It's here! The BeastMobile...The
BeastBuggy...The BeastWheels...The BTV!
Or as a friend has coined it: the Human Guided Beast Conveyance
Apparatus aka HGBCA.
The AT3 All Terrain Pet S*****r. This is no stroller! Boston's don't
have no stinkin' strollers - they have wheels...a ride...a whip!!!
The idea behind the BTV is that The Beef's knee gets tired on
long walks. We are hoping this contraption will let us take longer
walks without worrying about getting tired. That...and maybe we
can smuggle the Beasts into some cool places in this thing! ;)
We have not taken an official R-I-D-E in it. But I rolled B&E
around the back yard and gave them lots of treats to get them
used to it.