Winning Caption: You better be happy this weed is holding
me back!
Outstanding Submissions:
- This flower looked at me the wrong way!
- Landshark.
- This vegetarian diet is making me cranky!
- Attack of the wild grass!!
- I'm so sick of these things smacking me in the face as I run
by. I'll show them!!!
- I bite your head
- just make sure everything growing out here is recreational!!!
- I don't bite. Acually, I do.
- Grass won't eat itself, so Seamus eats it.
- Waiter, this doesn't have flowers!
- Come any closer, and the grass gets it!
- Weed whacky
- landscaper's challenge.
- Stay tuned for more of "Psychotic Herbivores" after
these messages.
- Oh Dad!- you don't have to go to the store and BUY a weed
- Nine out of ten doggie dentists recommend daily flossing.
- Never mind the 30th anniversary of Jaws. Is it safe to go
back into the YARD?
- Got Grass?
- Take that you mangy weed! Scott's ain't got nothin' on me!
- OK Seamus, take 13 for the new organic "Boston Floss"
commercial. "CUT!" OK,take 14.
- Moist,spicy. . . well, palatable I suppose, but I still prefer
the grey poupon.
- They told me it would be good for my breath.
- Seamus Brand Weedeaters - They take a bite out of your weed
- Boston Terriers: Keeping lawns weed-free for over 100 years.
- Ferocious herbivores of the Wild.
- Gotta...kill...the evil grass!!!
- Dandelions beware!
- this weed ain't for my glaucoma, if you know what I mean.
- Next week, a brand new episode of Bostons Gone Wild.
- Seamus still fails to see the correlation between eating the
weeds and throwing up five minutes later.
- The lawn mower is not repaired yet?
- Try the new Crest green grass flavor dental floss?!
- Why can't we just keep up with the Jones and by a lawnmower?
- mmmm..... my fav!!!
- I told you I needed to be fed more!
- I'll teach you to tickle my behind while I go to the bathroom!
- pit bull my butt...want a piece of this
- It Reaches New Heights in Shocking Horror! "It Came
From The Backyard"
In Horrifying Technicolor!
- The new gas propelled alternative to expensive weed killing
equpiment, Seamus the Boston Terrier is sure to knock those
dandelions down dead!
- they better give me more than a frickin biscuit this time
for mowing the entire yard with my teeth.
- Seamus tried to kill weeds with his wicked dog breath.
- "I can't believe they made me do house work! All i here
is pick weeds, pick weeds, pick weeds! At least i get my allowance.
- "I love cleaning the yard."
- Yardwork! I HATE Yardwork! They always make me do the weed-whacking
! I HATE yardwork !!!
- BT dental floss
- Watch out or you're next buddy!
- The stylish grass mower.
- I prefer bones.
- Next time, I want a ball, not grass.
- How to cure gas naturally.
- Gotta have my lettuce salad
- what the *&#! is in this grass???
- What do they think I am? A lawn mower?!?!? I don't have a
motor F.Y.I!Besides, grass tastes like the awful food they feed
me each night.
- The Bostonraptor demonstrates that even the toughest weed
is no match for his razor-like jaws.
- I^ve got to remove this bad weed before it creeps into my
back yard,uninvited.
- Don't look in its eyes - It'll ATTACK!!
- It's a well known fact eating grass makes you crazy, 420
- Seamus's owners didn't have enough money to buy a lawn mower
because of all the doggy toys they buy...
- The New John Deere Weed Wacker...available in black, brindle,
and seal.
- Only way to get 5 servings a day!
- Stop pestering me: I'm flossing already!!!
- I thought the dentist said this floss was fresh mint flavor?
- And you thought corn on the cob was bad, try eating lawn for
- Seamus says...tall grass makes great dental floss!
- I HATE IT when I run out of dental floss!
- mmmm taste like chicken
- Yup, forgot to floss this morning
- if i could just get that popcorn out of my teeth!
- Mommy says I gots to keep my teeth clean. This floss tastes
familiar, but good!!
- caracteristicas de el boston terrier
- they told me the weeds are good but not this good!!!!
- But MA! I AM eating my greens!
- Get In MY BELLY!!!
- I'll show those weeds to come up in my yard!
- The real reason the petunias never bloom!
- Night of the Iguana - oops, I mean Boston!
- GEEZ, I get caught pooping on the floor ONE time, and now
I have to pull these stupid weeds ALL day long!!
- Privacy please! Can't you see I'm flossing here?
- Accckkk..The things you've gotta eat to be beautiful!!!
- I just loooooove fresh salads!!
- For pearly white teeth, Seamus only uses organically-grown
dental floss....
- look at me, i'm helping mom with the weeds
- 4 out of 5 dentists say "Floss twice a day"
- And you wonder why I stink?!
- Nasty Weeds!
- Do I have anything in my teeth?
- I get upset when I miss dinner!
- I've just gotta get that popcorn kernel OUTTA MY TEETH!!!
- Kill the weeds! Kill the weeds!
- Our poor short noses can't handle allergens so... Die Weed!
- I guess these people have never heard of dental floss! I LIKE
DENTAL FLOSS! The red kind that tastes like cinnamon. How hard
can that be.
- I heard grass is good to help get things moving inside if
you know what I mean....
- I hate mowing the lawn.
- What?! I'm just doing what my dentist told me to.
- What do you expect me to use? Floss?
- Those darn dandelions!!!
- Seamus the lawnmower..pulling up those unsightly weeds
- I went to Seaworld and I saw this big Boston like whale and
they looked like this. Grrrrrr
- Onion Grass = Gas!
- Seamus...cheaper than a riding mower, and much handsomer,
- "What? You've never heard of the ferocious vegetarian
Boston Terrier??!!"
- Flossing is such a pain when you don't have opposable thumbs!
- I'm firing the gardener! He missed a weed again!
- Dandilion removal at its best.
- Look Dad, you don't need to waste money on a weedeater!
- And, this is a picture of me in my last Kabuki movie.
- Da dum, da dum, da dum.... The thing about a shark, it's got
lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes
at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites you, and
those black eyes roll over white.
- JAWS III ???
- Use the FORCE baby, FORCE, not your teeth...
(Yoda is taking this picture)
Great captions everyone!
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