Winning Caption: Will juggle for food.
Outstanding Submissions:
- Room temperature water, ROOM TEMPERATURE!!!!
- Dolly the Sheep takes a back seat to this amazing, genetically
engineered hybrid of Boston Terrier and Sea Urchin photographed
at the Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania.
- How do you like my new nose ring??
- Note to self: Don't play "Got Your Nose" with alien
toy anymore.
- I told you I could hold this thing on my nose and walk.HIC
- I will SUE that @%$#*!!!! Plastic surgon!!!!! I said a stars
nose not a star for a nose!!!!!!
- When you said if I eat the Christmas tree I would grow one
one the end of my nose....I DIDN"T BELIEVE YOU!
- Boston recieves bewildering plastic surgery!
- i really like it.
- I woke up and it was just there! What could it be Dr.?
- I keep seeing STARS!
- does my nose look swollen to you?
- Lil boston juggler
- Not just anyone can balance this on their nose like this!
- my mother made me wear this, for opening my present too early.
p.s. dont tell but i am really having fun
- achoooooo!!!!!!!!! ewww thats a big ball of snot!
- Joke's on YOU! I'm not balancing this--I GLUED it on my nose!
- Look what I made with the Play-Doh machine!!
- No, I DON'T look like Rudolph, the Blue-Nosed Reindeer! Now
get this off of me!!
- Thanks for the "3-D Magic Picture Ball!
(Oh, my aching head!)
- What is that? I'm gonna git it!
- "Lemme see how long the toy'll stay!?!?"
- Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer has nothing on me!!
- AHHHH AHHHH CHHHOOOOO eww its green and stuck to my nose
- I wonder if this is a side effect from cloning???? Help!!!!
- i love scuppernogs
- "I promise not to tell a story again, just please give
me my nose back!!"
- You think this is funny??? Try balancing it when you have
NO Nose!
- When aliens attack!
- I thought Rudolph had a RED nose!
- I told you I had a big booger in my nose!!!
- This is what happens to a Boston when they tell a lie!
- Rudolph, smudolph, wait til santa sees me!
- Ptolemy the blue-nosed boston, had a very rubbery nose. And
if you ever saw it......
- Another Boston nose job gone wrong.
- And they say that seals are the only ones who can balance
things on their nose.
- Look mom! No paws!
- the Boston equivilent of a lampshade on the head!
- Hey! There's a star fish in this aquarium!
- i got it i got it
- Who needs a seal when you have me?
- I....can't....handle....FLASH CAMERAS!!!!
- This can happen to you. Don't do drugs!
- Puppy Jaws coming to all theaters near you. Comercial and
movie not yet rated.
- Now that's a booger!
- "Check out my new toy. Close up time!"
- It appears to be a tesla coil test.
- Ptolemy submits his picture for "Extreme Makeover"
in hopes of getting expensive rhinoplasty
- I am perfecting my routine for Pet Star on Animal Planet,
please don't disturb me!
- A tragic atomic energy accident turns a boston into the world's
first Atom-o-Dog!!
- Chernobil mutation affects bostons as well...
- The solar winds have turned me into a cirque du soleil freak!
- Hey, a green UFO with little purple dogs in it!!
- Ptolemy was the star canidate for the new Earth Link gimic.
- I asked the plastic surgeon for a nose job but this is ridiculous!!!
Great captions everyone!
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