Winning Captions - a tie!
Mattie was sick and tired of being the designated driver
on Girl's Night Out.
Hey Mattie, have you seen my lampshade?
- Mattie is utterly disgusted to learn that Phoebe has once
again drank from the toilet bowl.
- I'm with stupid -->
- I told you. The one that snores ALWAYS gets more sleep!
- Phoebe and Mattie doing their best comedy - tragedy mask impression...
- Phoebe: Horse walks into the bar. The bartender says, "Hey
fella, what's with the long face? Get it? Long face!" Mattie:
What a lush.
- Mattie and Phoebe practice for their facelift commercial as
before and after.
- It was the best of times, it was the worst of times
- Clearly not everyone was thrilled about joining the Pep Squad.
- The Yin & Yang of Boston Terrier emotions.
- Mattie had very evil plans indeed for her dopey little sister,
- What a goofball!
- Note to the Owner: Don't leave your alcohol within reach of
those two.
- "Oy, any more vodka?" Mattie: "Oh, brother"
- Mattie: Everything is always centered around Phoebe. Phoebe,
Phoebe, Phoebe!
- Mattie and Phoebe take a short break from watching their new
Pinky and the Brain DVD.
- Mattie: I hate when pheobe gets intoxicated.
- What are you doing stupid?
- We've been Cloned
- Duuuude, what was in those brownies?
- Phoebe heard picture while Mattie heard wanna go bye byes.
- Every thing you see here is really nice around here,except
that dam camera.
- Mom: Pull my finger.... Pheobe: Hahahahaha Mattie: That's
so immature
- "They were'nt kidding when they say 'Dog Days of Summer'".
- Mattie: "I don't get it." Phoebe: "That's the funniest thing
I've heard all week!"
- Ha ha!!! That was a good one Mattie. Tell me another one!!!
- Adorable Boston Terriers, they "RULE"
- Mom, it is WAY to early to be taking pictures right now. We
just woke up!!!!
- Your ear smells funny.
- Hey Phoebe, get out of the way, you camera hog!!!!
- OMG - this is the best lipstick I evah tasted!
- Blaming your farts on me is NOT funny!!!
- *Mattie grumbling to herself* Geesh, always have to steal
the spotlight, eh Phoebe?
- Okay who farted?
- And you woke us up to tell us...that? hmmmmm!
- HEHE! I just farted....Mattie doesn't know it yet.....
- Phoebe tells Mattie "Dude what did they put in our puppychow...
cant hold eyes open"
- Mattie: That's right, Phoebe gets all the attention while
poor Mattie watches from the sidelines.
- No, you are not seeing double, there really are two of us!
- when dogs get into there owners stash.
- Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? I think so Brain,
but not all Boston's like tap dancing and besides where can
we get such tiny shoes?
- Phoebe: Dat's a funny joke! Mattie: I am not amused
- After smelling their owners socks Mattie wasn't happy and
Phoebe seemed high.
- yummmmmmmmm...that doggy ice cream is great right Mattie..??
- Mattie and Phoebe caught in an attempt to hide thier disgust
that Phoebie has left a rather large drool spot on the new leather
- Phobe: I love that cool breeze on my face, the wind in my
short hair! Mattie:Oh, shutup! Phoebe: You just don't have the
spirit of road tripping! Mattie:Just be quiet!!!!
- "Pst... Hey, Phoebe, I think they are watchin us, just act
- ha- ha- ha! we were um ... just uh... playing yah! mattie
pssssst! we've been caught! stay cool phoebe! act like you did'nt
do anything! alright mattie? you sure this will work? I'm sure
- Phoebe I thought you said you would never smoke weed with
Willy Again.
- oh so she gets to be the first one seen in the picture only
cause you love her more i mean come on i'm the one who should
be modeling
- If you stick your tongue out at me again I'll drool all over
- to taste is to be a happy little dog!
- Phoebe" I'm trying to lick my nose! I can't reach it. Ahh,
I think I got it. Mmmmmm!!! It tastes salty!!! Hey Mattie, you
should try to lick your own nose. It's fun and it tastes good!!!
- We DO NOT look exactly alike... so there!!!!!
- Dang Im pretty baked paco pass me that again.
- We are Boston Terriers if you please - We are Boston Terriers
if you don't please.
- hehe---Mattie doesn't know I got ice cream from mom...there's
a little drop it under my lip...
- Phoebe was oblivious that her sudden success was causing such
distance between her and Mattie.
- Phoebe: Am I in Heaven? Mattie: God is she drunk.
