Winning Caption: Bergamot is about to discover the truth
about the Matrix...
Outstanding Submissions:
- Is somebody watching me or can I eat this?
- Tooth Fairy Bait...
- POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO, WAIT!?!?!?!?!
- I am awake...awake.....and my eyes are getting tired...I feel
relaxed and I feel nothing...nothing........OH MY GOD.......THEY
- Would you toast it for me please!
- Thirty second rule? In dog years that's at least a week.
- Hey! Look what I found Snowman "Poop"!
- It's mine, all mine and it will NEVER be yours!
- I think my pillow shrunk mommy!!!!!
- If I eat another marshmallow I'm gonna hurl.
- Wanna see my Pac-man imitation?
- Oh great! I haven't had an accident for weeks and someone
let a snowman in and he poops on the rug! I know they'll blame
me for this one!
- This is what is left of the stay-puft marshmallow man
- Bergamot is being brought up on charges of marshmallow possession
with intent to eat. Oh, the shame.
- students who broke the chalk, I WANT MY CHALK!
- $5.00 says I can get it in my nose...
- Alright I've got the marshmallow so where is the hot chocolate?
- Okay. No one's looking. All I have to do is stick my tongue
out and quickly stick it in my mouth. Oh rats. They caught me.
Just remain calm and look cute.
- I think the pillow is a little small mom?!
- Bergamot is ahead by a nose in the annual BT marshmallow pushing
- Look what the snow bunny left (I don't think it's an egg)
- We're gonna need a bigger pillow..
- Breath mint anyone?
- Now you see it...
- "A Pill Push'n Pup"..Or in this case a Marshmallow
- What's this? Snowman Poop?
- Excuse Me.... I lost my contact lens. Would someone tell me
if THIS is IT?
- Bergamot! Super Canine Drug Sniffing Dog! If it's out there,
Bergamot will find it!
- This is the BIGGEST TOOTH I have EVER SEEN!!!!!!
- UNCLE! UNCLE! Ok....I'll take the darn pill, just let go
of my legs!!!
- this chalk smells funny.
- "I'm telling you, I can't eat just one. If you leave
this marshmallow here, I'll want the whole bag. What will the
vet say?"
- If I lay very, very still, this marshmallow won't even notice
I'm here.
- Mom, can you please put this marshmellow in my mouth, I am
too lazy to move.
- yeah right like i would eat a suppository.
- Don't even try it, Emrys.
- It's insulting that you think I would fall for the ol' medicine-that-looks-like-a-treat
ploy again.
- Marshmallow, marshmallow you smell sooo yummy, as soon as
mom turns around you're in my TUMMY!
- Honest, I did not lick it I'm just smelling it.
- Refusing to quit trying, Bergamot continues to try convincing
the marshmellow to dance and sing
- I just can't seem to break the habit...
- snowman poop? really?
- Bergie, Full of Grace: The Movie
- How many times do I have to tell you??? I'm NOT a bloodhound!!
So stop making me smell things!
- If I act like I don't want it then Emry's won't want it and
walk away and then I can grab it!! Hurry go! Oh this is soooo
- Mom thinks she's so clever, pill hidden in there, not going
to touch it.
- Really - I can only eat 1/2 of the marshmallow!
- I'll eat it eventually, but I am going to wait to see what
other stuff mom and dad are eating first..
- Do you think there trying to tell Bergamot something?
- Mmmm, a scrumptious earplug!
- Dont even think about eating my marshmello
- What Marshmellow?
- It's about time dad dropped the viagia
- "I'm just SMELLING the mini marshmallow mommy...honest!!!"
- If that little one doesn't stop pestering me, I am going
to take this pill and ...oh who am I kidding, she's hot. Never
- Don't you even think about it.
- I did not do it!
A HINT????
- Ma, I found Emrys' pill she was supposed to take rectally
- Shhhhh....if you promise to be quiet, I promise I won't let
Emrys snatch you up, you can trust me. (*Thinks...mmmmm....this
is gonna taste good*)
- Emrys you're not getting my marshmallow!
- Who thought up this "push the marshmallow across the
room with your nose" game anyway?
- marshmellow fellow
- This face would soften even the roughest hooligans.
- Exhausted, Bergamot tries to sneak some of Emrys' Ritalin.
- there anyone lookin?
- I promise I didn't eat the snow man.
- Where did my other ear plug go?
- If I sit really still, they won't even see me here...let
alone my confiscated treat.
- Momma, get this thing off of my lip!!!!
- Momma, do I have to take this human pill?
- Honest! I won't eat this!!! (not until you aren't looking)
- NO PILLS!!!! NO WAY!!!! NO HOW!!!!
- MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...Marshmallow!
- Make sure no ones watching.... then slurp!
- Oh oh mom! The snow man pooped on the floor again!
- Do we really have to go to the dentist to get this tooth
- I promise i didn't eat the bag marshmallows.
- I always wondered what chalk smelled like!!
Shakespearean Inspired Captions!
- To eat or not to eat that is the question.
- Should I or shouldn't I eat this marshmellow?
Great captions everyone!
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