Winning Caption: Look! My paw IS as big as my head!
Outstanding Submissions:
- "Mommy does my paw smell like "FRITOS"?
- See! It wasn't me that stepped in it!
- I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth...for a cookie.
- Boston pilates are a lot harder than they look.
- May the force be with you
- Hey Taxi!
- I said...NO PHOTOS!!!!
- Now put your paw up to the screen and saw it with me...daemons
be GONE!
- Stop, No poodles allowed!
- Talk to the hand, I am NOT going potty outside!
- Quiet, trombones. I can't hear the oboes...
- Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing
but the truth so help you dog?
- Your sign says you can read palms, what about paws?
- Don't look! I can't pee while you watch!
- Now that we have your paw prints, Mugsy, you and your "family"
are through. Through, I tells ya.
- Mommy I've got a splinter.
- See...I did wash in between my toes.
- ooh, ooh, ooh, I know I know! Call on me pleeeease! ooh! ooh!
- Move along, nothing to see here.
- "it is the East, and Bergamot the sun!"
- A new Harvard study of Boston Terriers proves that they are,
in fact, developing opposable thumbs.
- Hey! I'm stuck in the monitor! How do I get outta here???
- "Did I step in my own Poo?"
- Don't even think about a rectal exam.
- You put your right paw in. You put your right paw out. You
put your right paw in and you shake it all about!
- I solemnly swear to not chew any more shoes.
- "No need to go any further, if it's not about me I don't
need to hear it."
- Ta, dahling!
- <With his best SPOCK face> "LIVE LONG & PROSPER"
- Hold the pickles.
- "These aren't the toys your looking for!" Using
his Jedi mind powers.
- " Is there a spider inbetween my toes?"
- Die, camera!
- This little Boston went to market, this little Boston stayed
- Stop 'talking' and feed me!
- Hold it right there mister, one bath a week is plenty
- High 5 dude!
- Mom, somebody: call for a pedicure!
- Read the first line on the chart? I can't even SEE THE CHART!!!!!!!
- I promise I didn't track in any mud Mom...see...all clean
- Mugsy accessed the Underground Boston Bash with the print
of her paw!
- Sorry, but the photo session begins *after* the awards ceremony.
- "Help! I'm traped in and in your computer!"
- no pictures please!!!!
- Taking a cue from from close friend, Paris Hilton, Mugsy
requested privacy after the scandalous photos of Mugys and George
Brown surfaced on the internet
- Now that we have your paw print, Mugsy, you'll have to run
your crime ring from the slammer.
- Stop me if you've heard this one...
- Not another word out of YOU!
- "Stop, I don't want to hear why you ran out of treats!"
- Give me 4 man!
- Oh Waiter! Four more Boston Creme Pies over here, please!
- hi five!
- "Pied Beauty," G.M. Hopkins
- Talk to the paw
- Uncle! Say it .... uncle, uncle, UNCLE! SAY IT NOW!
- Stop in the name of the law
- No photos, please! Just let me have some privacy.
- Reach out, Reach out and touch someone...
- Live long and prosper.
- If I'm so smart, why don't I have hands?
- Mugsy, star of Little Beasts, has been arrested under assault
charges after pawing paparazzi that allegidly provoked the incident
with incesent picture taking.
- Halt! Attention!
- Whats this? no can't be....
- hey - i just got up!
- Mugsy is showing her support for the Republican party by flashing
- he cost of fame...papparazzi around every corner.
- Sir, step away from the collar or I'll have to hurt you.
- I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth.
- Stop in the name of the PAW!
- Mugsy rehearsing for American IDOL,"STOP in the name
- more pictures. Get in touch with my agent.
- When I say "NO" it means NO.
- Hay, how ya'll doin?
- Yeah, yeah, I know I bear and uncanny resemblance to Justin
Timberlake... but if you don't get that camera out of my face,
I'm going to have to call Cameron Diaz over to MAKE you move
- "We come in peace."
- Darling!!! Please don't take my photo until I put on my make-up!
- Whadaya mean, how many do I see?
- Movie star is not having pictures today you $@%$@#$!!!
- Talk to the hand, cause the face aint' home, leave a measege
on the phone, BEEEEP!!!
- Slam me five, dude!
- On my honor, I do solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth.... now do I get a treat?
- "Mugsy, how do you feel about the jury's decision? Is
it true you'll be writing a tell-all book from prison!?"
- Mugsy's rendition of "Stop In The Name Of Love"
,left the American Idol panel speechless.
- Stop! where is the dog biscuit??
- Don't even go there !!
- Back fellas (darned puparazzis!)
- Mugsy being sworn in as president of the "Boston Terrorist
- ouch!well thats what you get for stepping on my tail
- get that camera outa my face. I hate the paparazzi!
- wait I'm not ready yet!!!!
- No flash photography, please.
- "11,069,764 divided by 2,767,441 is?....Good dog!!!"
- I, Mugsy Boston Bush, swear to uphold the constitution, and
lots of treats at all hours, even at 3 in the morning.
- Your honor, I show you Exhibit #1...Mugsy is clearly showing
that he didn't want his picture taken, and yet the paparazzi
STILL took it. He had every right to lick them to death!
- C'mon, no pictures please, do you think a face this beautiful
comes for free?
- I'm THIS MANY years old!
- Whadaya mean cover BOTH EYES to play Hide and Seek?
- The long arm, er...paw of the law.
- Halt, who goes there?
- I bless you all oh little beasts...go in peace and fart no
- In a scene from Star Trek episode (#49), Mugsy the Vulcan
Boston tells Capt. Kirk to "live long and prosper."
Mugsy then squeeks his squeeky ball twice, twice again, 9 more
times, and then 3 times. The sequences proves to be the exact
year in which Kirk would later die (2293).
- MAAAAAAAAA!!!! It hurts!! Pull it out!! I'm never touching
a bumblebee again!!!!!!!
- Mugsy denies all charges and refused comment until after
the jury's verdict.
Most Popular:
- Stop, in the name of love!
- Stop in the name of love, before you break my heart...
- talk to the paw
- Talk to the Paw because the dog ain't listenin
- Talk to the paw, cuz the bat ears aren't listening.
- Talk to the paw bitches...
- Give me five!
- Enough, already! No more photographs! Stupid paparazzi!
- Damn paw-parazzi!
- No autographs please
Great captions everyone!
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