The Winning Caption
Tell me again how this will protect me from this "snow" you speak of... |
- I live in Texas. This is completely unnecessary.
- Maggie Mae demonstrates what the "Hang Dog" expression is.
- Do you think Goldilocks will recognize me?
- Maggie Mae is wondering where the matching hat and boots are?
- I love your Christmas spirit, ma, but we live in Florida.
- Geez, Granny is in the kniting mood again!
- I'm only wearing this for the Christmas Picture!
- Now, let's get a shot of you in your Christmas Sweater.
- mom,does this scarf make my head look fat?
- ready for the movies
- I am ready for the snow!
- Woebegone.
- Where's my mittens?
- yah man, you like my rasta-dude hair?
- Really? You're hauling me out of a warm bed just to go jogging with you?
- Mommy says it brings out my eyes..
- Where are you putting that?. My where?
- De scarf, it matches de
- Tell Rod Stewart to stop telling me to Wake Up!
- At least it's not a sweater. Hey you, stop laughing!
- Yes, I'm toasty. Maybe too toasty.
- Maggie Mae rethinks her decision to have the hair extensions.
- I dont normally drink beer, but when I do...I drink Dos XX's
- I suppose you think this is funny.
- Pray tell... WHY am I not on the cover of the Urban Outfitters' catalog???
- Don't hate me because I am beautiful.
- The moment Maggie realized she was destined for short hair.
- Maggie Mae had hoped for some color pop, muted neutrals were so out.
- What? You don't like my weave?
- Maggie Mae prepares for her debut on the fashion runway.
- Do you like the one from target...... or the one from walmart?
- Oh great!!! Mom's crocheting again.
- Baby its cold outside
- Real Bostons wear scarfs!
- What, you looking at me?
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Is it OK to re-gift this scarf to Penny?

Previous Photo of the Week Star: Penny