Winning Caption: That Catnip
really does make you feel weird!!!
Outstanding Submissions:
- After seeing the impression it left on Atticus, Tiki still
couldn't resist smelling the spot on the rug!!
- Hurry Tiki find my button before my sweater falls off.
- Tiki's NOT my Mother? I'm, I'm ADOPTED?!!!
- Don't just sit there at the computer, help me find my contact
- OMG! I think I left the oven on!
- No, Tiki! It's Bitter Apple! Oooh, we'll show those bipeds...
- Did I see a Puddy-Cat?????
- Mom!! Tiki is sniffing MY spot! Make him stop, puh-lease,
make him stop!!
- You're blaming WHO for this mess!!??
- What!? Tiki is a CAT?!?
- No way!!! You're saying I just ate a fur ball????
- OMG...You scared the crap out of me.
- What is Bergmont wearing?
- "That's not nice in any language!!"
- don't take a picture of me, take a picture of Tiki, he's more
furry than me.
- Atticus: "Eek! A mutant mouse!" Tiki: "Where?!"
- Atticus discovers that he's been wearing his mom's sweater
all day and Tiki never told him.
- Tiki:"Looks like it's time to get your temperature taken.
Just keep your head down, maybe they won't see you."
- I recommend Bissel ordor neutralizer.
- I thought ALL cats were girls!!
- THIS is my blind date??????
- Tiki will be sleeping WHERE?!?!?!?!?
- Atticus wonders why he is wearing a silly sweater, and tiki
has a fur coat!
- Well??? Aren't you going to do something about this?
- I swear! ... It's Tiki's piddle, not mine!! I swear!!!
- "Oh dear! This advacado shag has got to go!" Atticus proclaimed.
Tiki on the other hand was quite fond of the flooring. She felt
that it enhanced her goegeous hazel eyes.
- I ca't believe it's not butter!!
- Tiki, these lemonheads on the rug sure are sour!!!
- It was the cat... the cat peed! I swear! I swear!
- Can I have a different partner?!
- A cat mom?!?!? What WERE you thinking?!?! I NEVER agreed to
a cat!!
- Sorry Tiki, that treat is long gone!
- Atticus does his best Mr. Furley impersonation.
- Atticus could NOT believe Tiki ate his furball
- Hey, this BT doesn't bark, it meows!
- It wasn't me. It was the cat.
- this sweater is choking the crap out of me!
- Tiki pee'd on the carpet.... I swear.
- How come I have to wear a sweater and the cat doesn't? It's
so not fair and he's laughing at me!
- MUUUUUMMY, what's that just next to me?!
- Atticus "I can't belive Tiki ate the whole thing"
- Tiki- don't look now but the gravy boat is about to fall off
of the table!
- "I tot I taw a puddy cat"
- Atticus: "Whoooaaaa! That smells bad!" Tiki: "What? I dont
smell it."
- Words cannot decribe, how i look!
- Oh, Tiki, they know you went on the carpet!
- Atticus: Caught in the act of wearing the Cat's Pajamas.
- was that me? Did i do that?
- Whatchu talkin' bout, Tiki?
- Atticus thinks to himself Tiki I should have let you eat the
peanut butter!
- QUICK they're comin... hurry hide! i wasn't supposed to have
friends over when my humans are out... ohh i better not get
in touble...
- sweater. too. tight. tiki. get. help.....tiki?
- MOM! I told you not to let my friends in the house when I
was wearing this dumb sweater!
- Atticus learns the hard way not to make faces at Tiki, when
he realizes that smacking him on the back will make him stay
that way.
- What do you mean she's my new sister?!!
- The MIB use the mind flasher on an unsuspecting Atticus, who
just witnessed Tiki the alien turn into a cat!
- Tiki, I thought you said this Blair Witch thing wasn't real.
I am so, so scared right now.
- MOM!!! I told you not to let Tiki in MY ROOM!
- Don't scare me like that!!!
- uh oh, catnip is for cats.
- Moooooo!
- Atticus, you shouldn't make a face like that, it could stick.
- Ah oh....I think Tiki is on to my private pee spot....
- You're taking my picture next to...THIS???
- What? Are you crazy?! No, we didn't make a stain on the carpet!
whispers-Tiki, keep your nose over the stain so they won't see!
- i licked what?? cat pee?? uhh ohhh!!!
- AHHH COME ON!If he doesn't have to wear one of these, why
do I?
- I promise Mom, it wasn't me who made the stinky!
- Can you believe this?!? This furry feline thinks it's a dog!!!
- "It's not STUFFED! It's REAL??!!!" We have to keep it???!!!!
- did you see what that cat did
- Catnip, it's not just for cats!!
- "You can't be serious, they are actually filming another Rocky
- Come Watson, let us investigate the Great Carpet Caper!
