Would you like your Boston Captioned?
Become a POTW Special Guest Star!
Send us your favorite Boston Terrier photo or photos!
at to send in your entries.
Please attach only JPEG image files -- please do not send ZIP, or BMP
format. Please send at least a 640x480 pixel image. The bigger the better. We will resize, crop and compress larger
images as necessary to fit on the page.
All photos must feature a Boston Terrier and will be chosen based
upon 'captionability'. We are looking for extraordinary photographs
of your already amazing Boston Terrier. The photos need to be
sharp & clear so that they reproduce well.
Be sure to include:
Your Boston's name, if they are a boy or a girl & a little
bit about them - we love to meet you & your Bostons.
Your name and email address.
The Prizes & Perks!
Each Special Guest Star will receive an official LittleBeasts.com
sticker and an award graphic to display on your website. Your
photo will appear in the annual LittleBeasts
POTW Calendar and will be posted on the Littlebeasts Facebook Fan Page.
The prize stickers!
Choose from the Official LittleBeasts BT Eurosticker, the Boston Terrier Rawr
Sticker or the Boston Terriers Kiss on the Lips! Sticker.
Official LittleBeasts BT Euro
Boston Terrier Rawr
Boston Terriers Kiss on the Lips!
sample banner - we have many more colors available
Rules & Regulations
The photos will be featured at random so it doesn't matter when
a photo was submitted - you could be selected at any time. Your
photo may appear on any week of any month.
Unfortunately there are only 52 weeks and so many amazing Boston
photos - we wish we could display them all!
Special Guest Stars are notified via email, at which time we
will request the necessary information for prize distribution.
Photos and caption results are posted every Monday. Prizes will
be delivered to the winners within 30 days of close of the contest.
By entering, you agree to allow LittleBeasts.com to display your
photo on the LittleBeasts.com web site. We reserve the right to
digitally enhance any photos as necessary to improve the image
clarity, impact or aesthetics. By entering, you agree to allow
LittleBeasts.com use of your photo for the purpose of displaying
the results of this contest and to include it in the annual LittleBeasts.com
Photo of the Week Calendar to help raise funds for Boston Terrier
Thank you for sharing your favorite photos with us! We have a
lot of fun with the POTWeek and we hope you enjoy it too.
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