The Winning Caption
Outa my way, leather surf board comin thru
- I haz a crazy
- "OMG, did you see how big that mouse was?"
- Whhoaa - cold leather on tummy!
- Poor Pixie thought "The Exorcist" was a work out video...
- Pixie is a consummate professional when it comes to playing freeze tag.
- (Gasp) Oh No! They're Home! Quick, off the Couch!
- No...I mean I gotta go NOW!
- I think I snorted too much pixie dust....
- I should have never eaten those POP ROCKS !!
- Can I sneeze and jump at the same time?
- Nobody move!!! I've lost my contact lens!
- I hate watching The Walking Dead!
- If my eyes were laser beam, you'd be toast.
- No more playing pin the tail on the Boston!
- Durrrp!
- No! You can't have MY chair.
- Pixie waits in anticipation for the Final Four this weekend
- Dis be ma chair!
- Now that Pixie was 'king' of the castle she was determined to keep her title through means foul or fair!
- Someone takes out the nail clipper from the drawer ... and no i am not guilty of scratching the sofa Why meee ???
- Since I am first walking, I wonder how I am going to get off the couch?
- That Cheshire Cat has got nothing on me!
- Peter Lorre lives!
- Pixie's best imitation of a gargoyle.
- You Know I Love Leather chairs !
- Frog Dog!
- Mom! The Dobermans are loose again!
- While Pixie stares in wild eyed wonder at the new toy Mom brought home, she thinks... how long until I get that squeaker?
- Next time decaf.
- Bow to the Bug Eyes!
- Someone dropped the treat jar??!!!!
- "W" "T" "F" is that??!!??
- Uh-oh! Here comes that burrito from lunch!
- Show me: "Paralyzed with fear" ... Good Girl!
- OMG......You say the thermometer goes where?
- Flatulance can, indeed, give a case of the BUG EYES...
- Pixie seeing her first mouse
- SQUIRREL!!!!!!!
- Eeeek, get that spider quick.........
- Boston Hulk transformation ***SMASH!***
- OK, is my "surprised look".
- Yes Pixie, there IS an Easter Bunny.
- "I read on Facebook there was some Chicken Breast for me."
- "You think you can take me? I've got more than Pixie Dust up my sleeve!"
- "What do I spy with my eye? Is that the Chicken Breast I read about on Facebook?"
- Pixie's first Mouse.
- It's not the vampire movie that scares's the commercials.
- A Hundred and One! You can have 101!!!!!
- The doctor is going to do WHAT?!!!
- ah! a mouse! someone help me!
- If I can make myself look real big, maybe I wont need to surrender my chair
- Help. My chewy went down the the wrong throat.
- eyeing the prize!
- Pixie does her very best from impersonation.
- I WON the Mega Million and I don't even know what numbers are!!
- I can't jump that far. I just know it!
- I have eaten too many of my own sticks!
- Pixie needs to switch to decaf.....
- This what happens when Pixie has too much candy.
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)