Winning Caption: The
snozzberries taste like snozzberries!
- I don't know why they call it a armrest when it works so well
for your head.....
- Who left the gum on the arm of the chair?
- I love the smell of arm rests
- Wait a minute...Did they Febreze my couch again? How insulting!
- You never know when someone is hiding quarters in here!
- This bowling ball head of mine gets so heavy!!!
- Mattie contemplates the meaning of life....
- ...and here Mattie demonstrates how to effectivly suck the
stuffing out of the couch.
- You're my favorite couch ever!
- Mattie's drool dried while she slept and she awoke stuck to
the sofa arm
- Where does depression hurt?
- The arm of the chair smells like butt. hold on a second! It
smells like MY butt!!
- That is my LAST trip to Margaritaville
- Too... many... tequilas last night... my head!
- Today's letter is "D". D is for delightfully devoted dog!
- "The Thinker"
- I DID IT. I finally did my front roll!!
- tastes like real flowers!
- I said I was sorry!
- i'm in a time out! mom said to stay here for nipping at the
new boston.
- sigh, no mailman today :o(
- i didn't do anything wrong!! Why am i the one to always get
time out.?
- ...and I hate these stomach crunches
- And for Thanksgiving, I will do my turkey impression.
- You know, I'm not completely sold on this doggie yoga / meditation
- Boston Yoga
- no...i ain't comin' down till you 'pologize
- If that's the way mommy wants to be.. I will stay here in
this corner until ... until... she lores me back with a treat!!!
- Can't we please watch something else besides football!
- only...five...more...uh...a song will help. let's get physical,
- I'm so dog tired, i can barely...zzzzz
- Mattie demonstrates her variation of the "downward facing
dog" pose
- Sniff..cookie crumbs, spaghetti, cheescake--sniff, sniff..
- If you won't toss the ball, I'm gonna sit here and pout!
- I need a Vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Darn Time out again!
- Time out sucks!!!!
- You sleep the way you want and I'll sleep the way I want!
- One sit up - 99 more to go!
- I'm sorry mommy.... can I come out of time out yet?
- I'm not talking to you right now!
- Mattie decided after 1 sit up that it just wasn't worth it.
- Mom's right that febreeze stuff does smell good.
- From this spot, I can see the enemy (cat) movements anywhere
on the street outside.
- "Mom, Somebody dropped chewing gum on the chair arm!! Help!
- Mattie was very self-conscious about passing gas with company
in the house.
- OK, now for the "downward dog" pose.
- I'm so lonely. This chair smells like my person.
- "Wink,wink. Hi there, how are you?" Yep, I'm pretty much the
best at pickin' up chicks.
- "That febreze works great!"
- Fine! I didn't want that stinky old toy anyway!
- Seven, eight, nine, ten! Ready or not here I come!
- time out should be classified as animal cruely .
- I'm never speaking to you again!
- Mattie thinks long and hard about the consequences of stealing
that dog biscuit, while sitting in the corner.
- What me worry?
- Why did I put my mouth into that quick-glue-can?
- "1, 2, 3, 4,...."
- They should of told me the pillow wasn't a new chew toy!
- Febreeze. It's that fresh.
- I'll just sit here, and pout until i get what i want!
- I'll just rest my chin here for a second.
- Well... I,m not talking to you either.. so there!!!
- She told me to go sit in the corner,so I did.
- Look Mom, I'm wiping my nose on your sofa...
- Ohhhh Man! TIME OUT AGAIN!!!!!
- mmm, tastes like chicken!
- Go ahead he said. They'll never know he said. Now look at
me. I should've known those pictures would turn up.
- Awww....I hate sittin in the time-out chair!
- If they find out what I did I am a goner!
- I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
- My's heavy....
- I don't care if they are slimming, this is my LAST sit up!
- This is my new television watching routine.
- The store shows off the lastest new item
for sale: Boston Throw pillows.
- Mattie always pouts when she can't watch Scooby Doo.