- (in the background) "jeez jim! it WAS a good i dea to hold
a baccon strip by the camera!!
- Tiki is not a boston??
tried and i cant even get a full couch done!
- Say What!?!?
- THAT was a hairball??!!!
- Mom, the cat is bothering me again!
- Atticus realized too late the risks of internet dating.
- Granma could you take Tiki home over night with you,so I can
get some one on one with Mom Please.
- Surprise!! You're on Candid Camera!
- WOWWWWWWWWW! Tiki is right about the carpet smelling like
- mom, she is doing it again!!!
- Mom, Tiki's calling me Titus Pomponius again!
- Oh my god kittie, I can't believe green shag carpet is still
- Look see he is always in my way!
- GREAT, my secret is out!! Now everyone knows I like dressing
in ugly sweaters!!!
- WHAT! I didn't do it. I promise, it was Tiki, all Tiki!
- NO!!! Don't take the picture!!! It'll steal my soul!
- Atticus gets in sheeps clothing to draw Tiki into the lair.
- Are you done making me wear this silly sweater??
- What do you mean Tiki is a cat!
- "They killed Kenny!"
- Hay
- "HUH!? Tiki, why are we standing in guacamole!?" "Mmmm...Atticus,
go get some chips."
- Tiki bows down to Queen Atticus as she walks through in her
formal attire.
- Nice sweater mom,But ITS almost July!
- Mommy, why do you let this cat bother me?
- "Whhhaaattt???? You really think this sweater makes my legs
look skinny?"
- Do you think Tiki knows I have the catnip in my mouth??
- And now back to the program of the Bug eyed cutie show!
- What is that thing, and more importantly where did it come
- Oh no Tiki someone is comeing!
- Hey Atticus love the new sweater I just might steal it in
the middle of the night! MooHaHaHa!
- I really DOES smell like you!!
- You got me a CAT for my birthday??? I would've been happy
with just the sweater.
- Atticus, you peed right here on April 2, 2005 at 10:00 A.M.
I'm Guessing you just thought you could just do it while no
one was looking and get away with it. Well you thought wrong
Mr.Atticus! Man Tiki, How did you know that! Well Atticus, I'm
just good like that.
- Startled by the voices in his head Atticus hears "I bet Tiki's
head would be a GREAT chew toy!Wait for it.... Just a little
closer........" Bub the Boston
- Atticus, his eyes literally popping from his head and unable
to move, realizes the sweater Tiki gave him won't stop shrinking!
- What do you mean "The carpet is made of 100% CATNIP?"
- "I'm wearing this thing BACKWARDS"?
- It wasn't me. It was the cat.
- You think I did WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!
- "What's up with cats and yarn...I don't need another stupid
looking sweater!"
- Can I eat the cat? Huh?! Can I?!!?
- HELLLLLLLP! I'm in heaven.... grassy smelling carpet! I could
just eat it!
- What do you mean he's not my biological brother??? I thought
we came from the same litter!!!!!!!!
- Atticus says " dont mess with me Tiki i dont just have 1 crazy
eye i have 2"
- ahh! you caught me hangin' out with the cat!!
- Atticus just realized he was caught red handed fraternizing
with Tiki !
- "It was all Tiki's Idea, I swear"
- "We were just uuhhh, well, you see its like this....."
- Tiki doesn't realize they were just caught out of bed after
bedtime !
- like a deer in head lights!
- "The cat made me do it, I swear"!
- Holy smokes...Where did that flash come from? My corneas are
- Holy carpet lint, Batman! Catwoman's gonna heave a hairball!
- sweater-- too snug---underneath *gasp*
- Ok mom, i think you bought this sweater for Tiki.....It seems
to be real snug?
- I can't believe she ate the whole thing!
- Please, no paparazzi!!!!
- YOU DID WHAT!!! Don't tell mommy or daddy please!
- What! Since when do we have a cat!!??
- I think i.. Hey.. turn that damn thing off
- Honest, I did not take it. I really did not take it.
- "I did NOT eat Tiki's fishy treat!"
- Mom.... Tiki said I look silly wearing a sweater in June.
- if you tell mom i whizzed there we will be in big trouble
- Tiki- Dude I think your sweater's too tight
- I thought you said that new vaccuume doesn't loose suction?!
How'd the furball get left behind?!
- No fair! I always get first dibs on fallen food!
- Do you see what she's doing!!!!!!!!!!!
- Aha! Detective Tiki has found the missing clue!
- please don't take my picture
- i love this picture
- sweet!
- Amazing! Just amazing!
- THIS IS FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I love your dog
- THIS IS CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I don't even have words- that is just the cutest face!
- Looks like Atticus ate too much cat nip that!!!
Great captions everyone!
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