The Winning Caption
The things you have to do for some Cheerios around here... |
- Bruno knows the value of having a good breakfast to start his day.
- years later someone asked Bruno if he regretted setting the worlds record for the cheerio on the nose trick. He replied, "Hindsight is 20/20/20/20."
- Bruno says, become one with the cherio !
- Bruno's new nose ring goes horribly wrong.
- Bruno was beginning to regret getting into that superglue!
- Bruno has decided that this obedience stuff is for the birds
- Bruno has his work cut out in this staredown.
- Heck this isn't even a Honey Nut Cheerio. Why SHould I Do A Trick for this?
- Pssst.... Bruno. First they start with a Cheerio.
- This is the life preserver they throw me? It doesn’t even fit over my nose. I’m doomed…
- Wait for it.....wait for it.....GET IT Bruno!
- Bruno can't see what everyone else is staring at.
- Cheerios dilemma
- What am I - a seal?
- Exhibited here is one of the many uses for the "Boston Divot"
- If only I had a bigger muzzle...
- Bruno is puzzled as to where the Cheerio went.
- Oops, my halo slipped!
- Now that's just plain wrong...
- Why did mama put it on top of my nose, why not under it.
- Holly Crapppp!!! My angel lost her halo.
- This Boston ring toss game is just not working
- Mama, mah eyes are too far apart... I don't see dah cheerio....
- That's the tiniest do-nut I've ever seen!! Give me a KRISPY KREME!!!
- Now you see it, now you don't!
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Bruno has the cheerio to go with Molly's milk mustache.

Previous Photo of the Week Star: Nessa

Previous Photo of the Week Star: Molly
- I am absolutely in love with Bruno! What a great picture.