- This is much better than my noise on the chalkboard!
- I HATE time-outs!!
- I swear! The floral print tastes like flowers!
- This Febreeze smells GREAT!
- Mattie waits patiently for time out to be over...
- mmm...cheeze sticks.....ZZZ....french fries....drumsticks...
- Time out..... harumph!
- Just because I found the bag of snicky snacks and ate them
all I have to have a timeout. jeez!
- Momma told me not to stick my tongue to the sign post, she
didn't say anything about licking the chairs
- tastes great, less filling!
- Even my lips are tired!!!
- Some days aren't worth chewing through the leather restraints!
- Mom, I am not watching Nip/Tuck! I have my eyes closed.
- Mattie demonstrating her pilates expertiese: "And a 1,2,3,
Reach for thoes paws! feel the burn!"
- HMMM What can I get into now????
- smells like burritos!
- Too.......many.......margaritas.
- I knew I shouldn't have had those sour lemon drops.
- Timeout? It was an accident!
- "I want to go out and play"
- Poop! I did it on the couch again!
- Time out sucks.
- Mom said that I could stay up as long as I wanted...zzz...zzzzzzz
- My butt itches maybe if i rub it on the couch.......
- maybe they wont see the hole if i sit right here.
- This Yoga stuff is hard!
- Time out...
- I hate being in time out....
- Hmmm ... minty fresh!
- *sniff* I'm not talking to zzzzzzzz...
- Charmin? I don't need no stinkin Charmin!
- Putting super glue on the arm rest IS NOT funny!
- Toilet paper would be so much easier!!!
- This is the new downward facing dog yoga pose
- I hate time outs!!!!
- Mattie is practicing for being "The Thinker"
- For just $19.95 + s&h you can have your very own Boston Throw
- So this is the spot that he peed on!!!
- Ok now how am I gonna get turned around to finish scratching
my butt?!?!
- I'm in time out
- "Hurry up and wait!"
- "I hate time out, why am i the only one to get in trouble!"
- Dang all that cheese I ate!
- Mattie, having been caught sneaking extra cookies, has been
put on a time out.
- I'm sorry mommy!
- who's stupid idea was 'time out' anyway??
- *sniff, sniff* Oh,yeah, they had the cheez whiz out last night!
- sofas: nature's slobber napkins
- but i wanted to wear my other collar today....
- zzzzzzzz- hey, is that the can opener??
- (sniff) but that bunny slipper was practically beggin' me
to eat it, mom...
- If you won't throw my toy, I'll just pout!!
- Why can't I ever find a treat in the couch cushions??
- Mattie's mom, in the background, "Now where did I lay that
tube of super glue?"
- I'm telling you, this time-out thing doesn't work on us bostons!
- Hmph! You NEVER let me control the remote to the TV!
- 3 more sit ups!!!!1-2...
- If only I could remember where I put my owner!
- Man do I have an itch!!!!!!
- Now you sit in your time-out chair and think about all that
cat food you just ate. Bad Mattie!! lol...
- your wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooderful
- Well I went over my Weight Watchers points in biscuts today!
- "mum thinks I'm resting, but this is just a ploy to snack
on the couch. Now if I just keep chewing reeaaaly slowly...mmmm"
- Looks like Mattie is reacting the seen in a Christmas Story,
thank goodness there is no ice or metal pole.
- "Febreeze, even Boston's can't resist the freshness!!"
- This Yoga stuff may actually work!
- I hate rainy days!
- "Nobody Loves Me. Everybody Hates Me. Guess I'll Go To The
Garden And Eat Some Worms"
- If I have to watch another reality show I'll lose it.
- Hey why am I in time out? What did I do? All I did is use
the bathroom.... Is that crime at all?
- I'm so sleepy!
- In the typical "sit flat on my ass" stance of the Boston Terrier,
Mattie finds that staying awake is simply too much trouble at
this time...She will however take pleasure later on when a human
gets up from this chair with black pants on....
