The Winning Caption
- Extreme couponing watchdogs........
- Sorry we ate your groceries.
- The sample lady is our new BFF.
- First car seats, now this
- The samples on aisle 5 were delicious.
- You never put the biscuits in here....
- ATTENTION K-MART SHOPPERS! Boston Terrier special in aisle 2!!!
- There's a Two-for-One special on Bostons at the Mini Mart.
- Next on the Food Network Channel...Chef Ripley sends Ty and Lulu shopping at Whole Foods to supply Lucy & Brady's Boston Beans Food Truck-
- Food what food?
- Two for one on aisle 12B.
- Ty & Lulu wait for the sled dogs.
- Ok now....where are those groceries you told us about?
- On to the SNACK Isle!!
- Managers Special: Buy 1 get one free
- BOGO!!! Now this is a sale I'll take advantage of :)
- Boston Carriers!
- I am ashamed...
- oooohhhh....Bostons in a carts and they did ride...uh-huh...
- Grocery cart race anyone?
- We buy in bulk at Costco.
- "Hey, Lulu, get your tongue out of your nose or no one will buy you."
- Deli isle deli isle deli isle!
- Lulu, don't do that in the store!
- Buy one, get one free!
- Waiting to be plugged into the Boston recharging station...
- UM, Mom can we start in Isle 5? (pet food)
- Take us to your squeaker toy department, and make it snappy!
- When you plug us in our eyes light up!
- Hey, Lulu...we can't both ride. We'll have to take turns pushing. You go first.
- "Lulu, now that you've licked all the black off my face.... can we shop now?"
- What groceries?
- Love bogo deals at the grocery store!
- Boston Butts Buy 1 Get 1 Free! Load Your Buggies!
- Buy one, get one free!
- This is your most brilliant idea, yet, Lulu! Disguised as shopping carts, we'll get the treats before mom even brings them home from the store!
- Tandem shopping at the Boston Mini Mart.
- "Push, please? We're ready to shop now."
- "Valet?"
- Price check, aisle 2!
- Race you, Lulu!
- What dog food?
- Ty and Lulu have some retail therapy!
- twenty dollars for each boston shipping and handling not included
- There's nothing like grocery cart drag racing!
- BT shopping spree!
- "Lulu, I told you didn't want to go shopping. I didn't have time to put my face on."
- Ty and Lulu try out for Boston Marathon Shopping.
- Okay, Ty... you get the Bones. I'll get the Kibbles. You got your Mom's debit card in that harness?
- "Okay, Lulu... Divide and conquer. You take the Dog Food aisle. I'll take the Dog Toys."
- Buy one get one free! Grab your cart today!
- ...and that's how the "two for one" slogan came about.
- Are you going to eat us
- Ready to Get Some New Toys!
- I can taste the victory...lets get these cart races started!
- Check out a couple of Bostons.
- Time to shop 'til our owner drops!
- Ty one, Lulu free
Outstanding Captions Based on the Previous
POTWeek Photo - (the PPP)
- Well, these carts aren't going to go by themselves now, are they, Ty. Let's call Lucy and Brady.
- Uh-Oh... We forgot we need pushers. Let's call Lucy and Brady.
Previous Photo of the Week Stars: Lucy & Brady