- Mattie's role of Tragedy is starting to take its toll.
- Mattie: "That Phoebe. She's such a slut."
- oooh, he farted!!!!
- Yes, We are double trouble!!!
- Mattie: We know people who know people. Phoebe: Yea, uh huh.
We know people who know people!
- Trust me. The plan will work, I tell you! Poop on the carpet
untill we get liver treats!
- Good think for Phoebe Mike Tyson is not here. That ear looks
mighty tasty.
- Must stay awake Must stay awake Must stazzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz Huh what
did i miss
- Mattie looks in in disgust as Phoebe laughs at the silent
but deadly one she just passed.
- Ever the lady Mattie refuses to stick her toung out for the
- Mom why does Phoebe always hog the camera!?!?
- Mattie gives Phoebe the stink eye after she eats the last
piece of pie.
- Those brownies were AWESOME.
- Say cheese!
- "ha,ha i ate the last biscut"
- HEY!! Can you do thith with your tongue?
- She didn't have a chance to eat - he has the quickest jaws
in the west.
- suck it up, baby!
- "Phoebe, I can't believe you ate the last doggy treat!"
- Get your ear out of my nose Phoebe and stop licking yours!
- That was some wicked kibble, Mattie.
- cum'on mattie you can pant, its a free country, i'll be nicer
to you.
- -Phoebe, what DID you eat? Whew! -Not sure, Mattie, but it
sure felt good. Ahhh...
- heh, heh, heh, I just farted....
- Bet you can't guess what we have been up to!!!!!
- Behold the two faces of the Boston Terrior Theater: Comedy
and Tragedy.
- I said "relax" not "let one rip"!
- How can you say "mmmm liversnaps"?
- She thinks that was bad, wait till she finds out what I did
with her stuffie!
- Phoebe gets in front of Mattie to enjoy blowing air conditioning
- Dude, don't bogart the pipe, dude!
- Phoebe>Must we get up at 4am,to play ball?
- Mattie: "Why do I always get blamed for everything?"
- "Another woof Girls night out!"
- Mattie disapproved of Phoebe's less dignified pose...Phoebe
was just practicing for the centerfold of DogFancy.
- Almost looks like Me and My shadow right.
- Doesn't anyone ever tell Phoebe to Shut UP?!
- "Pick me, I'm the prettiest" "No, I'm the prettiest, pick
- Hey Sam! Can it. It wasn't that funny
- Mattie: Phoebe why can't you pose like me once in awhile?
uh? can't you stop being silly for once in a photo
- Why do you make us look alike? i am so over it!!!
- What is she so happy about? i don't see any treats?
- Hot babes
- Phoebe: Mattie may have gotten the last cookie...but I peed
on it!
- Mattie: That Phoebe, thinks she's so cute, so cuddly. She
has no idea mom and dad are just fattening her up for Thanksgiving.
- Is it morning already?!
- Mattie and Phoebe go together like Paris and Nicole!
- Mattie: I can't believe I ate the whole thing! Phoebe: I can't
believe it either!
- ..and this one is called "the stink-eye".
- Yeah, we cool.
- Phoebe ate the whole treat.... Mattie is not amused.
- Phoebe, blissfully unaware, is getting a major stink eye from
- You think he's cute? You just didn't see him steal MY treat!
- Phoebe: "The Light it burns!!!" Mattie: "Who really cares."
- "Mattie, I told you we should'nt have gotten into the catnip.
I can't see straight!!"
- and you say SHE'S the photogenic one
- Who spiked the water bowl?
- Phoebe, enough. Mattie, you can't decide I'm drunk. I make
that decision.
- Phoebe can't contain her giggles after Mattie brings home
her latest Pier 1 purchases.
- phoebe always HAS to be the center of attention!
- The morning after.
- I swear I don't know who this Phoebe is.
- Phoebe "C'mon where's the food?"Mattie "Oh shut up!!"
- Next time Phoebe you're the designated walker!
- hey can you do that!! i bet you cant!!
- Mattie: Yeah, Phoebe, go on and smile; I'd be smiling too
if I got the last treat!
- Have you guys been in the catnip?
- it's gettin' hot in here!!!!!
- Dude - whoa I don't think we should've licked that.
- Phoebe knows what Mattie's done and is prepared to narc for
the right kind of treat.
- This is adorable!!! LOVE their faces!! smooch em right on
the lips!!!
- hi this pic. is cute!
- awww its so cute and the one in the back is so so so adorble
- Cute Sisters!
- Adorable!
- Very Cute!!!
Great captions everyone!
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