littlebeasts boston terriers

Lost Boston Terrier - Ellsworth Maine


cowboy - lost Boston Terrier Maine

If you have any information please email or email and we will forward the information. Cowboy has unusual markings. He is a splash Boston Terrier. Splash Bostons have a white body with black spots. Cowboy has a heart shaped spot on his side.

Cowboy lives in an area that has high tourist traffic. It is possible that someone found him and took him out of the area. Please keep a look out for Cowboy.

Here is the information from Cowboy's owners. They are heartbroken - please if you have any information pass it along to them.

"Cowboy was lost near my house in Ellsworth, Maine (Ellsworth is a half hour out of Bar Harbor) on May 6th, 2008. He is a 4 year old neutered male full bred Boston Terrier, very friendly and not prone to running off. He's black and white, with black spots on his backside, a bit like a cow (that's where he got his name!). Unfortunately Cowboy didn't have any tags or collars on him at the time he disappeared."

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