Winning Caption: "What?"
Outstanding Submissions:
- Yeah......I broke it, so what?
- Rubys first attempt at using a spoon failed miserably...<Sigh>
- I warned you about withholding table scraps didn't I?????
- I said room temperature! Get it right this time.
- What kind of place is this? There was a fly in my soup!
Ruby's new mantra: I am not a porcelain dog. I am not a porcelain
dog. I am not...
- Yeah ... it was me alright. Wanna make something of it?
- What bowl?
- Ah, it's as I suspected...Ruby did it in the kitchen with
the spoon.
- I'm lawyer'd up, so don't ask me no questions!
- Ruby's insistant that the Whippet did it.
- So pleading the 5th on this one....
- I SAID I don't like Oatmeal!
- You call that fine china?
- "Oops...I guess I licked too hard!"
- WHO DID THIS? Do you people have ANY idea how hard I work
to keep this floor clean?
- does this mean i get a spankin?
- "I just got here and you know what? There's a dish on
the floor and it's broken! Who could've done that? Those darn
- Look, we are never going to agree on this. Why don't we write
Miss Manners and let HER decide.
- What? The evidence is purely circumstantial.
- What? I was still hungry.
- I plead the 5th!
- What bowl?
- Ruby stands tough in the face of adversity.
- "Yeah, I did it, what ya gonna do about it?"
- You didn't see nothing! Comprende?
- I am so mad! Who broke this bowl?
- Well, if you'd put the food on the floor in the first place
we wouldn't be having this problem, now would we?
- "I told you dad was sneakin' pie when you weren't around...Now
I have the proof!"
- Mom I'm sorry, the cat made me do it.
- oops!
- spilled your cereal!
- what was an EMPTY bowl doing on the table anyways?!
- "Hey I said that I some, thats what you get for not giving
me any of your food!
- "Did I do that?"
- Okay, there's a bowl, but were's my food? Oops!! That's not
mine!! Cleanup on isle 7, again.
- It wasn't me!
- No use crying over spilled milk
- Yes mommy I did it, and I'm ready to take my punishment!
- "Look what that damn cat did!"
- Who broke the dish? [dumdumduuuum] Find out on next week's
episode of "Are You Really Inocent"
- What, I didn't do nuffin'. Seriously.
- I swear the cat did it! I just saw her!
- I'm sorry, I was just trying to clear the table for you!
- I know what you're thinking, but I swear it wasn't me.
- Im in trouble now
- I was not playing with the bowl
- I was framed!
- Don't look at me - the CAT did it!
- "But it wasn't me! It was the one-armed man...."
- Hey...I didnt do anything...hey, there's a clean bowl broken
on the floor!
- I was done eating anyway!
- I said no peas, no carrots, no spinach, give me MEAT!!!!!!!
- It was the cat!! I saw the whole thing.
- Did I do that?
- Nope, It wasn't me!
- Come on mom, wasn't it worth breaking that plate just so you
could see this sad, remorseful face!
- Hmmmmp, you got somethin' to say? I didn't think so.
- There be trouble now!
- Whoa, did you feel that earthquake?
- I just wanted one little taste!
- Uhhhh... The cat did it!
- Ruby, in her best Steve Erkle voice: Oooops did I..... do
- "It wasn't me"
- I told you - I only eat meat!
- uhhh... fluffy did it mommy!
- I didn't do it!
- Ok, so this was totally not my fault, and I will show you
by sticking out my lip in distress!
- "I love you mommy!"
- Don't look at me, I didn't do it...
- Yo, Mom........I said I wanted eggs and bacon, not that stupid
oatmeal again!
- The stuff on top tasted good. But the crust was too crunchy.
- Yeah I did it......whatcha gonna do?
- I didn't do it, it just fell!!!!!
- The ice cream was really yummy, but the bowl was a bit crunchy.
- That bowl jumped off the table and tried to attack me!!
- " That cats did most of it i just cleaned up."
- "How did this dish get down here?"
- "Read my lips, no more diet food!"
- i didn't do it. no one saw me do it. you can't prove anything.
- But Rocky Road is my FAVORITE!
- This is just a taste of the destruction you will witness unless
you hand over those cookies!
