and I try but I GET NO RESPECT I tell ya...NO RESPECT!
- good one.
- OMG, Pete, ate his wheaties this morning!!!!!
- Hey, hey Kasey. Hey(nudging Kasey), would you get a load of
the size of those flaps? He could eat us ALIVE!
- Looking at big doggie, thinking, "are we gonna be that big
one day???"
- whoah dude! you're invading my personal space!
- No, Pete is not our babysitter,cried Miley. Kasey whimpers,
please take me with you.
- Whats eat'n him?
- Pete, professional camera hog!
- Holy cow! What litter did you come from???
- OMG, is that how big we're gonna get!
- As Kasey silently hides behind Miley, Miley thinks-"I hope
they've aready fed Pete, he looks hungry and I don't want to
be lunch"
- Do you think that he even knows that we are down here??
- "Oh my goodness you have a big head!"
- Oh no Kasey! I think Pete's gonna tattle on us again.
- Who invited this guy?
- This is my picture. NOW LEAVE!!!!!!!!
- OMG there really is a gravy train!
- yum lunch
- "Its the men in black...quick back to the ship!"
- Hay! Who are you?!
- Miley: Do you think OUR cheeks will ever get that big? Kasey:
Lay off the treats, buddy.
- Wow, milk does do a body good!
- honey, i shrunk the bostons!
- "The horror..did you hear the flea circus was in town?"
- You're gonna get bit if you keep actin' a freak, Miley.
- What do you mean we can't pee in the house?
- Damn! That's the biggest Boston Terrier I've ever seen!
- Adopted? Your kidding!!!
- That's the biggest Boston I've ever seen!
- one would hope thats your stomach nd not a small animal in
their mother?
- "look at those lips"
- Mom, are you sure we have the same father?
- holy crap Kasey;look how floppy Petes lips are
- Like I said to these 2... eat your wheetabix!!
- "There aren't MORE of these coming, are there?!?!" says Miley
- "Oh..what's that smell"?
- My what BIG teeth you have!
- "I don't know man, looks like he's gonna hurl!"
He stayed out too late last night with Buster and Bruno".
- Grandpa,what large teeth you have!
- Whoa!!! Grandma what a big mouff you have!!!
- psst... if anyone asks, he isn't one of us
- psst... Kasey, thats NOT our dad. back up slowly
- Dad???
- "Stop making those're scaring me!"
- Woah, how'd you manage to sneak up on me?
- Looks like someone's been eating his Wheaties!
- It was the first time Miley saw an all white dog before. Maybe
she needs to get out of the house a little bit. Kasey on the
other hand has been around the neighborhood.
- What do you mean Pete's contagious?!!
- i think he failed the drug test
- You want me to do what..?
- You did what to who,
- I can't believe he ate the whole thing
- Miley- Hey Kasey, is that drool I see? Kasey- Ya, I just hope
he doesn't have an appetite for Bostons though!
- Why am I always stuck babysitting these two?
- Miley- What's in his mouth Kasey? Kasey- I don't know, but
I wouldn't get too close if I were you!
- 1st day of Sgt. Pete's Doggy Boot camp
- We must take after mom.
- He must be from Dad's side of the family!
- Just ignore him and he will go away! NO DON’T LOOK AT HIM!!!!
- I didn't know my wish would come true when I blew out the
- Oh no, I am afraid we are going to be LUNCH!
- I think he is going to eat us!
- Is that what I am going to look like when I grow up!!!
- "Who invited HIM?!?!?!"
- Wow! I thought i was the big dog of the house!
- Um, Kasey..? Who's the new guy?
- Look at those jowels!
- I think I could fit in his mouth!
- I guess that's what happens when you eat your "BEASTIES"!
- Are you my daddy??????????
- WOW!! I better eat my wheetes so I can get that big when I
grow up!!!!
- Kasey and Miley KNEW that they were not triplets but never
let on to poor Pete...
- can you schnizzle my mizzle please??.....
- WHERE did you come from?!
- My what a big snort you have.
- So that's one grande decaf latte and two chewie bones to go.
- you've got until the count of three. 1...2...
- What Big teeth you have!!
- we're playin' with the big kids!
- OK, so who we gonna get to play bass?
- Sweet mother! How long was he standing there!?
- What the hell is that?
- if thats your halloween coustume your needing serious fashion
- i'm scared miley! that dog is biggggg............
- ummm...your not a boston
- My dear. . . pink is NOT your color!!
- Wow Kasey look at that in the water its its its Nessy i cant
believe that Pete does not see that!!!!
- hey, that guy looks contagious!
- Dad must have had quite the wild night.
- We thought that facial would help you?
- "My what a big nose you have!"
- My what big teeth you have!!
- know what?
- OMG, are we gonna get THAT big?!?!
- Kasey, I don't think we're in Boston anymore...
- But Ma, I don't want to babysit!!!!!
- after an all nighter with these two, this is what you will
look like!
- Hey, who invited you?
- I told u to lay off the steriods pete!
- YO!!! You aint no boston!
- I thought the vet said we were full grown?!
- The shock could not escape Mileys face when he found out that
Pete was not her biological father.
- uh oh...when he starts turning pink like that it means he's
getting very mad!!!!! ready? set? RUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!
- you are too close to me get away
- Wow Do you see that drool? Get ready to run for our rain coat!
- "I sure hope this big guy has had lunch, he still looks hungry"
- You gotta get past me if you want a Boston.
- this what we're going to look like when WE grow
- Kasey is this the way we are going to look when we grow up
- "What do you mean, appetizer???"
- Kasey is it me or is Pete the biggest puppy you have ever
- Shocking news, after winning first place in all the events
in the puppy olympics, Pete was disqualified for steroid use!!
- Miley says "Hey Kasey, check out what happened to Pete when
he ate Puppy Chow for a whole year!"--Can't wait to get me some!"
- So, THIS is the heartbreaker that has Mattie so depressed.
- Miley: *pant, pant* Pete, can we hide here? We didn't mean
to superglue Mattie to the sofa... Kasey: I don't think anyone's
gonna believe us, more scooby snacks for us- EVER!
- I hope Mattie gets her lazy self off the couch and rescues
- how cute!
- This photo is cute but in a way funny. DOGS RULE!
- Priceless! You couldn't Photoshop that look on Miley any better!
- love this picture!
- adorable little jowls!
- Look at that big dog! Your Bostons r soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
- very cute!
Great captions everyone!
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