Bergamot & Emrys declare the
snow storm a Nor'Beaster!
The snow is beginning to fall on
our first snow storm of 2008.
Bergamot & Emrys ventured out to see how deep the snow was getting...and
maybe to pee a little.
click photos to enlarge
Emrys is the first one to venture down the snow
covered steps.
Emrys making a few footprints in the snow.
Beefy BT500s it down the stairs!
The Beasts pass each other on the steps as Emrys
hi-tails it back to the steps!
Emrys really wants to get inside fast!
Beefy checks the snow for depth & consistency.
He finds it to be...
Bergamot declares it excellent snow for making snowballs & Snow
Beefy's mission accomplished, he gallops back
to the steps! a blur he is inside again!
This was Bergamot Fury & Emrys the Nemesister reporting on the
Nor'Beaster Storm for Boston Terrier Weather Watch.