Special Guest Stars: Zoe, Bogey, Sydney & Mack Rated: Cute
The Winning Caption
"What UPS man?"
Outstanding Submissions:
"Why are all of us in Time Out? Bogey ate it!"
Introducing the new four-pack Boston Terrier kit -- you can never have just one!
here we are, the party in the box!!!!!!!
Party in a Box
The original Boston (tea) party.
Adopt us?
Its a party pack!
Are we going somewhere?
I'll take one box of PartyLite Bostons!
Honest we didnt have any butter.. we are innocent...." bogey stop licking ur lips. Your going to give us away"
A party in a box - Boston style.
Don't give me a box of chocolates, give me a box of Bostons instead.
Those contents are so much more exciting than what usually comes in my PartyLite box!! How sweet!!
These Bostons come already assembled and ready to play!!
What the...Hey I ordered a baker's dozen !!
The life of the party has just arrived.
"We're being sent where?"
Where's the party......
I told you to think outside of the box, not to climb into the box!
party "lite", more like a full brew
"One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others, by the time I finish my song?"
Coming to a party near you...
They patiently waited for their cue..."Who Let the Dogs Out!!"
You are not leaving without us!
The Lites of the Party!!!
FedEx us to the big shindig!
We are packed and ready to go.
wait, why are we in trouble? the CATS get to use a box....
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil, & sniff no evil.
Please don't send us away - we'll be good, we promise !
we came to party.
let's get this party started
Eenie, meenie, miney, mo!
4 peas in a pot!
Party Lite presents Instant Party-In-A Box!
We're all the LITE of this PARTY!
a cute boston will all way lite up a party
Four Little Monkeys, sitting in a box . .
Party on, dudes!
Guess who ate the candles?
PArTy LiTe where Bostons love candles with all their bite!
Boston delivery!
Life's like a box of Boston's, you never know what your going to get.
One of these things is not like the others, can you tell me which one is not quite the same?
I wonder if this is what the Boston tea party was really like?
Party in a box!
We'd rather stand in the corner for time outs
Party Lite box set: 4 little beasts each cuter than the next. Cost: Priceless
Have any of you seen the meat platter we ordered for the dinner party tonight?
Sydney began to think..."maybe this is not the right box".
Hey, I ordered a half dozen to a box..Party Lite shorted me...oh, wait a minute here...?
" Laissez les bons temps rouler!!"
All packed and ready to go! Don't forget us....and the kibble!!
It's true, we will light up your party...
My favorite candle scent is "Boston"
"Did somebody order a party? We are about to 'lite' this place up!"
“Alright, who passed gas this time? Egh, it’s burning my nostrils.”
BT's will do anything for treats!
When the Cat Hotel was raided by a lone canine, several community members were brought in for a line up. The victims only identifying piece of information on the suspect…. “Officer, he was black ….and white.”
BT kisses X 4
The PartyLite Boston Menorah
Remember, do not feed them after midnight...
BYOBB....Bring your own box of Bostons!
Well this party's really gone to the dogs...
black and whites!!!!! yum yum
Nabisco tries a new packaging campaign for their Oreos.