- Mattie gets a "time-out".
- sniff sniff zzzzzzz sniff sniff zzzzzzz
- I was scratching my butt and fell asleep!!!!!Awww.....
- Alright FINE!!! I'll just sit here till you change your mind
- And the yoga instructor said bend how?????
- It didn't do it, I didn't do it, I didn't do it!!!
- I am so irritated...I just want some time to myself!
- Doggy yoga
- I don't get no respect. rodney dangerfield
- Missed dinner again
- What do you mean "time out"? All I did was eat your shoe!
- I bet Rodin's Thinker wished he had this cool chin rest.
- Can't talk...channelling The Thinker.
- Mom, I am NOT tired I'm just resting my eyes for a bit!
- Here I am again in the naughty chair.
- Mattie in time out
- I bet I can find an old cheeto in here.
- Febreeze??
- Drink Milk.
- Yoga time!
- Ok-I got step 1 down.Now what was step 2 in that toilet training
- I'm really that tired!
- after mattie watched the last epiisode of Dracula she was
so terrified she didn't come off of the couch for a week..........
- "I is de-term-end to sit like gramma! How's my hunch? Good?"
- I couldn't find the tissues.
- No wonder my back has a crick!
- Febreeze, I love that smell!
- I got caught eating table scraps, got in trouble for pooping
on the floor, and lost my favorite squeaky toy! So, how was
your day?
- Mattie practices her Couch Potato impersonation for Halloween.
- I hate being sent to time out!
- I LOVE new couch smell!!!!
- ah...that doggie yoga is really paying off, i feel so....zen!
- wait hold on I really gotta go...seriously!
- But Mom...I didn't eat the homework!
- Mattie, does her best Peter Rabbit impression
- Sittin on my bum, sittin on my bum. Don't know what I did.
Sittin on my bum.
- **sigh** I could really use a hug.
- Contemplating the deed that earned the "Time Out Chair".
- Hangin' around, nothin' to do but frown. Rainy days and Mondays
always get me down.
- "Here I sit all broken hearted... Tried to s*** and only farted"
- kiss my itchy bum
- I DIDN'T DO IT! *humph* Time out sucks!
- The best feature of Mattie's new couch was the "head rest".
- Ten more sit-ups to go, and I'll have that sleek six-pack!
- i tried to tell thiem the cat did it
- these push ups are easy with a head rest!
- MOMMMMMMMM.......I don't think I deserve Time Out
- I'm just sittin on the dock of the bay...wasting tiiiime.
- Time out. Harumph.
- don't mess with me this is my blue period
- Looks like someone is trying to sit up.
- I amb tiyurd, vewy tiyurd, my hed iz hebby, vewy hebby - z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z
- And one, and two, and one and two -- lemme just rest my widdle
head, these stomach crunches are brutal !
- Here Mattie almost executes the extremely difficult "toes
to the nose" couch dive.
- Time-out? O.K.; just as long as the cat has to do it,too!
- Guess I'll go eat worms now
- Just cuz I got my feet a little dirty doesn't mean I should
go to time out!
- The armest and I are bonding marvelously.
- This timeout business sucks....
- How come I get a time out? He started it!
- I had 1 to many drinks
- Get drunk once and he leaves
- "97, 98. 99, 100...ready or not, here I come!
- Ah, finally time to relax. Hey, is that Snoop winking at me
out there?!?!
- I would love to hear the story behind this picture!
- too adorable
- This looks just like my Boston Bam! He looks just like this
when he is relaxing on the couch.
- He's so cute i love my bosten terrier her name is piper!!
- awwwwwwww how cute my boston terrier does that same thing
on the couch!!!!
- what a cute picture. I love it
- awwwwwwww!!!! This is a beautiful boston. And awfully cute.
- Aww!! That is the cutest boston with the chin and the toes.
I love the toes!
- look how cute she is!
- nice shot
- This is a very cute picture!
- Very cute pic!
Great captions everyone!
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