- I didn't get what I wanted from Santa Paws.
- I saw the cat do it! Honest I did!
- See what you made me do! Now I'm mad!
- See what happens when people make me mad!!!
- Now you have a matching set of bowls!
- I was trying to fix you breakfast in bed.
- I swear it was the cat!
- I was just checking to see if the Dish really ran away with
the spoon.
- Man, even Humpty Dumpty didn't catch this much grief!
- Will you get me some more oatmeal?
- I wish that stupid dish would have ran away with the spoon
- like it's supposed to!
- fell, fell
- Why are you lookin at me that way? I couldn't possibly have
done it.
- If you would have just left the bowl on the floor for me,
this would never have happened.
- Well, time for the Corel!
- I hope you don't think this was *my* doing!
- Ok mama, the bad news is the kitty knocked the dish on the
floor. The good news is I took care of it and the kitty is now
in my belly.
- i said i do not do deashes!
- Yet another boston gets framed by a cat!
- Heyy, I was gonna eat that!
- "who me? of course not!"
- Once again Ruby gets the blame for the "I didn't do
it" ghost.
- Think...Think...Ruby--got it! I didn't do it, it was Bergamot!
Boy, I'm smooth!
- "I wondered why this seemed to easy ... she set me up
for a picture!"
- "I told you to give me some ice cream .... but you didn't
- "It was the good expensive ice cream...well worth the
trouble i'm gonna be in when she puts that camera down."
- "What dish? I don't see a dish on the floor."
- Watch Ruby think up an explanation.
- Oh My! Did I do that?
- Honestly,mom, it was the telekenesis!
- Ruby, adopted from a member of the Royal Family, learns that
her dog bowl is not Wedgewood China.
- "So this racoon came in the doggie door, then he flew
onto the table....Yeah, a flying raccon, that's it!"
- The...The.. CAT DID IT yeah thats the ticket! Oh darn we don't
have a cat DADDY DID IT!!
- "So's I tells dis cat, '"Youse best get off dat
table, see? And what does he do?'"
- It wasn't me - I would NEVER use a spoon!
- I tried to use the spoon, but eating the bowl was much faster.
- I TOLD you you should have bought the Corel!
- Look what that cat did!!Can you believe it???
- No, I haven't seen your bowl of ice cream, why do you ask?
- I'm sorry Mom, but did you really expect me to be able to
eat with a spoon?
- I'll make you a deal- you don't tell anyone about this and
I won't mention that the silverware is just plated.
- If there was enough food in the bowl in the first place I
wouldn't be tempted to eat the bowl itself, now would I?
- Diet, schmiet, I'll show them what happens if they cut back
on my food!
- Did Ruby do in the bowl? Hurry and call in CSI - the next
time it could be the chair leg.
- I told you I was hungry enough to eat a whole bowl of oatmeal,
including the bowl!
- Oh, give me a break!
- Honest, Mom, the dish ran away with the spoon!
- Well, see... it all started when the cat jumped on the table....
- I told you to put the dish on the floor!
- Not me, uhuh, the cat did it!
- I sorry. ;)
- (quiver)'was...(shake)...the cat.
- There HAS to be a way to blame this on the cat!
- Crime Scene Investigation-Ruby style!!!!
- well, I didn't break the spoon!!!
- Now look what you made me do!
- Okay, I'm sorry. But if you expect me to try to eat soup without
a bona fide soup spoon accidents are bound to happen.
- Yeah, I did it, what's it to you?! You give me any trouble,
and I'll do it again!!!
- This is why I said "USE PLASTIC." Now I'm gonna
wait here until you clean this mess up!
- I don't know what happened, I was just walking by...but kitty
was just in here!
- ummmm good ice cream
- "I did it and I'm GLAD!"
- Don't know- it was like that when I got here.
Song Submissions
- Sung to the tune of "Ruby Baby"
Oh cereal bowl won't you be mine?
Oh cereal bowl you look so fine!
Come to Ruby Baby or I'll bite you nine times!
- "I'm sorry mama....I never ment to hurt you.. I never
ment to make you cry but tonite I'm the table.
- Oopps I did it again!
Great captions everyone!
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